From the IndieWeb chat: Tantek Çelik suggests “Blocktober”. Block the big social networks in October. Maybe you can’t quit Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube forever, but you can do it for a month.

Reminder that it's #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham tomorrow! I hope to see you there at 1730 for some website stuff - it'll be the last non-#Hacktoberfest themed one until November!


I have to test a webmention

15 years of blogging (and 3 reasons I keep going) - Austin Kleon

Why keep blogging? For me, there are at least 3 good reasons:

  1. To leave a trace.
  2. To figure out what I have to say.
  3. Because I like it.
#blogs #blogging #writing #publishing #indieweb #sharing

WP Meetup Stuttgart – IndieWeb und WordPress

Gutenberg compatibility would be killer. All the tools are there in Gutenberg to make awesome IndieWeb friendly posts, but might be difficult to get it to play nice with the current plugins & themes.

You have hit upon one of the great conundrums of the IndieWeb - everyone loves static sites until they want to do something dynamic 😄

I know you already moved off Next.js but I use that now, and it can actually be a mix of statically generated and dynamic content which works great for me.

The other thing to look into is basically fancy build steps. I don't really know if it is common in Jekyll, but in things like Gatsby and 11ty it is quite common to have a build step that pulls data from external sources, then new builds can be fired by webhooks.

#career #microformats
I'm going!

Time to catch up on some IndieWeb!

Sunlit 3.0 for iOS is now available in the App Store! It’s built on the foundation of, but just for photos, and it can also publish to WordPress or IndieWeb blogs. Kind of like Instagram except no ads, no algorithms, and no Facebook.

Reminder that it's #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham tomorrow! I hope to see you there at 1730 for some website stuff!


Interesting thought on how having generic tools for publishing lost us some of the fun of hand-crafted homepages.

once you are given a tool that operates effortlessly — but only in a certain way — every choice that deviates from the standard represents a major cost.

How the Blog Broke the Web – Stacking the Bricks

I hear that – publishing through WordPress got me lots of IndieWeb goodness, but I feel a bit restricted in other ways sometimes. That said, you definitely should have tooling available for people who can’t/don’t want to hand-roll everything.

Also on:

Countdown to Sunlit 3.0: Tumblr blogs

#Photos #Essays #Countdown to Sunlit

I think my ideal social world will be a mixture of the IndieWeb and Secure Scuttlebutt view of things.

Replied to a post I am less active too right now, in the sense of building anything or attending events.

But I hope that just regularly posting and being visible as part of the wider IndieWeb is a useful contribution, too.

Related: this is a really fun listen from Doug Belshaw. He discusses IndieWeb and the issues he sees with it.

Microcast #081 – Anarchy, Federation, and the IndieWeb

Doug has a preference for the Fediverse as an approach to an open web, and says the political philosophy of the IndieWeb is a type of right-libertarianism, because it lacks social equality, and without that it is just a focus on individual freedom.

My gut response is that I disagree of course. But it’s a great jumping off point for some thought and reflection…

Also on:

Plaidophile: Incremental progress

Diversity is absolutely a problem in tech, but IndieWeb folks are, from my experience, absolutely doing what they can to rectify that; bringing in people from all sorts of backgrounds, trying to boost the minority voices, and being supportive of everyone who is trying to make the world, or at least the Internet, a better place.

This is a really good article by Fluffy on the state of the IndieWeb and making it more accessible for wider adoption. Just because we’re not there yet, doesn’t mean that we’re not trying.

Also on:

I Haza Autonomy

My daily writing process