Episode 65: Greg McVerry, aka @jgmac1106

Episode 50: Jonathan LaCour, aka @cleverdevil

Micro Monday Extra: Late Night In The Airstream with @aaronpk at XOXO

18: @EddieHinkle

Episode 17: @eli

The @IndieWebCamp community has been busy this weekend at IndieWebCamp Online! (https://indieweb.org/2020/Online)
Virtual keynotes & sessions yesterday (see link), great projects & people creating today: https://indieweb.org/2020/Online#Hack_Day_Goals.2FProjects

Join in! https://chat.indieweb.org/

I was invited to IndieWebCamp Online 2020and I will be there :3 I hope it will be fun!


@indiewebcat jumping at a sparkly ball from above

Ah no - since getting involved in the #IndieWeb I've been trying to use my site as the owner for my content, wherever it's for, and then pushing it out to silos after

In terms of how I get the data? I publish content to my site first, then syndicate it elsewhere afterwards https://indieweb.org/POSSE - which mostly happens automagically

I do this even for things like https://lobste.rs which doesn't have an API so I manually post it with a link back to the comment on my site

Hey which feed? I've got RSS/Atom, Microformats2 and JSON Feed!

All of which are generated from Hugo with custom templates

IndieWebCamp Online is this weekend. It’s all remote, so you can jump into the video chat and participate or lurk to learn about IndieWeb building blocks. And then in 2 weeks: IndieWebCamp Austin! 2-day event at Capital Factory.

Searching for an #IndieWeb thing I could implement in Go.

Maybe a rewrite of my #Micropub server? (although I didnt deploy the new async version yet)

Local First, Undo Redo, JS-Optional, Create Edit Publish

I'm at my first Homebrew Website Club in three years, and It's the San Francisco Meetup in the Mozilla office! I feel like I've made a pilgrimage to a spiritual centre of the indieweb.

All of us indie-folks are really fortunate that the indieweb is such a warm and welcoming community.

At: Homebrew Website Club

From 2020-02-05T18:30 To 2020-02-05T20:00 indieweb dev

Local First, Undo Redo, JS-Optional, Create Edit Publish UX

Consider support for Bridgy Publish to Micropub servers

@kongaloosh So good to finally meet you! Remember to RSVP to the next one too!