Micro Camp has wrapped up, but there are IndieWeb online events about once a month. I’ll be attending the IndieAuth popup session next week!

@vv4rner While I love what RSS enables and there's a huge ecosystem for it, I am against it for DRY reasons. It's stable in the fact that no one has iterated on it in over a decade. It also helps that WordPress core handles a lot of the admin tax for me on maintaining it, but it has caused metacrap issues for me in the past.

So what to do to replace RSS? If you look at most of my content, I've got the HTML marked up with (richer) microformats for those who'd like to consume that directly without needing a side file for it. There's an existing ecosystem of microformats parsers and even social readers that use microformats over RSS. Incidentally microformats are also part of the semantic layer that makes site-to-site converstions on IndieWeb-based sites work better.

Thank You For Reading - Jim Nielsen’s Blog

Your attentive kindness doesn’t get picked up by any analytical tool I’ve got other than my heart and my memory—however short lived.

#analytics #attention #reading #writing #sharing #publishing #indieweb

fluffy rambles: Planet Planet

Micro.blog 2.2 with sharing from Glass






#browsers #blogging #indieweb #blogs #firefox #safari #chrome #edge #mozilla #apple #google #microsoft #frontend #development #devrel #sharing #writing #publishing

Why don’t they teach the concept of abstract syntax trees in school? It’s such a great learning aid to understand how to apply syntax rules in natural language!

I for real did not understand how all these rules worked until I unknowingly constructed an incomplete, over specialized version of Lisp inside my brain and started applying syntax rules according to the way the spoken tongue would convert into an s-expression.

I would probably give an example here but my brain is fried and I need some food so I’ll wait until I make a Micropub client with edit support.

#Lisp #linguistics #programming #school

Introducing a Microformats API for Books: books-mf2.herokuapp.com

Announcing the Microformats translation layer for book data.
#microformats #micropub #reading #books-mf2

maybe this will work?

#webmention #test

This is so cool! Now I kinda want a thermal printer to have a live feed of webmentions on my desk... Having your internet life be reflected in something tangible feels interesting and engaging!

Test Webmention sending I guess

IndieAuth for WordPress 4.0.0 Released

I’ve recently discovered that it’s incredibly important to balance work and play. So I finished importing my webmentions archive from webmentions.io and decided to play some Genshin Impact to rest before I start fixing the bugs that prevented the rest of my webmentions from importing.

Currently it’s the fact that my software does not handle any redirects, which is obviously bad. I will need to set a recursive redirection resolver there.

Additionally I’ve discovered legacy behavior that wasn’t ported back into Kittybox with some URLs which may have broken some permalinks around the web. I will be fixing it soon so the permalinks won’t rot. They’re permalinks after all.

#lifestyle #Kittybox

Displaying On This Day

Back to the Future with RSS

Nicky Case on RSS:

Imagine an open version of Twitter or Facebook News Feed, with no psy-op ads, owned by no oligopoly, manipulated by no algorithm, and all under your full control.

Imagine a version of the newsletter where you don’t have to worry about them selling your email to scammers, labyrinth-like unsubscribe pages, or stuffing your inbox with ever more crap.

#rss #syndication #social #indieweb #readers #blogs #blogging #reading

I still don’t quite understand if it’s the heatwaves that make me apathetic or I’m just having a depressive episode again. Judging by the fact that I still have some will to live remaining, it’s probably the heatwaves. Doesn’t make my life any better though.

I really need to buy some ice cream. I don’t care if it’s expensive af, I got money. But honestly I’d give up a lot if I could just live in a fridge... Oh wait, that’s just called "having an air conditioner" since it literally turns your room into a fridge. Sadly, the only thing I have is a fan, an overheating laptop and an overclocked Raspberry Pi that’s really unstable but works well enough for web browsing and videos.

I’d ask how do you survive the heatwave, but my site doesn’t have webmentions yet. I should really go build a webmention endpoint!

Time to finally succumb to my indieweb addiction once again

Oh, hello there. Looks like my new website is finally up and running. I’m still ironing out a few bugs here and there, and the templates are still work in progress - for example, like posts aren’t shown correctly, the webmention endpoint isn’t linked and other stuff. But it definitely does work like intended!

#IndieWeb #Kittybox