@stop I went to my own site to point it out ;) which is also what @aaronpk did.

What you’re seeing on Twitter is merely a syndicated copy, for those who use Twitter as their reader, AKA POSSE: https://indieweb.org/POSSE

This reply is also from my site.
you know what's *not* down right now?

my personal site & blog ⬇



(copied from @aaronpk https://aaronparecki.com/2021/10/04/9/my-blog https://twitter.com/aaronpk/status/1445072111098220551)
This is precisely what the microformats2 "u-" property prefix is for, to instruct the  parser to retrieve and parse for URL-like information from an element, from its URL-related attribute if any, and text content as a fallback, including relative URL resolution if applicable. E.g. in the example you gave, try u-tel instead of p-tel:

 <a class="u-tel" href="tel:13335553483">(333) 555 FIVE</a>

If that works as desired, go ahead and close this issue.
Hey #future #optimist #creatives, #artists, & #writers:
* #Solarpunk Art Contest https://medium.com/@yishan/solarpunk-art-contest-2021-da9474c9722e
* Submissions for Solarpunk Anthology https://justinenortonkertson.medium.com/submissions-for-solarpunk-anthology-e4015346c1de
cc @solarpunk_girl #indieweb

Also #DisneyPlus started streaming #TomorrowLand🔮 today!
#future #optimist #creatives #artists #writers: #Solarpunk #indieweb #DisneyPlus #TomorrowLand
https://github.com/stpeter gave me a heads-up about this.

tl;dr: All the same reasons for not re-using WebID apply to Web Sign-in (and Sign-on is too similar), and thus we object to the proposed re-use.

There’s already an existing set of related specs[1][2][3], numerous deployed & in-use implementations[4][5], and an open standards community actively using (including numerous actual users using) the term / phrase / technology[6][7].

https://GitHub.com/BigBlueHat wrote in https://github.com/WICG/WebID/issues/41#issuecomment-742737907:
> Naming is hard and taking an existing name from an existing community doesn't win you any friends or collaborators.


To state it even more strongly, Google of all parties must not act in a bullying way (we must consider the outsized influence & power dynamics), even within the auspices / context of a CG (using a vote in a CG to justify squatting over an existing active spec and a community’s use thereof). Rallying more folks to tacitly or otherwise approve of bullying is still bullying, perhaps even a worse form of doing so.

I can sympathize with the naming challenges in the area of identity (seems fitting).

That noted, an exploration in a CG seems premature to worry so much about a "marketable" name, especially in an area where naming is hard.

Instead, make up a throwaway placeholder name (like WID2021), first get the technology right, working across at least a few different vendors relying/consuming each others identities interoperably, and then worry about an actual marketable name, perhaps at WD/CR time. We know this can work per the prior example of "Atom" which went through a few throwaway names like "Pie" before being standardized as Atom in RFC 4287 at IETF.

Thanks for your consideration,


[1] https://microformats.org/wiki/web-sign-in
[2] https://microformats.org/wiki/RelMeAuth
[3] https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/ (previously a W3C Note published by the Social Web Working group: https://www.w3.org/TR/2018/NOTE-indieauth-20180123/)
[4] https://indieweb.org/Web_sign-in#Implementations
[5] https://indieweb.org/IndieAuth#Implementations
[6] https://indieweb.org/Web_sign-in
[7] https://indieweb.org/chat-names
attending @IndieWebCamp Create Day (today!) and working on my personal #openweb site. This week’s @W3C #Instagram & #Facebook #outages were a good reminder to cook what we want, and eat what we cook.

