100 days #1

I am seriously considering to make a tool like @aaronpk‘s Teacup but with a ready-made extensible database of foods complete with their nutritional value for an #IndieWeb #ownyourdata #fooddiary. Are there any #microformats for this?

#microformats #fooddiary #IndieWeb #ownyourdata

Represent the #indieweb on your Animal Crossing island! To get your own, access the kiosk in the Able Sisters store and search for Design ID MO-5MDH-M0LJ-3MX1.

Also, if you want to visit my island, add me as a Switch friend.

Homebrew Website Club Notes


I think I can expand the ????? a little bit:

  • Your microsub server is subscribed to that channel’s feed via WebSub, so it updates entries for the feed
  • Your microsub server notifies your social reader that there is a new post

To be honest, both of those bullets are kind of ??? themselves, as I don’t think any microsub server implementation has added WebSub. There’s an open issue for this for Aperture, for example.

Additionally, the Microsub spec doesn’t actually specify any streaming or real-time updates. There is an open issue for discussion this, though!

You’ve added to the discussion there with some fun extension ideas for EventSource and/or WebSockets, which sounds like a good approach to me!

I’m thinking about “instant feedback” for my social reader. I’ve already considered some things like immediately showing a post in a channel once it’s been submitted but realistically that occurs when:

  • a post is successfully published to its WebSub hub
  • the WebSub hub sends the update to all of its clients
  • ?????
  • my social reader adds it into the view for the timeline

The question markers would be replaced with things like “my chosen microsub server subscribes to my preferred WebSub hub” but that’d be the hub exposed by the feeds in a particular timeline, no? Thus triggering the need to re-poll the microsub server and update its timeline representation.

Was wondering why the calendar entry for #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham wasn't in my calendar - it's cause I'd got the date wrong on the event (doh!) - it's updated now and I hope to see you there tomorrow https://events.indieweb.org/2020/04/online-homebrew-website-club-nottingham-q0LsZr0uDBS7


I think I’ll start working on my personal API endpoint that normalizes data from the outside world. I’m also done with introducing custom page support into Koype but I also need to work on fixing how Webmentions work when received.

My #PersonalWebsite is https://www.jvt.me and as I'm very into owning my own data and being part of the #IndieWeb, I'm replying to this tweet from my website!

Site itself is Hugo and hosted on Netlify

#personal-website #indieweb

Late weeknotes 024 - Attitude of Ingratitude

This might be the most insightful thing that Dan has written since his seminal 2013 Medium article:

The problem with Scrappy Doo, isn’t that he’s annoying, which he is, but that the ghosts suddenly became real, which is an afront to science.

I know this hot-take is about 40 years old, but I’ve been bottling it up.

#ingratitude #journal #ranting #personal #publishing #indieweb #weeknotes

Have you tried the indiebookclub Micropub client? Based on my usage of that, I wrote up some brief thoughts about using separate citation and review posts. That doesn't capture reading progress yet, but it's on the list of things I'm thinking about for indiebookclub.

Definitely doesn't work like that. I'm posting to this site through my own website, which means I own my content, not Twitter, and definitely not you #IndieWeb

Thanks for sharing my site! As you say, I'm quite big with IndieWeb, and for readers there are quite a few other folks you'll want to see - https://snarfed.org/ https://tantek.com/ https://aaronparecki.com/ and https://www.barryfrost.com/ to name just a few.

If anyone is interested learning more about the IndieWeb, https://www.jvt.me/posts/2019/10/20/indieweb-talk/ is a transcript of a conference talk I gave on what the IndieWeb is

As shared elsewhere on the site, I am very pro IndieWeb (https://indieweb.org) and therefore try to do everything via my own site.

I use https://brid.gy/ to syndicate posts from my own website (https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2020/04/svn4c/) to Twitter (https://twitter.com/JamieTanna/status/1254670009420431360) so I'm still owning my content, but I can still interact with folks on other platforms.

The Garden and the Stream Pop-up Session

Notice of Content Licenses

Is the expectation for this that will contain all of the properties? Or could just be the URL/UID?

For instance, I've got a static site, so my Micropub endpoint would proxy a generated file from the site. If I can reduce the amount of properties to add to this, it'd be good, especially if this is really only being used for post listing.


#books #reading #indieweb #publishing #micorformats #h-entry #h-event #structured #data #json #rss #aggregation #syndication #visualisation

It gets my homepage URL as the author property, but I don't expect it will handle fetching that and following the authorship specification. That's more indieweb-land than microformats2.

BTW, I'm gonna have a quick IndieWeb lunch Zoom at noon today. Link will be in chat.