Something that I haven’t seen anywhere on the Indieweb: is there a simple guide for services which let you replace Twitter, Facebook, Insta, etc etc with more open alternatives? Preferably written with non-technical users in mind?

Some Thoughts on Commenting

fluffy rambles: webmention.js 0.4.0

I'm going!

IndieWeb-friendly personal sites can work together to provide all kinds of social features to the web. Likes, replies, bookmarks, GIF responses, reaction videos, and way more!

But should our sites do this? Recreating the dopamine-hit, engagement-maximizing, abuse-inviting patterns of the social silos is likely not the answer.

How can we make the web social while protecting one another?

Let’s start a conversation and find out in this IndieWebCamp Popup!

Stumbling – Lucy Bellwood

Our footpaths converged around the same 5-10 platforms, each with its own particular manner of communication. I have learned, unintentionally, to code switch every time I craft a new post. It’s exhausting, trying to keep track of all those unspoken rules shaped by years of use.

But I don’t have rules like that on my blog. I turned off stats. There are no comments. No likes.

#writing #blogging #publishing #sharing #indieweb #socialmedia #rss

Reminder that it's #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham tomorrow! I hope to see you there at 1730 for some website stuff!

“In the case of Capsule, each content creator has their own website — has their own address, like — and then people go there and their first discovery of the mesh is through people that they’re interested in hearing from.”

I had to think about this for a bit, but I think I like this idea as an extension of the current IndieWeb ecosystem. Most people don't want to pay for a domain name or hosting, so I wonder whether Capsule can find a way to enable both groups to interact successfully.

The question for me is, will non-paying servers be able to operate as first class citizens in the federation, with a trusted identity? Will be interesting to watch development.

Does anyone have any experience with the whole IndieWeb thing? It feels more complicated than it’s worth.

Adjusting the volume

#indieweb is the best web

My new year's resolution is to read and respond to comments on my blog. Getting a bit hard to respond to every question on twitter, and I think this might be bit more manageable.

fluffy rambles: Distributed toxicity and the IndieWeb

Autogenerating Postman Collections for Micropub Servers

Creating Postman collections programmatically from a Micropub server's supported configuration.
#postman #ruby #micropub #micropub-postman

Tonight I've been investigating a few things for my #Postman API Hack and I've found that Postman's OAuth2 support is pretty awesome - it works very nicely with #Indieauth which is an important part of my hack 😉 I'm also pretty happy with what I'm planning on doing - hoping to get some good progress with the hack itself this weekend, too!

🔖 Bookmarked How I turned my Goodreads data into a self-hosted website with Eleventy
#goodreads #IndieWeb #ownyourdata
Live now! 🎙 @allie_nimmons and @DavidWolfpaw chatting all about the #IndieWeb!

Can someone add some more HTML tags, please?

Reminder that it's #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham tomorrow! I hope to see you there at 1730 for some website stuff!


Robin Rendle › Newsletters

A rant from Robin. I share his frustration and agree with his observations.

I wonder how we can get the best of both worlds here: the ease of publishing newsletters, with all the beauty and archivability of websites.

#newsletters #publishing #indieweb #rss #notifications #payments #subscriptions #writing #sharing #rant

fluffy rambles: 2021 goals