#IndieWeb RSVP & Zoom: https://events.indieweb.org/2021/10/indieweb-create-day-ZKw5v2nFDu6f
#openweb #Instagram #Facebook #outages #IndieWeb
After @Facebook & @Instagram outages and today's @W3C #outage https://status.w3.org/incidents/lfwjx05yvldr, I’m wondering if there is a secret movement to get people to stop depending on any corp/org sites to get things done. #W3Cdown #redecentralize


(#indieweb is open, not secret)
#outage #W3Cdown #redecentralize

Implementing IndieAuth Server Metadata

Announcing support for OAuth Server Metadata on my IndieAuth Server.
#www.jvt.me #indieauth.jvt.me #indieauth #oauth2 #oidc

Announcing a Service for Creating an iCalendar feed for event RSVPs: rsvp-calendar.tanna.dev

Creating a shared service to allow creating iCalendar feeds for tracking what events you're attending.
#calendar #indieweb #rsvp-calendar.tanna.dev #architect-framework
This is my first Micro.blog post! I’m so happy about this! :-) I just discovered IndieWeb and Micro.blog recently and was immediately attracted to them and their mission. I’m looking forward to exploring this new (to me) ecosystem and see what I can do with it. Thank you, Micro.blo... hourback.micro.blog

Things Learned Blogging - Jim Nielsen’s Blog

I like this advice: write for you, not for others. And if you can’t think of what to “write”, document something for yourself and call it writing.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about the mystery of blogging, it’s that the stuff you think nobody will read ends up with way more reach than anything you write thinking it will be popular.

So write about what you want, not what you think others want, and the words will spill out.

I couldn’t agree more!

#blogging #writing #sharing #indieweb #blogs

IndieAuth for ProcessWire Development

I heard some social networks were down. As long as I have my website, my social network is always running. If you’re interested, join the #indieweb community on Wed at 6PM PST/9PM EST for Homebrew Website Club, this weekend for Create Day. All events at events.indieweb.org.

RSVPed: Attending IndieWeb Create Day
Join us in the IndieWeb chat and in our Zoom room. Share ideas, create & improve our personal websites, and build upon each other's creations. Whether you’re a creator, writer, blogger, coder, designer, or just someone who wants to improve their presence on the web, all skill and experience levels...

Twenty years of writing on my website

#anniversary #blogging #indieweb #writing #sharing #publishing #journal #20 #twenty

Get Lost on the Web – Dan Q

Internet users use fewer different websites today than they did 20 years ago, and spend most of their “Web” time in app versions of websites (which often provide a better experience only because site owners strategically make it so to increase their lock-in and data harvesting potential). Truly exploring the Web now requires extra effort, like exercising an underused muscle. And if you begin and end your Web experience on just one to three services, that just feels kind of… sad, to me. Wasted potential.

#wwilfing #serendipity #indieweb #social #networks #silos #browsing #linking #links #hypertext

The word for web is forest | New_ Public Magazine

The wood wide web has been a powerhouse metaphor for popularizing the mutualistic relationships of healthy forests. But like a struggling forest, the web is no longer healthy. It has been wounded and depleted in the pursuit of profit. Going online today is not an invigorating walk through a green woodland—it’s rush-hour traffic alongside a freeway median of diseased trees, littered with the detritus of late capitalism. If we want to repair this damage, we must look to the wisdom of the forest and listen to ecologists like Simard when they tell us just how sustainable, interdependent, life-giving systems work.

A beautiful piece by the brilliant Claire L. Evans.

The project of decentralizing the web is vast, and only just beginning. It means finding a way to uproot our expression and communication from the walled gardens of tech platforms, and finding novel ways to distribute the responsibilities of infrastructure across a collective network. But we needn’t start from nothing.

#woodwideweb #decentralisation #indieweb #silos #forestry #networks #systems #resilience
Coffee chat has begun at today's mini- #IndieWebCamp on note taking, wikis, digital gardens, zettelkasten, commonplace books, et al.
Come join us.
#GardensAndStreams #PKM
#IndieWebCamp #GardensAndStreams #PKM

11ty/api-indieweb-avatar: Return an optimized avatar image from a domain name input.

Here’s a nifty little service from Zach: pass in a URL and it returns an image of the site’s icon.

Here’s mine.

Think of it as the indie web alternative to showing Twitter avatars.

#avatars #icons #urls #images #service #endpoint #api