Nowadays it's easiest ever to code. You have search engines, social medias, open source community and artificial intelligence to help you.

On top of this, the coding community is stronger than ever on Fediverse. I've been trying different approaches this week like never before. I rarely give up if not knowing something myself but this time I would have quit if I hadn't any help. This is powerful. #Coding #OpenSource #Indieweb #Programming #WebDev

@sheislaurence @glynmoody then you keep using mobile apps to manually interact on each platform as usual, but you always have the original on the open web.

If Mastodon supported #Micropub, comments or reactions back at the source blog, would reflect edits and changes. But that's #indieweb :)

@glynmoody one solution for them is to use

Known or previously Idno, has two plug-ins to enable, Twitter and Mastodon, from there, you can blog from one place and syndicate to Twitter & Mastodon in one shot.

Then with its possible to aggregate social interactions back to the blog as comments. #indieweb

A reminder that you can pull your posts from your #Mastodon server using the RSS feed or the JSON API, and put them on your own website, like I did:


Next year I’m going to Internet like it’s 1999. #indieweb

Testing the ability to post to my website without sending every post out to my Mastodon followers. If you can see this post, you're either following my website directly, or I broke something.

I've started reading up on #ActivityPub. So far I had been assuming that the "@user@host" scheme was baked into the protocol, but apparently it isn't, and it's perfectly capable of integrating user-less domains into the Fediverse.

Have I misread it? (I admit I only did surface level reading so far.)

If I haven't, wouldn't this mean that instances could (theoretically) also just act as hosting providers for #IndieWeb style domain-as-identity accounts?

Kitchen-Sink now has support for:
- raw `json`, `csv`, and `dhall` files that get copied straight to the /raw directory
- archived articles, which are still up with a small warning and don't show up in all listings (like upcoming articles)

#opensource #indieweb #staticsites

If you're part of the new wave joining Mastodon today, welcome! Post an #introduction and let people know if you find anything here boggling of mind. #IndieWeb

The open web is showing its resiliency and longevity. Silos inevitably fail, while protocols and standards endure. #IndieWeb #Fediverse

The open web is showing its resiliency and longevity. Silos inevitably fail, while protocols and standards endure. #IndieWeb #Fediverse

@viticci @Gargron @macstories To be fair this was the #IndieWeb approach before #Mastodon… and a whole lot of others’ approaches before that

Wow. Our friends over at @macstories have stood up their own Mastodon instance. Kudos to the whole team over there. We're big fans of this, obviously. Long live the #indieweb!

✍🏽 Wrote a blog post on how I use #GoBlog to power my online identity and interact with people on the #IndieWeb

Content warning: Twitter on banning Fediverse links

...and if you try putting a #Ferdiverse link in your profile, it's flagged as malware.

Who knows what that might be doing to your ability to show up in timelines...

Enough with the back and forth. I'm leaving the colosseum for real. I don't need it. I never needed it.

#IndieWeb #Fediverse and #SelfHosted is where it's at.

i really cannot find a good link about indieweb spoke and hub right now .. re having multiple accounts vs a central spot & repeaters #indieweb #indymedia

Is this the night of broken glass on Twitter? Links to, indieweb and hachydem have apparently been banned. Someone else’s?

/sarcasm ON
It's a clear move to promote free speech, I guess.

#twitter #hackyderm #indieweb #mastodon

@chrisaldrich @leo yes, that would be interesting to expand upon. #indieweb seems protocol driven whereas #fediverse is people driven.

Over time, the people of the fediverse will require richer protocols, and no doubt some of the indieweb ideas will form the basis of those.

But as with humanity in general, people gather first, then decide what protocols are needed.