No worries! I had another Webmention issue sending to both your site and @openmentions. I tagged you in a GitHub issue.

If you’re interested, IndieWeb has a WordPress chat channel with a helpful group of people, including the plugin authors:

Open Mentions is an interesting addition in the category of IndieWeb aggregators that use Webmention. I wonder if microformats2 could be used to include the machine-readable metadata, especially since Matt’s thoughts noted “this should reflect the information that the user sees on-page.”

Some other interesting sites like this are and

Hi, Matt! It has been several years but I remember you from back in the Nucleus CMS days. Lovely to see you getting into indieweb. I have really enjoyed that community and the cool things they’re doing! Have you joined any of their virtual meetups like Homebrew Website Club?

[Note] Just updating my … hmm, well, not sure exactly to be ho…

@lordmatt I'm not aware of a centralized collection (yet). Some, but not all, of the projects and sites you'll find at have some resources for finding people who can send/receive webmentions. Everyone on @microdotblog certainly can.
Testing out your webmention set up from another site. If this works, then congratulations!
A refback (remember those?!) today reminded me about this post: Non-technical IndieWeb: Fun, Creativity, Community, and “Content”
I should try to add more on #creativity and #fun to my IndieWeb Collection

That feeling when you write a unit test using a library and then accidentally discover a bug in that exact library instead of your own code...

The bug in question, if you’re interested.

#programming #microformats

Image previews with the FileReader API

#images #alt #accessibility #previews #filereader #api #javascript #notes #syndication #twitter #indieweb #posse #frontend #development

Changing with the times · Chris Burnell

I think, with the sheer volume of functionality available to us nowadays on the front-end, it can be easy to forget how powerful and strong the functionality is that we get right off shelf with HTML. Yes, you read that right, functionality.

#html #markup #markdown #structured #content #tools #process #blogging #blogs #indieweb #personal #publishing #frontend #development
In the bustle of life I missed it a week or so ago, so Happy 8th IndieWeb Birthday to! I’ve been worrying about other things for the past year, so I’ve completely missed the 7 year itch effect, though perhaps improving my PASTA workflow to Obsidian might have been the dal...

i really want to add webmention support and display into Kittybox right now so I wouldn’t be bored of not being able to see if someone interacts with me but i cant code for too much or i will blow a fuse in my brain become a dumb kitty for a week

so i will rest and play minecraft like a responsible person

see? im caring for myself!


Next thing I should do since I fixed the bug: webmentions. I really need to handle webmentions, and I think I actually will be able to do so rather easily now that I know my database doesn’t lock up anymore. I just need to attach an MF2 parser.

In general, what I would want to have in a perfect world is:

  • My own IndieAuth implementation
  • My own webmention acceptor (I already have plans but I need some extra software for it to work)
  • My own media endpoint (that autoconverts pictures to webp)
  • My own Microsub server
  • Editing posts in-band when logged in via IndieAuth
  • Make that second widget at the homepage do something interesting
@MuireallPrase Maybe this helps with context?
I like your site; glad to virtually meet another who's interested in physics, math, and typesetting!
Kudos to @KevinMarks for his recent work on @Tumblr to add microformats to make it more IndieWeb friendly!

Mending what's broken, or how I discovered some broken links on my website

#kittybox #indieweb

good morning indieweb

i have returned somehow from having my site in semipermanent downtime

please don’t be gentle with it i need a little bit of sustained load so i can check a hypothesis

@edheil Because of the IndieWeb principle of plurality, you've got a tremendous amount of choice. Part of the issue is that there are SO MANY options and potential combinations of doing things.

What do you want the site to do? How much admin time to you want to spend on it? How flexible and modifiable do you want it to be? What skills do you have? What skills do you want to work on?

Both of the options you mention are excellent, though there's probably more immediate flexibility in WordPress with plugins. If you want something with no admin, but still some reasonable flexibility then is a great way to go. (All three support a very broad range of all the IndieWeb building blocks. Of course, this doesn't even touch the custom-built or static site generator spaces which are also available options. And who's to say you should only have one site? ;)

This is a great question to ask in the IndieWeb Dev chat channel for advice from a bigger group of people with a tremendous wealth and diversity of building experience.
@edheil It creates a 1 to 1 correspondence between the post on your site & your post on Twitter to make it easier for Bridgy to match and sending responses. It also makes it easier to delete copies in the future because you'll know where else on the web you've posted things.

Settings at /wp-admin/admin.php?page=syndication_links will let you set syndication targets so you can use a simple checkbox for cross posting. I particularly love that it dovetails with if you use that with Micropub for posting short notes to your website.