Fixed a handful of bugs this morning, little things that no one notices and bigger things like push notifications and Webmentions broken for the last few days. Think I need to dedicate June to just working on stability. 2.5 for Mac with replies, bookshelves

Linking to OpenLibrary for read posts

fluffy rambles: IndieWeb + Tumblr = đź’ś

Since ~2021* I’ve redirected /github to my GitHub profile to own my links to GH repos like

Apache htaccess code to #OwnYourLinks:

RedirectTemp /github

change /tantek to your GitHub /username

More on this technique:

đź”– Reminder: Open Web Links

Software that is made for the open web and works with, including apps, extensions, and integrations.

See also: IndieWeb wiki page for

@lordmatt I'll have to watch this post to see where it goes.
This Twitter search for a common pattern will find lots of sites

I tried sending again with the form and got the general error "There has been a critical error on this website."

This is the post I'm trying to send in case you want to debug or try re-sending the webmention:

No worries! I had another Webmention issue sending to both your site and @openmentions. I tagged you in a GitHub issue.

If you’re interested, IndieWeb has a WordPress chat channel with a helpful group of people, including the plugin authors:

Open Mentions is an interesting addition in the category of IndieWeb aggregators that use Webmention. I wonder if microformats2 could be used to include the machine-readable metadata, especially since Matt’s thoughts noted “this should reflect the information that the user sees on-page.”

Some other interesting sites like this are and

Hi, Matt! It has been several years but I remember you from back in the Nucleus CMS days. Lovely to see you getting into indieweb. I have really enjoyed that community and the cool things they’re doing! Have you joined any of their virtual meetups like Homebrew Website Club?

[Note] Just updating my … hmm, well, not sure exactly to be ho…

@lordmatt I'm not aware of a centralized collection (yet). Some, but not all, of the projects and sites you'll find at have some resources for finding people who can send/receive webmentions. Everyone on @microdotblog certainly can.
Testing out your webmention set up from another site. If this works, then congratulations!
A refback (remember those?!) today reminded me about this post: Non-technical IndieWeb: Fun, Creativity, Community, and “Content”
I should try to add more on #creativity and #fun to my IndieWeb Collection

That feeling when you write a unit test using a library and then accidentally discover a bug in that exact library instead of your own code...

The bug in question, if you’re interested.

#programming #microformats

Image previews with the FileReader API

#images #alt #accessibility #previews #filereader #api #javascript #notes #syndication #twitter #indieweb #posse #frontend #development

Changing with the times · Chris Burnell

I think, with the sheer volume of functionality available to us nowadays on the front-end, it can be easy to forget how powerful and strong the functionality is that we get right off shelf with HTML. Yes, you read that right, functionality.

#html #markup #markdown #structured #content #tools #process #blogging #blogs #indieweb #personal #publishing #frontend #development
In the bustle of life I missed it a week or so ago, so Happy 8th IndieWeb Birthday to! I’ve been worrying about other things for the past year, so I’ve completely missed the 7 year itch effect, though perhaps improving my PASTA workflow to Obsidian might have been the dal...