Some Indiewebcamp influence on my gratitude habit

Didn’t wind up touching any code this weekend during #indiewebcamp. I did do a lot of writing that I hope to publish at some point. Which is kinda the point in having a blog. And as it often works out, the code issue I wasn’t seeing jumped right out tonight.

I unit-tested a personal project and now I feel like I deserve a gold star or a cookie

dev life indieweb code

IndieWebCamp East

At: IndieWebCamp East

From 2020-11-14T10:45 To 2020-11-15T18:00

Saw a reference to Ushahidi in a demo @indiewebcamp that took me down a rabbit hole thinking about @blogorlando and the key note speaker. Which led me to this awesome photo by @markjaquith of @ringmaster

attending #IndieWebCamp East today & tomorrow!

Great first keynote by David Dylan Thomas (@movie_pundit)!

Up next, Sarah Hibner (@practicing_dsgn)

Grab a complimentary ticket at and join us in Zoom & online chat:

Personal Data Warehouses: Reclaiming Your Data

I like the way that Simon is liberating his data from silos and making it work for him.

#personal #data #warehouses #liberation #reclaiming #indieweb #silos #pesos #datasette #sqllite #queries #databases #exports

Nothing more meta than the 1st comment to @chriscoyier’s WordPress Comments Wishlist

In all seriousness anytime someone mentions WordPress and Webmentions I get excited. Broader adoption is what’s needed, tools exist.

Seeing if I can knock out some bugs on my personal site I’ve been putting off so I can work on Jekyll IndieWeb this weekend.

Reminder that it's #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham tomorrow! I hope to see you there at 1730 for some website stuff!



#books #reading #bookshop #machinetags #tagging #affiliate #links #linking #indieweb #openlibrary

Digital gardens let you cultivate your own little bit of the internet | MIT Technology Review

Some suggested that the digital garden was a backlash to the internet we’ve become grudgingly accustomed to, where things go viral, change is looked down upon, and sites are one-dimensional. Facebook and Twitter profiles have neat slots for photos and posts, but enthusiasts of digital gardens reject those fixed design elements. The sense of time and space to explore is key.

#digital #gardens #indieweb #cultivation #personal #homepages #publishing #slow #thoughtful

@channyun Hi, I'm in Seoul for a 3 months business trip and wanted to reach out to you because I saw that you're the author of the Korean translation in the IndieWeb wiki. I'm interested to see if you guys perhaps have a Homebrew Website Club and if you'd be interested in recording a podcast together with me like I did with Martijn

IndieWeb East 2020

Attending IndieWebCamp East 2020

Feature request: support IndieAuth for federated sign-in

Liked Open Social 2007 – IndieWeb 2020 by Ton Zijlstra ( )
Thirteen years ago today I blogged about Google launching Open Social, an API that would allow developers to tap into multiple social networks at once. It was supposed to be an answer to Facebook (who then had opened up their platform silo for developers to build small applications (since removed as...
I tracked down the <code>org-html-convert-region-html</code> method in the org source. Thusly, I am going to try posting HTML formatted notes from Emacs to my site via my micropub elisp thingy, and have them also syndicate to Mastodon via Bridgy. </p> Also on:

Reminder that it's the last #Hacktoberfest themed #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham tomorrow! I hope to see you there at 1730 for some Open Source or website stuff!

#hacktoberfest #homebrew-website-club
"Put it on your website" #Debates2020 #IndieWeb
#debates2020 #indieweb