@edheil It creates a 1 to 1 correspondence between the post on your site & your post on Twitter to make it easier for Bridgy to match and sending responses. It also makes it easier to delete copies in the future because you'll know where else on the web you've posted things.

Settings at /wp-admin/admin.php?page=syndication_links will let you set syndication targets so you can use a simple checkbox for cross posting. I particularly love that it dovetails with https://quill.p3k.io/ if you use that with Micropub for posting short notes to your website.
@edheil Bridgy matches posts on your site to Twitter using one of a few methods so that it can backfeed the proper replies to the appropriate posts. Providing it with syndication links is usually easiest, and on WordPress try: https://indieweb.org/u-syndication#How_to_link_from_WordPress

David Shanske's Syndication Links plugin also should have a checkbox set up (non-Gutenberg) for more easily syndicating to Twitter and other services if you like. There are many ways to publish to Brid.gy without visiting it for each. Using Shankse's plugin which sends it Webmentions is probably the easiest, though it may require proper markup in your theme. For the technical part see: https://brid.gy/about#publishing which explains in outline how it works.

I think many of the options are documented either here or on related pages: https://indieweb.org/Getting_Started_on_WordPress

For other options and advice, it may be best/easiest to visit the IndieWeb WordPress chat at chat.indieweb.org/wordpress
@edheil Which of the various methods (manually, plugin(s), other) are you using? On fragility front, I'm not too worried as it is open source and has folks helping. It's also only a bridge as I can reply directly to your site.

Why blog? – Chuck Grimmett

Platforms come and go. Buy a domain and set up a permanent space on the web where others to find you and link back to. I have no idea what I put on Myspace back in the day, but everything I’ve published on this site since 2008 is still accessible and the links still work.

A personal website is a digital homestead that you can improve, tinker with, and live in for years to come. It is a home for your thoughts, musings, opinions, trials, and happenings, built in a way that suits you.

I like this little prompt:

What do you wish you had found via Google today but didn’t? Write that.

#blogs #blogging #writing #sharing #personal #publishing #indieweb
At Homebrew Website Club watching with great anticipation as @KevinMarks adds microformats to the base Tumblr theme to help make it more IndieWeb friendly. #RedCups #Flickr
@ChengduLittleA You're not doing them all manually like this are you? https://aaronparecki.com/2018/06/30/11/your-first-webmention 😹
@omgmog@indieweb.social Glad to see others using Known and using it to syndicate to Mastodon!
How to Live the IndieWeb Dream boffosocko.com


#bugblogging #tipblogging #writing #sharing #documenting #bugs #debugging #browsers #tips #techniques #blogs #indieweb #frontend #development #css #javascript #apis

So I’m trying to do the IndieWeb thing, hence this blog. I don’t know what I’m doing yet, but we shall see.

@IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf is a wrap!

For Create Day, I added code to my publishing system to only syndicate (POSSE) a reply post to Twitter if it actually has an @-name, otherwise if it’s a peer-to-peer reply, just directly send them a Webmention.
IndieWebCamp Create Day participants looking eager to create!

Inspirational quote on https://indieweb.org/creator to get us started:

 “When you don’t create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than your ability. Your tastes only narrow & exclude people. So create.” — Why The Lucky Stiff
Nice photo of day 1 IndieWebCamp participants!

Increasing the surface area of blogging

RSS is kind of an invisible technology. People call RSS dead because you can’t see it. There’s no feed, no login, no analytics. RSS feels subsurface.

But I believe we’re living in a golden age of RSS. Blogging is booming. My feed reader has 280 feeds in it.

#indieweb #personal #publishing #social #networks #rss #feeds #syndication #blogs #blogging #opml

RSS - Chris Coyier

How is all this social? It’s just slow social. If you want to respond to me, publish something linking to what I said. If I want to respond to you, I publish something linking to what you wrote. Old school. Good school. It’s high-effort, but I think the required effort is a positive thing for a social network. Forces you to think more.

#indieweb #personal #publishing #social #networks #rss #feeds #syndication #blogs #blogging

How to fix a problem with Gregwar/Image

co-organizing @IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf this weekend with @marcthiele @calum_ryan @jkphl!
🗓 2022-04-30…05-01
📍 @cgi_global
🎟 https://btco.nf/iwcdus22
ℹ️ https://indieweb.org/2022/DUS

Also excited for the @btconf main event! https://twitter.com/btconf/status/1519910629561319424
@u_map_prop @olynch@mathstodon.xyz I remember a few years back trying to talk @johncarlosbaez into supporting this sort of syndication and webmentions on his site when he was irked at Google+ shutting down. Glad to see more people getting it working.


#trust #suspicion #frontend #development #frameworks #libraries #code #browsers #compatibility #interoperability #native #features #css #javascript #jquery #react #bootstrap #blogging #responses #indieweb #blogs #conversation #discussion

fluffy rambles: Twitter alternatives