Is the expectation for this that will contain all of the properties? Or could just be the URL/UID?

For instance, I've got a static site, so my Micropub endpoint would proxy a generated file from the site. If I can reduce the amount of properties to add to this, it'd be good, especially if this is really only being used for post listing.


#books #reading #indieweb #publishing #micorformats #h-entry #h-event #structured #data #json #rss #aggregation #syndication #visualisation

It gets my homepage URL as the author property, but I don't expect it will handle fetching that and following the authorship specification. That's more indieweb-land than microformats2.

BTW, I'm gonna have a quick IndieWeb lunch Zoom at noon today. Link will be in chat.

RSVPed: Attending Gardens and Streams: Wikis, blogs, and UI -- a pop up IndieWebCamp session
We'll be discussing and brainstorming ideas related to wikis and the IndieWeb, user interfaces, functionalities, examples of wikis and how they differ from blogs and other social media interfaces, and everyones' ideas surrounding these.
Phew, I just saw this! Should be a fun session on the link between blogs and (personal) wikis.
Woo! InkStone now works with form encoded and JSON micropub posting! #indieweb
testing to see if consumium has webmention support yet

Micropub test of creating a basic h-entry

Building an IndieWeb Reader Aaron Parecki

Ahhh! It looks like @elixirphoenix released a new version and made a screencast showing some of the new features! Looks like a really good base for a #indieweb social reader, tbh!

#indieweb #phoenix #elixir

Folks who follow my blog's #Microformats feed will now see the context (as an h-cite) that is visible on my site, allowing you to have some context for at least interactions with Twitter, but hopefully other stuff in the future! #microformats

Switching phubb's HTTP client

I'm hoping that I'll keep a bit more on top of mentions not being sent, and may even look at scheduling a batch to re-process mentions that haven't sent (although I'm pretty sure I set up my Webmention processor to do that for me)

Steve Ivy

Also, I really need to implement a webmention server

API history detour for + MarsEdit 4.4

#Photos #Essays #Podcasts

I've been doing a lot of #IndieWeb things recently which allow me to own my data a lot better - such as this tweet which is actually published to my site first, then gets syndicated to Twitter - been fun for many reasons

Hey Spencer, thanks for the kind words.

Have you seen That’s a little tool I’ve put together that makes it easier to post those read posts to your site. It’s via Micropub and there is an indieweb plugin that adds Micropub support to Wordpress sites, so you might be closer to achieving this than you think!

I’m not super familiar with the WordPress plugin, but the IndieWeb WordPress community would be happy to help with any questions. There’s a dedicated chat channel for WordPress if you want to stop by. More details at

Hey @kickscondor not sure if you've seen but the cert for seems to have expired - "4/18/2020, 12:32:43 AM (British Summer Time)" according to the cert. May need a nudge to renew it!

Code is merged, bugs fixed in both Micropub and post-deploy, so this should work!

IndieWeb NYC (aka Virtual HWC US East) Meetup 2020-04-15 Wrap-Up

#IndieWeb #meetup #HWC #NYC #virtual #vHWC #wrap-up

This note will be published to Twitter, and then have its syndicated Twitter URL updated in the post's metadata when the Webmentions are send, so shortly after seeing this post, it'll link directly to its tweet!