
I hadn’t come across this before: a barebones blogging tool with built-in fediverse support—neat!

#writefreely #blogging #blogs #writing #publishing #personal #indieweb #fediverse #minimalist

Helpful, if you write for the internet. #indieweb

More Random, Granular Tips for Bloggers | Tim Challies https://www.challies.com/articles/more-random-granular-tips-for-bloggers/

🖋 “Let's POSSE to Mastodon with a Feed and a GitHub Action”

After building a Node script for my own POSSE needs, I thought it would be good if other people could also use it. I knew not many people would be able to use the script as-is, so I built a GitHub Action that is much simpler to use, without losing any feature, even gaining some!

#IndieWeb #POSSE #Mastodon #feed #GitHub

⚓️ https://nicolas-hoizey.com/articles/2023/01/07/let-s-posse-to-mastodon-with-a-feed-and-a-github-action/

Heute ab 19 Uhr sprechen wir mit @pfefferle darüber, was es mit diesem Fediverse eigentlich auf sich hat, und wie #WordPress und das #IndieWeb da rein spielen.

Wie immer kostenlos und im Livestream: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/wpmeetup-stuttgart/events/289725465/

Humbird0 Fandom

I'm here to love the 16-bits, the old #AdobeFlash coding, teh Anime's, and to put #emulators on ALL the things!
#follow #following #followfriday #boost #altext #nikon #gimp #indie #indieweb #DigitalArt #MastoArt #Macro
by Carl J Shoemaker

@jason If you go the #IndieWeb route and use a #WordPress theme with #microformats2, https://brid.gy by @snarfed.org and others can either syndicate ( #POSSE ) your posts to a #Mastodon account, or you can use https://fed.brid.gy and make your site into a direct #fediverse server and account that people can follow.

The #ActivityPub plugin by @pfefferle does the latter too and I think it can support multiple accounts per WordPress site.

@cjerrington Not yet - but close! I wasn’t happy with the base design template it provided. Itching to get back to it. Will be part of a site redesign so want to make sure I don’t mess up any of my existing #IndieWeb configurations.

Definitely on board with "own your content” and starting distrubution to other platforms from my own site. Hopefully it gets easier moving forward.

I’ll be sure to write about it, so follow me. :)

@haikushack Hi there! https://brid.gy/ is an #IndieWeb app that allows you to port over comments about your blog post from social media. So, say, someone comments about your article on Twitter, it'll appear on your blog post, like how it does for one of my pages: https://firediarist.wordpress.com/2023/02/03/rings-of-power/

So sad ... I don't know why but webmentions suddenly stopped working on my wordpress.com 😩 :pusheensad:

If anyone of you are familiar with brid.gy lemme know if you have any idea why...

#IndieWeb #WebMentions #Website

~ #webrings watch ~
Posting a new way to connect with the indie web every day!

Day #11: devring.club

Software developers @buildstarted has got your #webring needs covered. He's also a Mastodon newcomer, consider showing him some love!

#indieweb #website #yesterweb #web #webdev #smallweb #dev #software #html #coding #code #programming

Have any of the #indieweb folks other than @ash messed with combining Indieweb concept and fediverse concepts? For instance, how certain post kinds look from something like microblog.pub? (Check ins, watches, and others, I'm most curious about. I know that articles and notes work.)

Although I’ll likely not use Syndication Links myself, I added a bit of code to Share on Mastodon that adds the Mastodon URL to SL’s list of links. Still figuring out how to best create a “syndication links” block. Like, I obviously want to also include Pixelfed URLs. So do I add it to the Mastodon plugin, or the Pixelfed one? Both? A separate plugin? Aargh.

#indieweb #plugins #wordpress


I reactivated comments on my blog. Not actually expecting any comments, but I think it's nice to have the option, just in case the "back to blogging" movement will actually gain momentum 🤞

#Blogging #Yesterweb #Blog #IndieWeb

Setting up more Micro.blog accounts today to be ActivityPub-enabled. Folks will get an email when this is enabled. It can be turned off, and we’ll likely be adding some more settings here too.

Taking a closer look at both my syntax and use-cases of footnotes in posts^1 revealed that a post glossary would suffice in many instances.

In reviewing my #100DaysOfIndieWeb footnotes, I found:
1. citations in reference to “since” a date (or year)
2. citations providing deeper points beyond the definition of a term
3. citations substantiating a point or assertion
4. citations to an earlier post providing context for a term, phrase, summary
5. links to the #IndieWeb community site for a definition of a term or phrase
6. links to a Wikipedia article that defines a term in a section
7. links to open source software defining a function

The latter three (5,6,7) make more sense as part of a post glossary rather than references footnotes. Using a post glossary in previous #100DaysOfIndieWeb posts would have reduced the need for footnotes, in some case up to half of them per post.

There’s one more silent use-case which helped inform when I would use those (5,6,7):

8. implicit absence of linking/defining jargon where a Wikipedia look-up would suffice

This analysis led me to a five-step if/else for when/how to add a term to a post glossary:

When I use an unobvious (like jargon) term or phrase in prose:

1. If looking it up literally in Wikipedia (prepending it with https://enwp.org/) provides the meaning I intend (e.g. https://enwp.org/jargon), then do nothing with it and trust readers will look it up if they need to.
2. Else if an unobvious Wikipedia link would convey the intended meaning (e.g. to another page or a specific section), then add that to a glossary
3. Else if the IndieWeb wiki definition conveys the intended meaning (and is expected to in the future), then add an IndieWeb wiki link to a glossary
4. Else if there is an open source software or other reliable reference that conveys the intended meaning (and is expected to in the future), then add a link to that to a glossary
5. Else define the term in a glossary entry, and contribute that somewhere I can link to in the future.

