This is precisely what IndieAuth aims to do. And it’s literally something any service can implement today because it’s based on OAuth2 (y’all use this every day) It’s kinda amazing (and a lot simpler than the stuff the CredWeb is cranking out tbh)

Jochen Lillich

It’s far too cold to even consider buying a barbecue set. But it’s a good time to think about reclaiming the web.

Why the Indieweb?
🔖 Bookmarked Why The IndieWeb? (Webbed Briefs)
#IndieWeb #video #explainer

Okay, time to make some changes to Koype and indieweb-elixir so I can get my IndieAuth implementation up to the latest spec. I might also stamp it somehow in the code-base so I can make these deltas a lot easier. Going to be following from head to toe.

Going to make this into a small series of posts with the commits linked in-line!

I also think the logic in is causing all of the images on my site to load very slowly. It’s like two network requests every single time. I think I’ll rewrite it such that it’s a bunch of 301s to the underlying image URL. I might have to reconsider that soon because I do want to eventually adapt the locations of some images to be mirrored on things like Dat and IPFS. Might not need to do that since they - more or less - do a mhtml download of pages.

Autogenerating Postman Collections for IndieAuth Servers

Creating Postman collections programmatically for a user's IndieAuth server.
#postman #ruby #indieauth #indieauth-postman

I just recently found out Known is still under development. I always did like it as blogging, micro-blogging, Indieweb compatible CMS. I've just setup a new instance and linked it to

Checking out all of the people who’ve publicly joined the online chat community for the IndieWeb at Looking for some slight inspo. Down to see other sites. Big requirement is mobile-first design tbh.

Reminder that it's #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham tomorrow! I hope to see you there at 1730 for some website stuff!

I really love posting straight from iA Writer now that micropub is fixed in Known. It's beautifully simple.
#indieweb #microformats

Micropublish now supports the proposed Micropub extension for Channels. If your server’s endpoint responds to ?q=channel, or your config has a channel property, you can use the new field.

While my current site doesn’t use channels, I’ve designed page management in my new, work-in-progress server to use the new proposal.

#micropublish #micropub

Implementing the Refresh Token Grant in my IndieAuth Server

Announcing support for long-lived refresh tokens as part of my IndieAuth server. #indieauth #oauth2

Well it looks like I've now got refresh tokens working nicely on my #IndieAuth server - expect a write up tomorrow! #indieauth
@TYLTK Mine's back up, and from what I see in the Known chat, you should be back too. Details about the issue here:

Projekt 26

@Cambridgeport90 You need to tweak the theme so that Jetpack isn't included in the div with e-content.
You can use to test. Bridgy also has a preview option at

Something that I haven’t seen anywhere on the Indieweb: is there a simple guide for services which let you replace Twitter, Facebook, Insta, etc etc with more open alternatives? Preferably written with non-technical users in mind?