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Web UI Engineering Book -

I like the way this work-in-progress is organised—it’s both a book and a personal website that’ll grow over time.

#webbook #frontend #development #ui #engineering #personal #publishing #writing #indieweb

WordPress+IndieWeb as the OS of the Open Social Web

I like these slides from a talk by @ton about enabling more IndieWeb features in WordPress… Includes screenshot too!

Take Care of Your Blog


Blog your heart! Blog about something you’ve learned, blog about something you’re interested in.

Excellent advice from Robin:

There are no rules to blogging except this one: always self-host your website because your URL, your own private domain, is the most valuable thing you can own. Your career will thank you for it later and no-one can take it away.

#indieweb #personal #publishing #writing #sharing #blogging #blogs

This is one way of several based on the authorship spec ( The p-author h-card inside the h-feed might make the most sense in your case, but you could also have a u-author property inside each h-entry that links to a page that has your author h-card. I do this with my posts, with an invisible link to my homepage.

#indieweb #microformats

Watching the locations/venues session video from IndieWebCamp Berlin. I wasn’t able to participate in this one, even remotely, but glad to see IndieWeb folks were able to get together.

A couple issues I noticed on

  1. Uninterpreted h-card properties: nickname
  2. Uninterpreted h-entry properties: post-type article

On the second one I’m not sure what it’s finding. My posts don’t have microformats properties "post-type" or "article." If it doesn’t understand how to process articles, the error message could be clarified so it doesn’t sound like an issue in the published post.

Storing posts by juggling with Git internals

html energy

Can you feel the energy?

#html #energy #markup #creativity #writing #sharing #indieweb #frontend #development #complexity #simplicity

Farewell, house

A Well-Known Links Resource - Jim Nielsen’s Blog

I really like this experiment that Jim is conducting on his own site. I might try to replicate it sometime!

#links #linking #hyperlinks #hypertext #well-known #indieweb #personal #publishing

A home on the web, revisited

No code

#nocode #democratisation #indieweb #blockprotocol #frontend #development #tools #personal #publishing #spring83 #protocols #squarespace #wix #wordpress #bubble #webflow #carrd #hotglue #neocities #creativity #professionalism

Democratising dev

#democratisation #frontend #development #indieweb #hosting #blockprotocol #patterns #nocode #publishing #talks #presentations

Comments are hard

Just hit publish | Marco Heine - Freelance Web Developer

I have days were I can write a well researched blog post in a few hours. And I have days were I don’t feel like writing. Or I want to add one more thing but don’t know how to speak my mind. So this is a reminder to myself: just hit publish.

#indieweb #personal #publishing #writing #sharing #blogging #blogs

Building an inclusive, independent, open newsroom

The Quest for a Memex

Switching costs for an IndieAuth server

#site-update #IndieAuth