I'm going!

Looking forward to this IndieWeb Popup! Despite my occasional salty-sounding post about Webmention I am very optimistic about their power as a tool for the web.

How does Micro.blog even work?

Home · castastrophe/wc-theming-standards Wiki

I really like the idea of a shared convention for styling web components with custom properties—feels like BEM meets microformats.

#css #custom #properties #theming #naming #webcomponents #conventions #styling #frontend #development

fluffy rambles: Shoulder, unpacking, gardening, etc.

@jaybearca The Webmention plugin only does notifications. You also need the semantic linkbacks plugin for the parser which will give you the richer data you're looking for.

Micro.blog RSVPs with Webmention

Reminder that it's #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham tonight! I hope to see you there at 1730 for some website stuff, and maybe playing around with some of the stuff I mentioned at #TechNott! https://events.indieweb.org/2021/04/homebrew-website-club-nottingham-7uyCl6f2j0vV

#homebrew-website-club #tech-nottingham

How to Sign Users In with IndieAuth

This post will show you step by step how you can let people log in to your website with their own IndieAuth website so you don't need to worry about user accounts or passwords.
#indieauth #indieweb #oauth

Looking forward to this Webmentions pop-up session next month.

Thanks to everyone who joined me last night at #TechNott for my talk about the #IndieWeb - you can find the recording of the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFXOZww5mmE - I'll also look at getting it uploaded to Archive.org for longevity!

#public-speaking #tech-nottingham #indieweb

Not long now till you'll be able to hear me talking about the #IndieWeb at tonight's #TechNott - hope to see some of you there to learn what it is, why some of us want to own our data and be our own platforms, and more!

🚨 TONIGHT 🚨 We have @JamieTanna talking all about the #indieWeb and owning your data plus we'll be asking you to share your personal sites in the second half! ⏰ O...
#indieweb #tech-nottingham

Happy #TechNott day all! Looking forward to seeing you later to hear a bit more about what the #IndieWeb is, and the ways you can get involved owning your data and building cool things for yourself https://www.technottingham.com/events/tech-nottingham-april-2021

#public-speaking #tech-nottingham #indieweb

In the midst of a re-write of how my site works and in passing conversation in the IndieWeb chat, I think about how to 'show' the IndieWeb as something people can invest in versus a collection of things that...

In the midst of a re-write of how my site works and in passing conversation in the IndieWeb chat, I think about how to 'show' the IndieWeb as something people can invest in versus a collection of things that...

Turning off syndication to Twitter, at least for today. If you're reading this, it's via my indieweb feed on my Known site, or on Micro.blog.

Now that you know why posting for “free” on MySpaceBook isn’t a good idea. Check out Micro.blog. I just paid for another year, again. Totally worth it. Micro.blog is the easy way to #indieweb.

#code #coding #indieweb #maintenance #personal #websites #tinkering #covid-19 #coronavirus #hacking #wired

Woop woop! Very excited for this 🎉 looking forward to sharing a bit more about what the #IndieWeb is, why you may be interested and what folks can do to get involved!

Next week we've got @JamieTanna talking all about the #IndieWeb and owning your own data! Join us Monday 12th April 18.30 online 📅 All the deets ➡️ nott.tech/tn-ap...
#public-speaking #indieweb

Checking on code 2021 Edition

Reading, watching, playing, using: March, 2021