Working on a new #Gutenberg block for #IndieWeb-style reply contexts (

It’ll work much like IndieBlocks’ Context block, except that it’ll leverage InnerBlocks. No more messing with Groups and `e-content` class names in just the right places.

And because I want to make these things editable as can be, it’ll support a “transform,” not just to raw “Custom HTML,” but to a Group block (of which the first child is a Custom HTML block with just the introducory HTML).

I got auto-Unicode & linking footnotes¹ working!

In notes like this post, I can type "^1" (like after the word "footnotes" above) and the code on my server automatically:
* turns it into a Unicode superscript '¹'
* links it to the expansion at the end of my post
Similarly, I can type "^1" at the start of an expansion line (e.g. at the end of a post) and that code automatically:
* turns it into a Unicode superscript '¹'
* links it back to the inline reference

Since that code is part of my site’s CASSIS auto_link function², all previous posts with such "^n" style footnotes have also been updated, like my day 6 post³ and since.

Clicking an inline footnote reference scrolls to the line with the footnote expansion. Clicking the Unicode superscript number at the start of that expansion scrolls back to the inline footnote reference.

I decided to postpone adding the small return arrows '⮐' at the end of a footnote expansions. Linking the superscript numbers to each other works well, and seemed sufficiently discoverable without being distracting.

By using post-specific unique prefixes for the footnote reference & expansion links, those links also work even in the presence of more than one post with footnotes, e.g. on my home page. They’re also in my Atom feed entries. I’m curious how the footnotes links in a post work in other contexts, like when viewing in a reader.

I also discovered that Unicode superscripts were inconsistent on some platforms, and added a bit of CSS to set an explicit font-family for footnotes numbers:

/* CSS style rule to use a specific font for footnote refs and expansions */
a[id*='_ref-'],a[id*='_note-'] { font-family:"Arial Unicode MS",system-ui; }
/* end of style rule */

I added this and some other tips to the #IndieWeb footnote page.

This is day 30 of #100DaysOfIndieWeb #100Days

← Day 29:
→ 🔮

#IndieWeb #100DaysOfIndieWeb #100Days

@box464 Interesting project.
But it says "Indiekit is for everyone" and the first step of the installation process is "npm..."
Unfortunately, still not the access to the #Indieweb for the non-expert.

There are just too many sparklies to learn in the #IndieWeb #Fediverse world. Stop creating interesting things!

This is my current #indieweb project: an application to design weaving designs for use in a floor loom. It uses #svelte and #webgl.
Lately there has been a lot of debate around React, SPA vs. MPA, but with Svelte I've managed to only 50kb of Javascript.

Screenshot of my personal site in development. Webmentions, tweets, and mastodon interactions are finally showing after a good month of banging my head against a wall.

#Blog updated: The second part of my #gamedev work experience at Keywords Studios, and how getting fired from there was lowkey the best thing that ever happened for my career.


I created some Shortcuts for #Micropub posting on iOS. Supports Like, Bookmark, Reply, Repost, Note, and Note with Image. #indieweb

Morning everybody and welcome to Sunday. Phone is still playing dead. Going to try to get some sighted help to help with this, hopefully someone moderately tech-oriented.

Also on:


Hmm… appears to be no more and I get an error whenever the Netlify webmention plugin runs. I gueess I could use curl manually, but what a PITA.

🏷 #Indieweb #Netlify #Webmentions

Accessing avatars, finding footnotes, and encouraging easter eggs. It’s your < 10min update on the #IndieWeb community!

This Week in the IndieWeb audio edition for February 4th - 10th, 2023.

This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition • February 4th - 10th, 2023

#podcast #IndieWeb #this-week-indieweb-podcast

if there’s something about my current site that isn’t working for you, or could be more accessible, I’d like to know.

Do you have any thoughts or constructive criticism about the design of ?

I’m planning to design my site for the IndiieWeb and probably add Fediverse features, if they feel appropriate

#IndieWeb #Redesign #WebDesign

Finished my #88x31 #GIF button. I am not an artist. This kinda thing takes me waay too much time. I'm happy to be done with it.

#indieweb #website #yesterweb #web #webdev #smallweb #pixelart #art

I may have just optimized a bit of @retrostrange TV infrastructure and made it twice as efficient compute-wise. This will save us about 30% of our server fees per month #indieweb

Dear people of #fediverse .I'm thinking of moving to a self-hosted, single user thing, but I have no desire to host a whole #mastodon instance. Is #microblogpub the best option for this, or am I missing something?

#selfhosting #instance #indieweb

@cobypear Thank you for introducing me to #indieweb in that post!

Streams of Consciousness · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer

Your website is a way for you to share your stream of consciousness, that temporary and subjective and highly biased snippet of the universe, with everyone else, including your future self.

#streams #homepages #indieweb #personal #publishing #websites #design

New #introduction

Hi, my name is Coby and I like to play videogames, make music and write words and code!

For work I am working on tools for decoupled #JavaScript / #TypeScript front ends for headless CMS solutions aka #Jamstack things. At home I have been working on #IndieWeb things like #Webmentions and a blog engine built on #Obsidian.

I went through a coding bootcamp in 2020 and I'm interested in helping underrepresented people get into the industry, please don't hesitate to reach out!