Nice to hear you are enjoying the series! (It turns out to be a series.) It also feels really good to have finally found a form again where I can cycle between writing code and writing blog posts about the code.

Looking forward to read your article && yaay it worked!

Edit: lol, next topic really is Webmentions: I had to manually send this one because I am certainly not parsing HTML with regex (I would never) and your rel has no quotes around it.

Next up must be Webmentions, I feel. I just posted this article with a lot of backlinks to old posts, but since I send all Webmentions in a synchronous way on first-post-visit, it took ages, and I actually got a 502 Bad Gateway out of my site. But I also need weekend, so we will see.

IndieAuth without



Showing incorrect IndieAuth redirect_uri to the user

Yak, strangling PHP with Phoenix and NGINX

Homebrew Website Club London

attending @IndieWebCamp #Düsseldorf!
🗓 11/11
📍 #Zentralbibliothek

On holiday in Germany, popped over to see friends @btconf & help with the #IndieWebCamp side-event!

More on the #IndieWeb wiki:
#D #Zentralbibliothek #IndieWebCamp #IndieWeb

My Hugo theme is getting down to bare bones. Perhaps I could pull out and plugify the favicons or the IndieWeb Ring stuff.

👀 DEFINE: IndieWeb
  • (in-dee-web)
  • Noun
    • Collective alternative to the corporate, mainstream web.
    • Technologies developed within the stated ethos of the collective.
  • Portmanteau of independent web.

Winnie Lim » this website as a learning and reflection tool

I love reading about how—and why—people tinker with their personal sites. This resonates a lot.

This website is essentially a repository of my memories, lessons I’ve learnt, insights I’ve discovered, a changelog of my previous selves. Most people build a map of things they have learnt, I am building a map of how I have come to be, in case I may get lost again. Maybe someone else interested in a similar lonely path will feel less alone with my documented footprints. Maybe that someone else would be me in the future.

Oh, and Winnie, I can testify that having an “on this day” page is well worth it!

#indieweb #personal #publishing #writing #sharing #notes #onthisday #history #archives #stories #learning #reflection
Gordon Brander’s article "Building a Second Subconscious" is nice.

His properties for what might make what you could call ‘convivial tools for thought’ are all pretty IndieWebby.

Also on:

Told my sister I was building a new website for a writing project and she asked me how anyone was supposed to find it if it was its own independent website instead of a bigger site and boy howdy I’ve been failing in my indieweb duties
My social media usage is something like this.

– Follow people wherever they are (including the big silos).
– Write locally, in my ‘digital garden’, first.
– Publish on my own site. I for sure own the data this way.
– Syndicate things elsewhere, wherever the community best fits for my post. But don’t feed the big tech beasts.
– Interact with people wherever they are.

At present, a combo of org-mode, IndieWeb, Fediverse, Agora make this possible for me.

Also on:

fluffy rambles: Some thoughts on comments and interaction

#rss #personal-website #indieweb #blogging

Check meta headers for HTTP Status

“The internet wasn’t designed to breach national boundaries” - Rest of World

Say you’re into the indie web without saying you’re into the indie web…

The internet wasn’t really convenient in 1994 or 1995, but it was a very collaborative space.

There was a moment where we replaced this idea of the internet being a medium that we can all write to and participate in to one that is mediated. That happened at some point after social networks started to arrive and when the smartphone started to arrive. It’s a combination of the nature of those platforms and the prevalence of the technologies, which meant the economic rewards of getting this right rose significantly.

And so there’s a really distinctly different feel in the 2013, or 2014, internet to the one that you might have had in 1997, or 1998. It’s not just that it’s easier and I’m yearning for a world of cars with manual choke and manual transmission and crank-up starter handles, but it’s that the programmability of the internet and its endpoints has turned into something that is increasingly permissioned by major platforms.

#indieweb #platforms #publishing #decentralisation #silos #regulation #governance #facebook
I'm interested.

Seems like a fun way of catching up with some IndieWeb folks!

Feature request: Bridgy backfeed reacjis on POSSEd comments