I think I've finished literally copying & pasting 300 pages of my #Squarespace blog to my staging site, and I'm ready to transfer my domain over to Wordpress.

Pardon me while I collapse in a corner.

#Website #IndieWeb

@Deus Or collaborate with eg #microsub / #indieweb

I should probably try NOT to break my website while Technical Support Husband is still asleep.

But Brain has got a bit excited about #indieweb, and there are lots of things here it does not understand.

Goodbye Mastodon, Hello RSS.

One feed to rule them all. An experiment in consolidating everything into RSS.


#Blog #IndieWeb #Technology

New account! Needed to change my username to align with my #indieweb project. I'm separating my site into categories. Everything Manifesting Alignment will be related to my spiritual content. ☺️

I decided to use an Azure Virtual Machine to run the SharePoint Online Management Shell to change my SharePoint URL It was definitely a journey to set it up. And then another journey to view the desktop. And then another to get the commands to work. I can’t even repeat it. The command won’t take place until at a minimum 24 hours after initiation. Thank you to @box464 for the advice. Day 26 of #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal, #SharePoint https://tmichellemoore.com/?p=152499

Project Journal: Changing SharePoint URL – SharePoint Online Management Shell on Azure Virtual Machine

I decided to use an Azure Virtual Machine to run the SharePoint Online Management Shell to change my SharePoint URL It was definitely a journey to set it up. And then another journey to view the desktop. And then another to get the commands to work. I can’t even repeat it. I have a few screenshots below. The command won’t take place until at a minimum 24 hours after initiation. According to the instructions that was the time of the computer you are working with, but that didn’t seem to be true. So at about 7 am UTC on 2/6/2023 we will see if this actually executed. Thank you to @box464@mastodon.social for the advice. Day 26 of #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal, #SharePoint

The Steps

Changing the site address would have been easier.

Install Homebrew (whatever that is :-))✅

Install PowerShell (Mac Version)✅

Changing the SharePoint Domain takes a few more steps.

The Custom Domain Name textbook is active for this step.

“In the Custom domain name box, enter the full new “.onmicrosoft.com” domain, and then select Add domain.”

I added the tmichellemoore.onmicrosoft.com domain.

Install the SharePoint Online Management Shell

Run SharePoint Online Management Shell

Share Point Online Management Shell does not fully work on a Mac

Options based on my current progress:

Forget about this whole project.

Purchase Parallels ($99) and run the Windows version of the SharePoint Online Management Shell.

Use Bootcamp, run Windows, and the SharePoint Online Management Shell.

Use an Azure Virtual Machine. ✅

Advice from @box464@mastodon.social, make sure to turn of the VM.

He referred me to this article – Shut Down to Save Money

Read more: Project Journal: Changing SharePoint URL – SharePoint Online Management Shell on Azure Virtual Machine

100DaysOfIndieWeb, IndieWeb, ProjectJournal, SharePoint Feb 5, 2023 5:42 PM

Project Journal: Changing SharePoint URL – SharePoint Online Management Shell on Azure Virtual Machine

T Michelle Moore

#100daysofindieweb #indieweb #projectjournal #sharepoint


~ #webrings watch ~
Posting a new way to connect with the indie web every day!

Day #10: RPG Maker Webring

If you care about anything RPG Maker related, you are cherished on Mala's #webring -- I personally ❤️ 'To The Moon'

#indieweb #website #yesterweb #web #webdev #smallweb #rpg #gaming #games #videogame #gamedev

@qubyte Unless I’m mis-remembering, iA Writer does upload embedded images before publishing a post. If anyone is needing a reference implementation of what works now, that’d be the one to look at. #indieweb #micropub

Hey all y'all Mastodoners! I've very much enjoyed my first couple months on Mastodon and #indieweb.social, but haven't yet done an #introduction. So... I am of the US #westisbest, a family man, metaphysical escape artist cisgen/sex #whitedude staring into the #Śūnyatā within and without me. I like a lot of things like #music, #snow, #mountains, #rivers, #basinandrange, my #dog, #wildtrout, #water, #telemark #skiing #fast, #education, #flyfishing, #vanagon, the #sky, #vanishing... Hey, wait...

An example of a more pragmatic approach to image uploads, for example, is the mastodon API. You still have to use a separate multipart request for an image, but the description (alt) text accompanies the image as an additional field. I think you can probably use the same image (and by extension its alt text) for multiple posts if you want. This fits because alt text is descriptive, so it shouldn't depend on the context the image is used in. #indieweb

I get why microformats documents came to look like this. It comes from their roots as data embedded in HTML. But it's not very pragmatic. Why would a document have more than one name or content? Why would photo (singular) be used for a *plural* field. It's all out of whack. #indieweb.

I love the #indieweb, but the aforementioned micropub thing isn't the only friction. JSON encoded microformats-2 documents are just plain weird. Everything is an array for some reason. Unnecessarily complex to consume. We can surely do better...

One pain in the ass thing about micropub is that there's no way to send photos and content together in a single request *and* include alt text. It can only be done with a multipart request to a media endpoint for the photo and a JSON request to the regular endpoint. Why not allow both in a multipart request? #indieweb

Just added a #digitalGarden to my website. Going to experiment a bit with it in the coming weeks, let's see how it grows!


#indieweb #blog #secondbrain #pkm

It took me a few days to figure out what I'm doing, but I think I've decided to join the #indieweb movement. After failing at setting up Activitypub on my website (due to hosting blocks), I think what I'm going to do instead is use my personal website as a primary hub that automatically distributes content I post to various different platforms. I'm going to have to play around with it a bit and figure out exactly how I'm going to structure this, but I think it's going to be really neat once I'm finished with it.

The more I learn about the IndieWeb movement the more I really support it and want to be part of it. I think it's really cool that people are taking the internet back from corporate entities owning everything and dictating what we can or can't talk about, and this just seems like a great way to house everything and take ownership of my own content without isolating myself totally from those other platforms.

Still in the brainstorming phase of all of this but I'm really excited with everything I'm learning and the doors this might open up. 👀 Lol I feel like since discovering the #Fediverse my mind has been opened to a whole new way of using the internet and I'm all for it! 😁

~ #webrings watch ~
Posting a new way to connect with the indie web every day!

Day #9: Hotline Webring

A #webring that needs no introduction. Serving its community for about 7 years now, it is exquisitely maintained, with much love and attention. Let's show it some back ❤️

#indieweb #website #yesterweb #web #webdev #smallweb

Thanks to https://fed.brid.gy/, you can now subscribe directly to my website feed at @werd.io. #indieweb

Follow this site on the fediverse

Twitter’s APIcalypse, HTML interop, and football poems. It’s your < 10min update on the #IndieWeb community!

This Week in the IndieWeb audio edition for January 28th - February 3rd, 2023. https://martymcgui.re/2023/02/04/this-week-in-the-indieweb-audio-edition--january-28th---february-3rd-2023/