@wogan @michaelgraaf Seriously. (cough #IndieWeb cough)

@meadowhawk JSON-LD seems to have taken over for sure but a lot of the #IndieWeb folks are strongly in favor of microformats for blog & ActivityPub-enabled post markup/parsing. I'm guessing because the primary JSON-LD format is in large part guided by Google but I am not sure.

Which #Indieweb #calmtech #Fediverse or #OpenWeb related web content is in RSS form but not yet on the Mastodon platform yet. Am considering making several more new official RSS-to-Mastodon bots to get good content injected into this platform that isn't here yet.

Other? (Put it in comments)

@lethain What a thoughtful recap, thank you for sharing!

Re: analytics, if you're up for a switch from Github Pages to Netlify as your host, Netlify Analytics is an add-on to the free plan at $9/month for up to 250k views. It's nice! Analytics on the server side, so you'll see pageview counts even if users have trackers blocked, and generally is more user-privacy respecting than Google Analytics or other 3rd party trackers.
#netlify #indieweb

Trakt is still down. Note to self when the service is up: scrape and make an offline backup of viewing logs and watchlists then probably a static webpage version of that on my self-hosted site. #IndieWeb


@albinanigans @kissane This is why I’m primarily into #indieweb these days.

@ruud @indubitablydubin I favor more radical decentralization where I own my own site that still federates. Not necessarily #Mastodon but interop via #ActivityPub and #IndieWeb.

Building an open share button for the distributed social web

Added a Recently Highlighted section from feedly on my website. #rss #indieweb


The ultimate goal is to be able to transform #WordPress into a full #IndieWeb instance since right now the offerings, though great, lack the ability to fully engage with content in one spot like you can on Mastodon and other services. With the goal achieved, content ownership is secured and essentially extends IndieWeb-style social networking to all web content that can be consumed with an RSS feed and supports #ActivityPub, #webmentions, and old-timey trackbacks.

Been having fun testing my #IndieWeb setup on my #WordPress blog. So far can post from it to Mastodon but not Twitter and can reply to posts on both.

I'm also experimenting with the #WPFriends plugin, trying to see if it can replicate feed features to some degree. I've successfully added a Reply button to incoming feed entries, which is not OOB. It works just okay for now. Have to see if the reply source can be more seamlessly integrated to generate a u-in-reply-to.

@tchambers Thank you Tim for all you do (much of which I can’t even guess at - very grateful for your efforts and this instance!) For anyone so inclined, if you can, please join me as a Patreon donor here - https://www.patreon.com/indiewebsocial #indieweb #supportyouradmin #SmallWeb #smalltech #humanetech

@mzagaja @lonseidman

The good thing about adding #indieweb and #fediverse modules to your website is all that syndication and SEO is kinda done for you. I’m looking hard into trying to make one of my own.

is 'cross-post between an @eleventy collection and mastodon account' a problem that could be solved with a shared plugin? Or is it too dependent on individual details, like hosting?

I'd be happy to start a repo or contribute to one, if it's a problem we could be solving together. Even if it has to be Netlify-specific? Or does this already exist?

#11ty #indieweb

@mzagaja Definitely. What I like about the #indieweb approach is that it's publish once and syndicate everywhere else. So the blog is the central point of ownership and control, traffic levels not as important.

Interesting factoid - my search clicks on YouTube are over 100k !

I am on my way!! 10 clicks in the last month! :) #indieweb

Just deleted the app. FWIW, I’ll delete my DMs later and stop using it. Twitter is literally *not the same network anymore* and, at this point, it’s not a community I want to be part of. It doesn’t deserve out time and attention – regardless of our follower counts.

Let’s sink that ship into the depths of irrelevance – where it belongs.

If you want to back up your tweets, use Tweetback by @zachleat et al.:
#twittermigration #twitter #indieweb

@smallcircles Interesting. Currently I’m of the opinion that search is fine (for the same reason #IndieWeb blogposts may be searched and indexed), which is why I currently say that my toots are CC-BY-SA 4.0, but I’ll read up on that thread.

The other day, my #blog published a post about using @eleventy to generate #Netlify scheduled functions, using those same generated functions!


#WebDevelopment #IndieWeb #JavaScript #StaticFirst