In my previous post^1 I also used a glossary syntax resembling common print conventions:

term or phrase on its own line without punctuation
 space-indented link to a defining page, or inline definition, or both

This pattern (when repeated with two or more adjacent instances) looks like it may be detectable for auto-markup with HTML definition (description) list <dl>, term <dt>, and details <dd> elements. Perhaps as part of existing auto-markup code.

For fallback handling in syndication destinations that remove^2 HTML definition related elements, I’ll likely still have to include explicit linebreaks & spaces to preserve that presentation, perhaps marked-up to style them to remove their spacing when in the context of the HTML definition elements.

I have started a glossary page on the IndieWeb wiki with some of these thoughts:
* https://indieweb.org/glossary

This is day 29 of #100DaysOfIndieWeb #100Days

← Day 28: https://tantek.com/2023/036/t1/footnotes-unicode-hyperlink
→ 🔮

Post Glossary:

 code to automatically add markup to text that implies a semantic or to preserve meaningful spaces like https://indieweb.org/auto-space
HTML definition list

^1 https://tantek.com/2023/036/t1/footnotes-unicode-hyperlink
^2 https://indieweb.org/sanitize#Software_Examples
#100DaysOfIndieWeb #IndieWeb #100Days

Project Journal: Changing SharePoint URL – Success

SharePoint domain name changed this morning as scheduled! I will try to retrace my steps and post screenshots with links to the references tomorrow. Day 27 of #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal, #SharePoint

The Steps

Changing the site address would have been easier.

Install Homebrew (whatever that is :-))✅

Install PowerShell (Mac Version)✅

Changing the SharePoint Domain takes a few more steps.

The Custom Domain Name textbook is active for this step.

“In the Custom domain name box, enter the full new “.onmicrosoft.com” domain, and then select Add domain.”

I added the tmichellemoore.onmicrosoft.com domain.

Install the SharePoint Online Management Shell

Run SharePoint Online Management Shell

Share Point Online Management Shell does not fully work on a Mac

Options based on my current progress:

Forget about this whole project.

Purchase Parallels ($99) and run the Windows version of the SharePoint Online Management Shell.

Use Bootcamp, run Windows, and the SharePoint Online Management Shell.

Use an Azure Virtual Machine. ✅

Advice from @box464@mastodon.social, make sure to turn of the VM.

He referred me to this article – Shut Down to Save Money

Read more: Project Journal: Changing SharePoint URL – Success

100DaysOfIndieWeb, IndieWeb, ProjectJournal, SharePoint Feb 6, 2023 8:25 PM

Project Journal: Changing SharePoint URL – Success

T Michelle Moore

#100daysofindieweb #indieweb #projectjournal #sharepoint


Fediverse Funding Opportunities

I miss #blogs from ordinary people sharing average lives.
After #Twitter & with #AI being used by #searchengines in the future, there's an urgent need to revive personal blogging & for #IndieWeb principles.

Companies will prioritise ad dollars & those with 💰 will game the system. #AI won't change that.

It feels like the #Internet is about to get even suckier.

I feel glad that lots of people are thinking the same, but what can we do about this??


In recent posts I’ve used ASCII footnotes like "^1" to indicate more information about a subject in a footnote line starting with "^1" at the bottom of the post.

Both inline refs & footer notes should use Unicode superscripts like '¹' and hyperlink both ways, in contexts that support it.

I have heard feedback from the #IndieWeb community that inline ASCII footnotes like "^1" are distracting and interrupt the flow of reading, and I can sympathize with that.

From an authoring perspective, it’s easier to type "^2" than "²" so I’d rather keep doing so, and write code to do the conversion.

I’m also considering what to change as an author, like instead of footnoting special terms/jargon, I can include them in an mini-glossary at the end of a post, thus only using footnotes for specific points or citations. I won’t include terms that mean exactly the same thing as defined by a literal page of the same name on Wikipedia (e.g. ASCII in this post means https://enwp.org/ASCII).

During a run I figured out how my existing CASSIS autolink function could detect both inline footnote references and their expansions, convert them to Unicode, and add local hyperlinks in both directions, given an optional parameter to prefix their fragment IDs. I looked at Wikipedia’s references and fragments for examples, and they use "_ref-{number}" and "_note-{number}" respectively which seem sensible.

The one Wikipedia design aspect I disagree with is their use of a hat character '^' at the *start* of a reference note to link back to the inline reference, which look distracting, and in my opinion are too subtle/unobvious. I prefer what I’ve seen on blogs: a small return arrow '⮐' at the *end* of a note to link back to the inline reference, which does a much better job of conveying the meaning of “return to where this was referenced / you were reading.”

Lastly, I think it’s ok if POSSE copies of my posts to text-only (non-hyperlinking) destinations keep the ASCII footnote style, because such copies usually (e.g. on Twitter) lack enough space for the expansions, and there is less chance of ASCII footnotes being misunderstood as part of something else on those destinations. POSSE destinations are in general lower fidelity than a personal site, so it’s ok have this be another instance where the original looks better than the copy.

I collected many of these thoughts in a brainstorming section on the IndieWeb wiki accordingly, and will update that as I make progress:


If you use footnotes in your personal site posts, please add yourself to the IndieWeb Examples section:


This is day 28 of #100DaysOfIndieWeb #100Days

← Day 27: https://tantek.com/2023/033/t1/twitter-api-log-in-web-sign-in-relmeauth
→ 🔮

Post Glossary:
Unicode superscripts
#IndieWeb #100DaysOfIndieWeb #100Days

@whalecoiner Why it may be better to go completely #IndieWeb instead and skip the concept of a Mastodon instance entirely