Thanks to Ruxton for making available the source to the IndieWeb Best Nine, here are my “Best 9 Photos of 2019”.

The app walks your personal website, looking for photo posts, then makes a collage of the best nine. “Best” is determined by most IndieWeb likes or replies.

I initially tried to use the online version, but ran into some issues, so I grabbed the source and started tweaking it to handle some quirks of my site.

  • My monthly archives contain next/prev links that can be used to crawl my whole archive, but I don’t consider e.g. /2019/01/ to be a “feed”, so it’s just a collection of h-entry items. I updated the microformats2 crawler to support pages that are a collection of h-entry without a containing h-feed.
  • Counted replies marked up as ‘comment’ rather than ‘reply’.
  • Changed the resulting image size to fit more with my site’s layout.
  • Filtered out comments from myself, as well as automated comments on my checkins from Swarm via OwnYourSwarm.
  • Added cropping to make non-square images square.
  • Added some debugging to spit out my posts and their interaction counts.

Here are the links to the individual top 9 photo posts!

You can find my modified version of indieweb-bestnine on GitHub!

#IndieWeb #bestnine #2019

IndieWebCamp Austin is just around the corner, February 22-23. If you register now it’ll help us plan for how many people to expect. We’ll have breakfast tacos, bagels, and coffee both mornings. 🌮

IndieWeb Meetup this Wednesday in Austin, 6:30pm at Mozart’s Coffee. We’ll talk about the latest IndieWeb news and final plans for IndieWebCamp Austin later this month. ☕

Reminder that on Wednesday its #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham! I hope to see you there to work on your personal website - be it new or existing


Moved to San Francisco for three months. I'm ready for a little bit of a PhD break and a lot of adventure :)

Edmonton International Airport → San Francisco International Airport

At: Twitter Internship

From 2020-02-02T17:00 To 2020-04-27T17:30 indieweb science tech adventure

Reply to

So I sorted my Webmention sending issue after an incredibly frustrating day of fighting with Jackson parsing my XML sitemap. I'm still not sure what the issue was, as I've ended up replacing my POJO with another one, but 🤷🏽‍♂️ at least Webmentions are sending again

If anyone is currently posting photos to WordPress using micropub that syndicates to Twitter using, please raise your hand & share your template.

Woops, looks like I broke my Webmention sending yesterday when I upgraded all my versions of Spring / Spring Boot. That'd explain why things haven't syndicated to Twitter today. Film time now, so will fix tomorrow!

I interact a lot with Twitter from my website, and as such the interactions you see are i.e. "Like of @indiewebcamp's tweet" which isn't super helpful. So I've just added the ability to mark up my interactions with some context of what the post was so it's eaiser to see without navigating there.

This is using the awesome and will hopefully make reading Twitter interactions through my site much nicer!

You can see for an example of what it'll look like (including photos!), and for more info from around the #indieweb #indieweb

alias mf2json='python3 -c '\''import mf2py, sys, json; print(json.dumps(mf2py.parse(url=sys.argv[])))'\''' #IndieWeb #bash #climagic

#IndieWeb #bash #climagic

Woops by making the changes in I've also broken my Micropub endpoint's ability to RSVP to meetups, as the response is coming back with a new location format. Oops!

Thoughts on Writing: What They Say · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer

We all want to create successful work. We want our voices to be heard. We all want to be recognized or, at least, respected. But instead of trying to please everyone, you should deep down inside of you accept the fact that it is not yours to decide if others like your work. This will give you immense freedom. Suddenly, you can start to just write, without worrying whether your readers like what you’re saying or how you are saying it.

Strong agree.

#writing #personal #publishing #sharing #criticism #audience #indieweb

And here is what the new notifications look like for for my webmentions

Woops, after spending ~40 mins working on getting my Webmention notifications ( to send the author's avatar in the notification, I've now realised the Pushover API doesn't support it. Doh!

I've just updated to mention that I've replaced Pushbullet with Pushover for my Webmention notifications service! Looking forward to getting lots of lovely push notifications, again!

This blog is more like a trilogy than a single work, (or at least the first three parts in a series:

  • Book 1 (parts 1 & 2) are all about social media - it's two parts because I took a hiatus,
  • Book 2 - ownership, control and the Indieweb, setting the scene
  • Book 3 - more personal, more about me and how I'm dealing with things

Book 1 was me trying to be something I wasn't, exploring an exciting time but doing so in a way that was trying to force things, trying to be the next someone else and not me, trying to be found.

Book 2 was a voyage of discovery, almost a rebellion against the whole idea of the first part. It was still, perhaps, me trying to be something else, not entirely myself but it was a definite improvement.

Book 3 takes the lessons from book 2, strips them down and gets to work. It's where I wish I always had been.

The old blog (2003 - 2008) was a mixture, very much a rough draft written by an inexperienced hand. It mixed the personal with the geeky but not in such a pretentious way. It served almost as a template for what I'm doing now. Now, however, I'm a better writer, a deeper thinker, more at ease with what I'm doing.

There are times I wish I hadn't taken breaks, hadn't moved my writing away from the blog, but then wonder if I would still be stuck writing Book 1, never progressing. I realise that, although it leaves gaps, I needed to step away to move on to the next part.

Some can claim to have blogged every day for the past 15 or 20 years and I say good luck to them, they were lucky to have found their voice early. I have had to rediscover my voice both figuratively and literally and am still finding it now, but it's mine, not an approximation or impression of anyone else.

And that is all I could ask for.

Replies hosted at your own blog

IndieWeb NYC Meetup 2020-01-25 Wrap-Up

#IndieWeb #meetup #HWC #NYC #wrap-up