Increasing the surface area of blogging

RSS is kind of an invisible technology. People call RSS dead because you can’t see it. There’s no feed, no login, no analytics. RSS feels subsurface.

But I believe we’re living in a golden age of RSS. Blogging is booming. My feed reader has 280 feeds in it.

#indieweb #personal #publishing #social #networks #rss #feeds #syndication #blogs #blogging #opml

RSS - Chris Coyier

How is all this social? It’s just slow social. If you want to respond to me, publish something linking to what I said. If I want to respond to you, I publish something linking to what you wrote. Old school. Good school. It’s high-effort, but I think the required effort is a positive thing for a social network. Forces you to think more.

#indieweb #personal #publishing #social #networks #rss #feeds #syndication #blogs #blogging

How to fix a problem with Gregwar/Image

co-organizing @IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf this weekend with @marcthiele @calum_ryan @jkphl!
🗓 2022-04-30…05-01
📍 @cgi_global

Also excited for the @btconf main event!
@u_map_prop I remember a few years back trying to talk @johncarlosbaez into supporting this sort of syndication and webmentions on his site when he was irked at Google+ shutting down. Glad to see more people getting it working.


#trust #suspicion #frontend #development #frameworks #libraries #code #browsers #compatibility #interoperability #native #features #css #javascript #jquery #react #bootstrap #blogging #responses #indieweb #blogs #conversation #discussion

fluffy rambles: Twitter alternatives

@alexwilliams is an inexpensive turnkey IndieWeb friendly solution for doing something like that. Bring your own domain or subdomain and you're off to the races with all the benefits and none of the overhead or work.
@wynlim Your site is awesome. I love the design/simplicity, ideas, & writing. I'm seeing so many topics/collections I love including digital gardens, notes, IndieWeb, etc., and you're following so many people I know and read myself. Such a small world.
@okikio_dev This is a good place to start:
There are lots of implementations in many languages you can use as examples or borrow from. Ask in for pointers/advice/help to cut through documentation and jargon.

The lost thread

Twit­ter’s only con­clu­sion can be abandonment: an over­due MySpace-ification. I am totally con­fi­dent about this prediction, but that’s an easy confidence, because in the long run, we’re all MySpace-ified.

What Robin said.

#twitter #social #networks #silos #indieweb #myspace #platforms
@lauren_n_roth I'd buy! I can't wait to see what you come up with...
I've been helping to collect some prior art, examples, and UI patterns here if it helps to jumpstart your research/work:

Welcome to all new faces. I hope some of you become passionate about the indieweb and our slice of it 🙂

Not sure why, but seems like a lot of people on Twitter are sharing this link about downloading an archive of your data:
#OwnYourData #IndieWeb
#OwnYourData #IndieWeb

Die (Twitter) Posse

Everybody on Twitter wants to know where to go now. The answer is your own website, syndicating out to wherever else people end up. This is the IndieWeb. Let me know if you’d be interested in a talk about how to get set up.

As I continue reading and sometimes re-posting things written on this day, I've decided to do one more thing at the end of a session: go to a random site in the IndieWeb WebRing. Today, I found something that resonates down the years: how to organise the content of a weblog.

IndieAuth Spec Updates 2022 - April 21, 2022

IndieAuth Spec Updates 2022 - April 21, 2022