How to Consume Microformats 2 Data

A (very) belated follow up to Getting Started with Microformats 2, covering the basics of consuming and using microformats 2 data.

Personal Websites as Self-Portraiture |

What, then, is a personal website? It is precisely that, personal. It is a new kind of self-portraiture done not with pencils, charcoal, ink, or paint. Instead it is self-portraiture done in markup language, code, prose, images, audio, and video.

#indieweb #personal #publishing #websites #history #communication #technology #expression #personality #design #sharing

A Recipe to Your Own Home-Coded Personal Website

There’s a sort of joy in getting to manually create the site of your own where you have the freedom to add anything you want onto it, much like a homemade meal has that special touch to it.

#indieweb #personal #websites #recipe #publishing #personality #sharing #design #expression #coding #learning

The books pop-up session is this weekend. I’m trying to get Epilogue 1.1 done before then, maybe with IndieAuth support so it’ll be more useful to IndieWeb folks not using What using RSS feeds feels like

  • You’re the curator
  • You decide what’s interesting
  • You have more control over what you read and how
  • It’s a fast and efficient way of reading a lot of web
  • It’s just better than the endless scroll of a social media feed

Spot on!

To me, using RSS feeds to keep track of stuff I’m interested in is a good use of my time. It doesn’t feel like a burden, it doesn’t feel like I’m being tracked or spied on, and it doesn’t feel like I’m just another number in the ads game.

To me, it feels good. It’s a way of reading the web that better respects my time, is more likely to appeal to my interests, and isn’t trying to constantly sell me things.

That’s what using RSS feeds feels like.

#rss #feeds #reading #blogs #blogging #personal #websites #indieweb #feedreaders 2.3 for iOS

Easier RSVP-ing with IndieWeb plug-in

Micro Camp 2022 is now listed on too, if anyone in the IndieWeb community wants to RSVP that way. 🏕

Last month was the anniversary of two #IndieWeb #distributedWeb building block specifications becoming @W3C Recommendations:
* 5y Webmention:
* 4y WebSub:
Both specs are peer-to-peer mechanisms, Webmention for a site to notify another of a new or updated link to it, and WebSub for a site to broadcast (or subscribe to) notifications for when that site has published new content.

Bridgy is a good source of metrics for Webmention. The Bridgy stats from last June show steady growth in both total Webmentions sent and perhaps more importantly, unique domains sending and receiving Webmentions. In addition the number of implementations & support libraries continues to grow, interoperable across multiple languages:

Webmentions still have interesting social and UX challenges. While spam has not (yet) been a major challenge, there is the larger challenge of how to semi-automatically moderate and/or prioritize handling webmentions received from others, especially people you have not met before. The nascent Vouch extension has been prototyped and implemented on some sites yet needs some work to address the more sublte social challenges. There are challenges with even trusting and displaying the icons of authors who have sent webmentions. Pixelated icons are one possible approach.

WebSub has shown slower growth. While the number of sites that provide WebSub notifications for new content continues to grow: the number of hubs and hub implementations have been fairly stable for the past year as well as implementations that consume WebSub notifications:

The key next step for WebSub is more Reader implementations, e.g. in modern Social Readers to provide realtime updates immediately when publishing sites post new content. Once there is broader incentive for more sites to provide WebSub notifications, consuming sites such as readers will have more incentive to implement receiving WebSub notifications, reinforcing a positive implementation feedback loop.

With the combination of Social Readers showing new posts in real time via WebSub and personal sites showing new comments & other responses in real time via Webmention, the peer-to-peer web will provide a responsive experience comparable to centralized social media silos.

Want to support Webmention and/or WebSub on your own site?

Drop by the IndieWeb Developer chat and say hi!
#IndieWeb #distributedWeb

Reading, watching, playing, using: January, 2022

I don't blog much since I started working full time... mostly just a few twitter reposts. But I still maintain a bunch of websites on the side, and one of my favourite things about that is when making updates like I've just done I just push my changes to just one server.

That server happens to be, which can talk websub, and the other servers are subscribed to an updates feed for software changes. So when I make a change, I build it so it can be fetched which then also posts to the updates feed. Each server sees the new feed entry, downloads the change and installs it automatically. In the case of a javascript change it also creates a new minified version and updates the version number in the query string for some cache busting.

This has been working for a few years now, I'm always surprised that it does what it's meant to.

Building an outboard brain

This morning’s update included performance improvements, bug fixes to ActivityPub and Micropub, scrolling to current post in conversations (thanks @sod!), and a server hardware upgrade.

Community with just enough friction


I’m attendingHomebrew Website Club (virtual) tonight at 6PM Pacific.

Join us if you’re interested in talking about personal websites and the independent web!

Make Free Stuff | Max Böck

At its very core, the rules of the web are different than those of “real” markets. The idea that ownership fundamentally means that nobody else can have the same thing you have just doesn’t apply here. This is a world where anything can easily be copied a million times and distributed around the globe in a second. If that were possible in the real world, we’d call it Utopia.

#wen #monetisation #free #markets #web3 #crypto #scams #capitalism #indieweb #personal #publishing #liberation

A date has been set for the IndieWeb personal libraries pop-up session: February 19th. Looking forward to it! 📚

I am RSVP'ing yes to the IndieWeb Personal Libraries pop up being held in February.

Interfacecritique — Olia Lialina: From My To Me

Don’t see making your own web page as a nostalgia, don’t participate in creating the netstalgia trend. What you make is a statement, an act of emancipation. You make it to continue a 25-year-old tradition of liberation.

#web #history #personal #publishing #indieweb #independent #liberation #freedom #expression #design #hyperlinks #linking