Does anyone have any experience with the whole IndieWeb thing? It feels more complicated than it’s worth.

Adjusting the volume

#indieweb is the best web

My new year's resolution is to read and respond to comments on my blog. Getting a bit hard to respond to every question on twitter, and I think this might be bit more manageable.

fluffy rambles: Distributed toxicity and the IndieWeb

Autogenerating Postman Collections for Micropub Servers

Creating Postman collections programmatically from a Micropub server's supported configuration.
#postman #ruby #micropub #micropub-postman

Tonight I've been investigating a few things for my #Postman API Hack and I've found that Postman's OAuth2 support is pretty awesome - it works very nicely with #Indieauth which is an important part of my hack 😉 I'm also pretty happy with what I'm planning on doing - hoping to get some good progress with the hack itself this weekend, too!

🔖 Bookmarked How I turned my Goodreads data into a self-hosted website with Eleventy
#goodreads #IndieWeb #ownyourdata
Live now! 🎙 @allie_nimmons and @DavidWolfpaw chatting all about the #IndieWeb!

Can someone add some more HTML tags, please?

Reminder that it's #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham tomorrow! I hope to see you there at 1730 for some website stuff!


Robin Rendle › Newsletters

A rant from Robin. I share his frustration and agree with his observations.

I wonder how we can get the best of both worlds here: the ease of publishing newsletters, with all the beauty and archivability of websites.

#newsletters #publishing #indieweb #rss #notifications #payments #subscriptions #writing #sharing #rant

fluffy rambles: 2021 goals

2020 in numbers

#2020 #writing #blogging #publishing #words #sharing #indieweb

Words I wrote in 2020

#2020 #writing #blogging #publishing #words #sharing #indieweb

I’ve decided. My website is in need of an overhaul. I like the concept of cultivating a digital garden whilst also combining some of the social aspects of the IndieWeb, so in the New Year I’ll don my gloves, a trowel and see how I get on!

I couldn't sleep so got up for a drink and did a little more work on the non-WordPress version of the.

It's still intrinsically linked to WordPress because it currently just retrieves the post sections from the database that are created within the main site but, ultimately, I'd like to make it a fully self-contained system.

I'll need to sort out some kind of functionality for logging in and will need to rethink posting and how sections are stored. What will be a little more problematic is working out commenting should I decide to include it.

I would also lose webmentions because my coding skills really don't extend as far as rolling my own solution for that. This, in turn, means that I would lose the current "related posts" feature.

I'm not entirely sure where I'm going with all of this, or what compromises I'm willing to make, but it would be nice to be able to say I use my own blogging engine.

I’ve released version 0.0.3 of mf2 to iCalendar, a library to convert h-event microformats into iCalendar.

It no longer throws an Exception if no h-event microformats are found. Instead it will generate a minimal, “empty” iCalendar. I had run into an instance where an upcoming events page was empty and the URL for the iCalendar was returning the Exception message.

I also changed the default domain to, did some minor code cleanup, and renamed the git master branch to main.


#indieweb #microformats

A Known update

A slightly messy visit to the decentralized web

#decentralized-web #web #DWeb #Beaker #Agregore #IPFS #Namecoin #DAT #hyper

Simon Collison | This used to be our playground

Tending this website keeps me sane. I think of it as a digital garden, a kind of sanctuary. … And if my site is a kind of garden, then I see myself as both gardener and architect, in so much as I make plans and prepare the ground, then sow things that grow in all directions. Some things die, but others thrive, and that’s how my garden grows. And I tend it for me; visitors are a bonus.

A thoughtful and impassioned plea from Colly for more personal publishing:

I know that social media deprived the personal site of oxygen, but you are not your Twitter profile, nor are you your LinkedIn profile. You are not your Medium page. You are not your tiny presence on the company’s About page. If you are, then you look just like everyone else, and that’s not you at all. Right?

#indieweb #personal #publishing #websites #design #expression #writing #sharing #web #history #creativity