IndieAuth Popup – August 2021 - September 9, 2021

Geohash within walking distance

IndieWeb Events: Gardens and Streams II

September 25th, online:

We’ll discuss and brainstorm ideas related to wikis, commonplace books, digital gardens, zettelkasten, and note taking on personal websites and how they might interoperate or communicate with each other. This can include IndieWeb building blocks, user interfaces, functionalities, and everyones’ ideas surrounding these. Bring your thoughts, ideas, and let’s discuss and build.

#indieweb #event #online #discussion #digital #gardens #streams #commonplace #books #zettelkasten #personal #publishing
I’ve updated my IndieWeb wiki profile page to better reflect my recent projects.

My love-hate affair with technology | Read the Tea Leaves

A very open and honest post by Nolan on trying to live with technology without sacrificing privacy.

#technology #privacy #privilege #indieweb #surveillance #tracking

Right now I'm attending the #IndieWeb #IndieAuth pop-up to look at further improving the specifications, and making it easier for folks to implement and integrate

#indieweb #indie-auth

Micro Camp has wrapped up, but there are IndieWeb online events about once a month. I’ll be attending the IndieAuth popup session next week!

@vv4rner While I love what RSS enables and there's a huge ecosystem for it, I am against it for DRY reasons. It's stable in the fact that no one has iterated on it in over a decade. It also helps that WordPress core handles a lot of the admin tax for me on maintaining it, but it has caused metacrap issues for me in the past.

So what to do to replace RSS? If you look at most of my content, I've got the HTML marked up with (richer) microformats for those who'd like to consume that directly without needing a side file for it. There's an existing ecosystem of microformats parsers and even social readers that use microformats over RSS. Incidentally microformats are also part of the semantic layer that makes site-to-site converstions on IndieWeb-based sites work better.

Thank You For Reading - Jim Nielsen’s Blog

Your attentive kindness doesn’t get picked up by any analytical tool I’ve got other than my heart and my memory—however short lived.

#analytics #attention #reading #writing #sharing #publishing #indieweb

fluffy rambles: Planet Planet 2.2 with sharing from Glass






#browsers #blogging #indieweb #blogs #firefox #safari #chrome #edge #mozilla #apple #google #microsoft #frontend #development #devrel #sharing #writing #publishing

Why don’t they teach the concept of abstract syntax trees in school? It’s such a great learning aid to understand how to apply syntax rules in natural language!

I for real did not understand how all these rules worked until I unknowingly constructed an incomplete, over specialized version of Lisp inside my brain and started applying syntax rules according to the way the spoken tongue would convert into an s-expression.

I would probably give an example here but my brain is fried and I need some food so I’ll wait until I make a Micropub client with edit support.

#Lisp #linguistics #programming #school

Introducing a Microformats API for Books:

Announcing the Microformats translation layer for book data.
#microformats #micropub #reading #books-mf2

maybe this will work?

#webmention #test

This is so cool! Now I kinda want a thermal printer to have a live feed of webmentions on my desk... Having your internet life be reflected in something tangible feels interesting and engaging!

Test Webmention sending I guess

IndieAuth for WordPress 4.0.0 Released