@OohDirectory Other reason I ask is because, back in the day (early 00s) when Netscape and Microsoft were embattled in a bitter browser war of increasing incompatibility (you might remember this), the community rallied around Web Standards. It became *the thing* to blog about Web Standards and a whole community flourished. It was multiplicative and wonderful.

I just wish there were more ways people could rally around #IndieWeb, which is spiritually the same community as before rising up again.

https://kevinmarks.com/ good catch and thanks. Fixed the typos and resent a Webmention to #BridgyFed using https://mention.tech/ — we’ll see if the cache of my post on your instance is updated.

My fifth day of #100daysofindieweb is coming to a close. I worked more on grouping tweets by type based on the markdown output of my Twitter Archive.

I wrote about it here: https://crowdersoup.com/posts/projects/indieweb/100-days/day-5-classifying-tweets-continued/


Intentionally Positive

IndieWeb Summit 2016 Demo

Attending IndieWeb Summit 2016

Attending IndieWebCamp SF 2015

@cplong @sramsay
IndieWeb, blogging, fountain pens?!? I almost hate to mention it for the rabbit hole it may become, but you’ll get a bit of all three here: https://micro.blog/discover/pens. Happy New Year!

#blogging #fountain-pens #indieweb #micro-blog


Since I simply fake it as a front end developer I always find myself needing icons and never knowing where to get them. So I ran across this in tldr today and sharing it as much as saving it for future reference. https://iconoir.com

It's MIT Licensed and open source, feels nice and helpful in #IndieWeb circles!

Project Journal: A School System Implementing Computers in Schools


Today’s project journal is a memory of being on the edge of a project to install computers and networks in a school system.

#100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal, #ProjectManagement

Day 3 of 100

When I


#100DaysOfIndieWeb #IndieWeb #ProgramManagement #ProjectJournal #ProjectManagement

@OohDirectory People that write about #IndieWeb tools and principles? https://indieweb.org/

I'm not sure tbh. Reason I asked is because I wanted to find other people who regularly blog about it. Trouble with IndieWeb is that people often post about all sorts of stuff, so can't be put into one category, which is why I thought a tag might work better.

I have looked at a bunch of different #WordPress plugins in order for my website to interact in different ways on the #Fediverse, primarily #mastodon. You have the #indieweb collection of plugins and plugins that @pfefferle has built along with the plugin collection that @jan is building with #indieblocks

What is the collection of plugins that you’ve landed on for you personal and brand websites & why?

Looks like there are a lot of options with some overlap as well

@ryanrandall @natalie I’m seeing more HCommons folx looking at #IndieWeb, so I’ll mention that I’ve got several IndieWeb friendly sites including on #WordPress as does @kfitz, who I think has also been experimenting with static sites lately. If you need support, there’s a great and helpful community you’ll find at https://chat.indieweb.org for all your questions. You might find some useful tidbits and examples at https://indieweb.org/Indieweb_for_Education as well. (https://boffosocko.com/?p=55813641)

Everybody's so concerned with finding new ways to post and syndicate content on #activityPub and #rss they are forgetting to have something unique and interesting to say.

Your milquetoast opinions do not deserve their own #indieweb blog.

Question for #bloggers, #indieweb and anyone who reads or writes a #blog:

Does anyone have good example of a blog that showcases the authors writing from multiple sources (not just the blog) in a seamless way? I’m talking more than an about page with a few links.

I’m working on incorporating writing I’ve done in the past (like on https://minafi.com ) into my personal blog ( https://adamfortuna.com ) and looking for inspiration.

It’ll never be completely done, but apart from some feed icons and visual tweaks, the bulk of my website redesign is done. Call this the beta release. Feedback/questions welcome! Meanwhile, time to get back into the writing habit, and post all my other stuff to my own site. #indieweb #POSSE https://kevinyank.com/

Bookwyrm is fun, but it's also not very supportive of #Indieweb right now; what would be cool, though not sure how plausible it is, would be to have anything posted from a Bookwyrm server to be copied to one's web site as a post kind of read.

I'm also going to be publishing my books to my personal web site via Epilogue once I get things going; #indieweb for the win.

Every day now I come across something independent, creative, unique and interesting on the #fediverse the #smolweb #indienet #indieweb. It feels like an independent Internet is really flourishing - feels kind-of like the mid-to-late '90s, only now it's much more... accessible, findable, creative, politically interesting, artistic, informed, subversive, non-commercial, independent. In this moment it feels like the 'Net is *ours* and not theirs (corporates/states). #mastodon #gemini