🔖 Bookmarked Federated Bookshelf Proof of Concept – Interdependent Thoughts https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2021/05/federated-bookshelf-proof-of-concept/

Keeping an eye on this work with federated bookshelves. Only a matter of time before we have good IndieWeb-friendly alternatives to Goodreads, and I want Micro.blog to be a part of that.

@JamieTanna @fiinixdesign @hdv Try any platform (social or otherwise) that will let you add a public link to the webpage you're responding to, then use a service for sending them manually. Tumblr, WordPress, etc. should work, though may not be pretty.

Now I finally fixed my webmention endpoint, time to make sure my webmention sending is up to scratch, with https://webmention.rocks/

Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 Test 7 Test 8 Test 9 Test 10 Test 11 Test 12 Test 13 Test 14 Test 15 Test 16 Test 17 Test 18 Test 19 Test 20 Test 21 Test 22 Test 23

Features I Want In My Social Reader

What sort of functionality do I want in my social reader, so I can follow awesome people's thoughts more easily?
#indieweb #microsub #feed #social-media

Reminder that it's #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham this Wednesday! I hope to see you there at 1730 for some website stuff! https://events.indieweb.org/2021/04/homebrew-website-club-nottingham-Mkw6UfbHDPZj


Updating my Tor mirror to Onion Service V3

#tor #site-update #onion

So, I’m taking the teensiest little baby steps towards creating a Micropub endpoint for my Hugo blog 🙈 So far, I can… authenticate, and submit content. The part where that content is actually saved anywhere or published, that’s still in progress. But it’s a start!

In case you don’t read my Twitter: I’ve decided to stop syndicating my posts there for a while. I think it simply becomes annoying for me to handle. I’ll use it to read, and maybe to reply sometimes, but I’m gonna shitpost on my own website like a proper #IndieWeb adopter.

Publish untappd check-ins to micro.blog

@BiswasSholanki I've wanted to try out Ghost, but this part has been a blocker. https://indieweb.org/webmention.js might be a place to look for some inspiration. I'd invite you to join us for this upcoming event which will certainly touch on your topic: https://events.indieweb.org/2021/05/webmentions-beyond-webmention-io-zG4JpHhZShVA
@sillygwailo Until there are consuming use cases for it, it's not relevant, but basic text with `h-product` and a `dt-published` for first dose datetime and `dt-updated` for subsequent boosters might make sense based on existing work? See: https://microformats.org/wiki/process
@AndreJaenisch Sonke Ahrens' book How to Take Smart Notes about Luhmann's method is very solid (https://bookshop.org/a/17195/9781542866507). Lots of systems out there to implement it. I like @obsdmd, but other platforms listed here: https://indieweb.org/commonplace_book

No Wrong Notes · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer

A personal website ain’t got no wrong words.

#indieweb #personal #publishing #words #writing #sharing #music #piano
I'm going!

Looking forward to this IndieWeb Popup! Despite my occasional salty-sounding post about Webmention I am very optimistic about their power as a tool for the web.

How does Micro.blog even work?

Home · castastrophe/wc-theming-standards Wiki

I really like the idea of a shared convention for styling web components with custom properties—feels like BEM meets microformats.

#css #custom #properties #theming #naming #webcomponents #conventions #styling #frontend #development

fluffy rambles: Shoulder, unpacking, gardening, etc.

@jaybearca The Webmention plugin only does notifications. You also need the semantic linkbacks plugin for the parser which will give you the richer data you're looking for.

Micro.blog RSVPs with Webmention