@Anna_Hax and I are enjoying a lovely Croque Madame for our #IndieWebCamp London lunch 😋

#Morph is a bit too lethargic to join #IndieWebCamp London today, but says meow to y'all

#indiewebcamp #morph

Sending content to your personal website using #Micropub via #Emacs? If I'm honest, I'm surprised it's only just been done! Cool stuff https://doubleloop.net

Publishing via Micropub via Emacs!

A tool created by Kevin Marks to make live-tweeting much easier. Just had a demo at https://2020.indieweb.org/london and it looks really useful, especially with threaded Tweets.

It's about time to demo my personal website at #IndieWebCamp London - I've got some pre-written notes about what I want to talk about on https://etherpad.indieweb.org/IWC_London_Site_demos although some of you who know me will know I can talk for ages about my site and the #IndieWeb!

#indiewebcamp #indieweb

Presenting at IndieWebCamp London 2020!

This weekend’s IndieWebCamp in London has sensibly been switched to online-only because of the current health concerns.

A big well done to the organisers, Cheuk, Calum and Ana, for their initial attempts to keep it going and then swiftly reconfiguring for an online event. Communication with attendees during the week has been exemplary.

I’m very much looking forward to joining tomorrow’s sessions from the comfort and safety of my home office.

#indiewebcamp #london #health

Very excited for #IndieWebCamp London tomorrow - it may not be in person due to #coronavirus but the IndieWebCamp events are built to be remote friendly - and regardless of where we are it'll be a great time. We are a distributed bunch, after all

#indiewebcamp #coronavirus

Hey everyone, out of an abundance of caution regarding COVID-19 (coronavirus), we have decided to switch this March 18th meetup to an online-only meetup.

We will provide a Zoom video conference link 20 minutes before the meetup on the event page and in the IndieWeb chat.


This week’s Micro Monday episode features @kimberlyhirsh, talking about her dissertation, discovering Micro.blog, the IndieWeb, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and more.

@andigalpern thank you Andi! Looking forward to seeing you at another @IndieWebCamp or meetup soon!
Yes: I'll be part of the Online-only Indiewebcamp London

#IndieWeb folks who still interact with Twitter - how do you consume it? Do you use Twitter.com and share it to your ie Micropub client? Do you subscribe to it with your Microsub / Social Reader? Or something else?

80: Kimberly Hirsh, aka @kimberlyhirsh

RSS is not dead you know (nor is Atom)

I need to finish working on IndieAuth in serious-business, it’s the only thing blocking deployment! >.<

IndieWebify h-entry validator should check rel=canonical links

A great point from @adactio - don't resign yourself to inevitability. We can change the way that the Web works, we can take back our control, as long as we fight for it. #TechNott #IndieWeb

#tech-nottingham #indieweb