Home stream

#streams #homepages #indieweb #personal #publishing #websites #design

Hey #IndieWeb people—is there a convenient way to test my receiving #webmentions endpoint?

So far I am uploading an index.html to Netlify with the target link inside the markup and then do a curl against my webmention endpoint.

I reckon there's a better way?! 🤞

@jasnell Great to see some plurality in this space!

I guess next up is to find a way to make apps like @ivory support non-Mastodon #fediverse servers in a standardized way.

Maybe through the style of the #IndieWeb specs of #MicroSub + #MicroPub or similar: https://indieweb.org/Microsub + https://indieweb.org/Micropub

@krusynth i recently rebuilt my website using #GravCMS and realized there’s a distinct lack of #IndieWeb plugins available, though many plugins have excellent #microformat support. I’m contemplating starting a project/projects to add that support.

This week I had to update a 500 task project schedule, complete a 15 page monthly status report, attend 4 hours worth of requirements gathering workshops, and I think its OK to take a couple of days off my the #100DaysofIndieWeb challenge. 😀 #IndieWeb #ProjectJournal: https://tmichellemoore.com/?p=152557

It’s OK to Take A Couple of Days Off from My IndieWeb Challenge

This week I had to update a 500 task project schedule, complete a 15 page monthly status report, attend 4 hours worth of requirements gathering workshops, and I think its OK to take a couple of days off my the #100DaysofIndieWeb challenge. 😀 #IndieWeb #ProjectJournal

Read more: It’s OK to Take A Couple of Days Off from My IndieWeb Challenge

100DaysOfIndieWeb, IndieWeb, ProjectJournal Feb 9, 2023 7:06 PM

It’s OK to Take A Couple of Days Off from My IndieWeb Challenge

T Michelle Moore

#100daysofindieweb #indieweb #projectjournal


This week I had to update a 500 task project schedule, complete a 15 page monthly status report, attend 4 hours worth of requirements gathering workshops, and I think its OK to take a couple of days off my the #100DaysofIndieWeb challenge. 😀 #IndieWeb #ProjectJournal: https://tmichellemoore.com/?p=152553

This week I had to update a 500 task project schedule, complete a 15 page monthly status report, attend 4 hours worth of requirements gathering workshops, and I think its OK to take a couple of days off my the #100DaysofIndieWeb challenge. 😀 #IndieWeb #ProjectJournal: https://tmichellemoore.com/?p=152553

It's been a while, but I wrote a new poem. Dedicated to my ex.

#IndieWeb #poetry

nsfw sex work industry

Are there any open-source initiatives to help out the sex workers out there on the web? I've known many sw over the years, and know that they're constantly under threat by the credit card industry, and advertising industry. These forces constantly pressure platforms to purge, or hide sw, essentially forcing them off the web. I know ISP's also play a big role in this. Even some large sw mastodon instances were forced to shut down for similar reasons.

Are there any programs/initiatives out there to help create a safe-place for a legitimate sex work industry?

#NSFW #SexWorker #OpenSource #IndieWeb #Capitalism

This is your regular reminder to put a links page on your website, and for bonus points add a FOAF file!

If you use Jekyll you can use my plugin to do both off of a single data file. Takes about 15 minutes to figure out and setup! https://billhunt.dev/blog/2022/11/28/weaving-the-web/

#www #openweb #indieweb

It's been lovely on the indieweb.social Mastodon server, but in the spirit of the #indieweb I've decided to move to my own dedicated server! I'm migrating my previous account @joshdick to this one, so if you're wondering why you may have received a follow request from this brand-new account, that's why!

I've been running Mastodon for a little less than a week now and had some early thoughts worth sharing. I go over running on a subdomain with a username on the main domain (I use #Rails to do a reverse proxy), some settings for single-user instances, and how I went about moving between instances.


#MastoAdmin #Ruby #Website #Indieweb

Finally got my Webmentions server to a point where I felt comfortable pushing the changes to my blog, so the few posts on there should be webmentionable :)
Now to write some more posts!

#webmentions #indieWeb

@Brahn it does. You can follow a micro.blog account on Mastodon. It also has a lot of other #indieweb support like Webmention and microformats.

All my posts are backed up on my website (#pesos) or the other way around (#posse) depending on the current situation. #indieweb

Damn shame that more news orgs, journalists, writers and entertainment biz folks haven’t left the platform. If they go, many others will follow.


Quoting @w7voa: https://journa.host/@w7voa/109832253129071829 #retoot

My Twitter Limit is Reached

I just tried to follow an account on Twitter and received a message that said, “Limit Reached.” Oh well, I was following the account so that I wouldn’t forget to look for them on Mastodon. 😀 #IndieWeb #Mastodon #Twitter

Here is the page that I was referred to. https://help.twitter.com/en/using-twitter/twitter-follow-limit

Read more: My Twitter Limit is Reached

100DaysOfIndieWeb, IndieWeb, Mastodon, ProjectJournal, Twitter Feb 8, 2023 6:52 PM

My Twitter Limit is Reached

T Michelle Moore

#100daysofindieweb #indieweb #mastodon #projectjournal #twitter


Updated Comics for Monks: https://monks.bone.blue/

Today's strip is about how I've personally felt #ADHD symptoms improve with #zen #meditation.

#comics #webcomics #IndieWeb #spirituality #religion #buddhism #zazen #pagan #polytheism

@rysiek I think there is a good selection here : https://indieweb.org/webring

and this one is specifically used by the #indieweb swarm https://xn--sr8hvo.ws