Thanks to @mxbck for the Webring Starter Kit which I forked for my webring! #indieweb

@blaine @ChrisBoese @jeffjarvis @coachtony @mathowie @buster which is why we spend a lot of time at #indieweb documenting these things and distinguishing the kinds of responses, as there are commonalties across systems, not snowflake silos, and if we are to have the ability to choose which it is worth understanding them.
The AS2 process shrunk a lot of variety from AS1, and in both cases the taxonomy of existing post and response types was not preserved.

The key to owning your notes is posting them with permalinks using a domain name you control. That’s it.

There are many providers, like, that happily enable using your own domain name for everything you post.

This gives you the ability to change your provider, while preserving your post permalinks. From the web’s perspective, your posts work just as they did before.

You are in control.

This is day 2 of #100DaysOfIndieWeb #100Days #IndieWeb. Day 1:
#100DaysOfIndieWeb #100Days #IndieWeb, good questions to ask when considering a “provider” (of any sort). is a paid service (~$5/mo last I checked), while Tumblr is not. is more like a professional storage service, with a similar relationship and incentives, rather than a neighborhood garage which depends more on the whims and available time & interest of the admin.

I personally agree with “spinning up your own CMS” for a variety of semi-obvious reasons, however, that requires a web development skillset (and perhaps time & patience) that few have or have cultivated. Hence a turn-key for-pay service (with tons of export options at sign-up time) may help many more to join and interact peer-to-peer with other #IndieWeb sites., thanks for the kind words! Big believer in walking the talk, and the persuasive power of live examples.

That’s a fine 2023 commitment! If you’d like, drop by and feel free to share your thoughts-in-progress on how to own and publish your content (on your own domain)., thanks for the RT/boost. Am curious how you happened upon the POSSE tweet copy presumably first, rather than the original which should be natively visible on the “fediverse” (like this reply), perhaps by copy/pasting that URL into a Mastodon search box.

Hoping to find ways to improve original post discovery, so tools can (semi-)automatically convert such POSSE links to original post permalinks when sharing/replying/reposting etc.

My final project of 2022 was to set up my own personal space on the #IndieWeb and I'm still not quite done getting things in order. Current thing that has me a bit stumped is how to handle #comments on I'd much prefer to turn off the native #Wordpress commenting system and stick to #Webmentions but I'm not 100% certain how to go about that... Of course, since I'm learning as I go along, more & more little things like this get added to my to-do list.

Lots of conversation recently about integrating #blogs with services like #ActivityPub and #IndieWeb.

Here's some of my thoughts on those integrations:

I'm seeing this sentiment emerge more and more lately.

I like it.


Plenty of work still to do (especially on the home page), but my site redesign was already looking better than what was public, so I’ve merged my branch. is now showing my work-in-progress redesign. #indieweb

Farewell, Fail Whale

I find the arguments against officially supported Fediverse search pretty tedious, as you have…

I looked everywhere to store files in a web app (for Noodle):
- Dropbox & GDrive JS libraries
- LocalStorage (erf)
- IndexDB
- Decentralized storage pods like Solid, RemoteStorage etc.
- showDirectoryPicker() (awesome but Chrome only)
- blockchain-based storage like IPFS

What am I missing #indieWeb?

It's mind blowing how hard it is, in 2023, to build a web app that read and write user files privately. It would be SO easy to just ask users to create an account and store everything in a DB. Why?

100 Days of IndieWeb Project

Tomorrow, January 3, 2023, I will start a 100 Days of IndieWeb project.

It will end on April 13, 2023.

The project will deliver 100 Photo Albums in 100 days.

Read More:

#100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb

On the current decentralisation movement – Manu

The more I look at this “issue” the more I’m convinced the solution is already right there and it’s called the web. Want to have an unblockable, unbannable user profile? Buy yourself a domain and get a personal website. Want to have a space where you can say and do whatever the fuck you want? Get a webspace and put up a blog.

#decentralisation #indieweb #personal #publishing #blogs #blogging

Mastodon and the Bring Back Blogging movement has got me reminiscing on the joy of the 90s web. I'm thinking of creating a #webring specifically for people with indie #ttrpg sites/blogs. Who all would be interested in a Indie TTRPG webring?

(If you want to bring back webrings and really want to see me make this please boost!) #indieweb

Yes! I want my site to join a webring!
Nah… I like my site to disconnected and alone.
I don't have a site but I'd love a ttrpg webring!
OK Xer… What is a webring?!?

I am once again asking you to own your notes, rather than tweeting them into Big Chad's garage.

Maybe you left the big garage and now toot in your neighborhood Chad's garage. It's still someone else's garage. #IndieWeb

Maybe it was an easier first step to take. Time to take the next step, with your own domain, and a turnkey service like, or an if you prefer, or go full stack and make it yourself, using building blocks like Just

This is day 1 of my 2023 #100Days project, #100DaysOfIndieWeb, posting an #IndieWeb encouragement, tool, or tip at least once a day for 100 days, to setup and use your own personal site instead of someone else's garage.

In the theme of:

#IndieWeb #100Days #100DaysOfIndieWeb

RT I am once again asking you to own your notes, rather than tweeting them into Big Chad's garage.

Maybe you left the big garage and now toot in your neighborhood Chad's garage. It's still someone else's garage. #IndieWeb

Maybe ...