I'll be hanging out at ActivityPub Conf this weekend, starting with my live Q&A session tomorrow! I'm always happy to chat about all things OAuth and authentication! Check out my recorded talk ahead of time, and join the discussion on the forum!


#activitypub #indieweb

ActivityPub and OAuth 2.1

#activitypub #oauth #indieauth #indieweb
At least stop reading Facebook & YouTube algorithmic feeds, and turn off all #socialMedia notifications.

More from @mantonsblog: https://www.manton.org/2020/09/14/stop-using-facebook.html

@aaronpk How to leave Facebook: https://aaronparecki.com/2020/06/14/14/how-to-leave-facebook

Want smaller steps? https://indieweb.org/Facebook#How_to_wean_yourself_from

Aegir.org | Canvassing

Strong same:

I’m glad I have this site to play with things, almost all web development and ‘front-end’ stuff leaves me cold these days. It’s all so process driven, so full of unnecessary complexities and dependencies, it’s as if the entire industry wants you to forget you can write HTML by hand and upload it somewhere and it’s a working website. It’s complexity for complexity’s sake, like what accountancy software companies did to the tax code: “Oh this is too complex you need to pay us lots of money to sort it out.” Annoying. I can see some resistance to it and there are still people making blogs and playing around with stuff, so hopefully the professional professionals will calm the fuck down at some point.

#frontend #development #complexity #overengineering #indieweb #html #empowerment #simplicity

In a scary turn of events, it's already October! But that means it's #Hacktoberfest, which is super exciting - reminder that it's #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham on Wednesday which will be Hacktoberfest themed - I hope to see you there for some Free and Open Source contributing! https://events.indieweb.org/2020/09/homebrew-website-club-nottingham-hacktoberfest-edition--dTrYgmFEBZff

#hacktoberfest #homebrew-website-club

I’ve just reinstalled some IndieWeb support to this blog, let’s see how it works out.

Also, hello again to folks on Micro.blog! 🙂


Indexing My Blog’s Links - Jim Nielsen’s Weblog

You might not think this is a big deal, and maybe it’s not, but I love the idea behind the indie web: a people-focused alternative to the corporate web. Seeing everything you’ve ever linked to in one place really drives home how much of the web’s content, made by individuals, is under corporate control and identity.

#indieweb #links #linking #silos #blogs #blogging #hyperlinks #personal #publishing

Posting to the Fediverse from my IndieWeb site

This is my favorite new years resolution: Bring back your browser bar http://mashable.com/2017/12/27/browser-bar-url-facebook-bad/#k08SwFZ85mqa #indieweb

Plaidophile: Social media break

Process for updating a proposed h-entry property

Runair needs an open source license

From the IndieWeb chat: Tantek Çelik suggests “Blocktober”. Block the big social networks in October. Maybe you can’t quit Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube forever, but you can do it for a month.

Reminder that it's #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham tomorrow! I hope to see you there at 1730 for some website stuff - it'll be the last non-#Hacktoberfest themed one until November! https://events.indieweb.org/2020/09/homebrew-website-club-nottingham-4BIUc3geqfW0


I have to test a webmention

15 years of blogging (and 3 reasons I keep going) - Austin Kleon

Why keep blogging? For me, there are at least 3 good reasons:

  1. To leave a trace.
  2. To figure out what I have to say.
  3. Because I like it.
#blogs #blogging #writing #publishing #indieweb #sharing

WP Meetup Stuttgart – IndieWeb und WordPress

Gutenberg compatibility would be killer. All the tools are there in Gutenberg to make awesome IndieWeb friendly posts, but might be difficult to get it to play nice with the current plugins & themes.