Robin Rendle ・ 2D Websites

When I log onto someone’s website I want them to tell me why they’re weird. Where’s the journal or scrapbook? Where’s your stamp collection? Or the works-in-progress, the failed attempts, the clunky unfinished things?

#indieweb #personal #publishing #imperfection #honesty

Added the back end code to handle the act of sending relayed Webmentions. It’ll be handy for me when/if my site goes down and other sites are smart enough to cache endpoints used. I should add some of the endpoint caching stuff.

But most importantly, I have to implement the API that can list out Webmentions for things to use. From there, I want to build a set of custom components that can implement a comments section that’ll be connected to Lighthouse via the subscription system Phoenix has.

Definitely going to refactor how I handle Webmention feed rendering so I can use it as the basis in my other feeds. It’s so much easier to do it in HTML oddly enough.

Interesting points on some stuff we’re looking into the IndieWeb, when it comes to handling meta-data.

Okay, fixed up my Webmentions (only the JSON feed). I need to fix the hfeed of Webmentions and see if I can use that to provide richer representation of it because JSON feed is a little janky.

An Idea on Following People (or Organizations or Whomever) in the IndieWeb for Lwa

I’m also losing Webmentions left and right due to this hard failure.

I’ll be attending IndieWebCamp West later this month. It’s online-only, centered in the west coast timezone, but anyone around the world is welcome. Need to think about IndieWeb-related goals for that week.

Ugh, finally fixed my Webmentions and from my recordings, it’s even faster than before. This is so exciting. · Making RSS more visible again with a /feeds page

Personal website owners – what do you think about collecting all of the feeds you are producing in one way or the other on a /feeds page?

Sounds like a good idea! I’ll get on that.

#rss #feeds #indieweb #blogging #publishing #syndication #writing #updates #urls #discovery
#web #indieweb #webmention #personal-website

Refactoring my static generator

A journey to the underworld that is RDF

Well, the IndieWeb doesn’t necessarily have like a devrel team to help build out things for each language / stack - it’s been mostly on what people are coming in with. Like I was lucky to find a microformats2 parsing library in Elixir but I’ve had to write everything else if I wanted it to be in Elixir as well.

If that does end up happening, let me know. I’m comfortable with C# and would love to help see a C#-adjacent library for IndieWeb stuff come to light.

This is fantastic! can now receive webmentions for you, and it'll show them to you in the timeline! This is probably the best option for static sites now!
#webmention #indieweb

ThreadReader app via Micropub to blog

Going to go live in about 10 minutes at Focusing on working on code coverage for my IndieWeb library for Elixir so definitely going to be either looking to splunk on good Elixir practices and what the IndieWeb suggests for behavior! Pull up in 10!

Es ging nie um Matrix

Closing the microblogging Slack