Finally released version 3.3.7 of the jekyll-webmention_io plugin, which updates some key dependencies, and staged a couple of major new features for the planned version 3.4.0! Progress!



It’s amazing to realise that the more we put names to things the more we can help others to understand it. In fact, the more I read today about #indieweb, the more I have two feelings. One side I feel I’ve been wasting my time for more than 10 years in #digital. On the other side, I want to learn and practice more and more about indieweb.

New personal website ✨ launches today.

I spent waaaaaaaay too much time on this, as I am absolutely, forever wont to do.

#website #personalwebsite #indieweb

“There are those who see the web merely as a tool to sell things or to gain influence or otherwise profit, and then there are the “web people” who enjoy the web as a medium of creation, who simply enjoy putting things out there for other people to appreciate.”

Roy Tang on web people.

#culture #indieweb #tech

What do you think is the most appropriate #IndieWeb post type for a #DigitalGarden?

Personally, I’m leaning towards study. But I would like to hear your opinion.

Re: My last boost. There’s a ton of great thinking about the #indieweb and self publishing in here. I’ve always been sporadic in publishing my own stuff but some of my happiest times in my former professional life involved helping other people create good processes for publishing their stuff. I wouldn’t mind doing that again.

Long thread/6

Both of these are bad choices, so I chose neither - or, depending on how you look at it, *both*. #POSSE stands for "Post Own Site, Share Everywhere," and it's an idea that comes out of the #Indieweb movement. Under POSSE, you post your work to a site you control, but syndicate to all the platforms and silos, with a link back to the original:


Rel you? Rel me. It’s your < 10min update on the #IndieWeb community!

This Week in the IndieWeb audio edition for February 11th - 17th, 2023.

This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition • February 11th - 17th, 2023

#podcast #IndieWeb #this-week-indieweb-podcast

Wrapping up ActivityPub improvements

Blogged: Webmentions can help create small networks around websites rather than social media ✍️ Webmentions provide a space for a small number of people to congregate online, wherever they find your posts. That’s why I’ve stuck with them.

🏷 #Indieweb #Netlify #RSS #webmentions

I don't think people appreciate the role that #OperaSoftware played in fostering the #OpenWeb and #IndieWeb during the first #browserWar (when the #OperaBrowser was still built on their proprietary #Presto engine), and a fortiori the role it had in their demise (when they switched to being “just another #WebKit/#Blink skin”), despite their browser never even reaching a 3% market share.

Hey #IndieWeb, with down for the past few weeks, what alternatives are being recommended for sending #WebMentions to others from a #StaticSite that uses #Jekyll, #Hugo, #Eleventy?

Whatever it is, I want something self contained that I run locally. I think the #POSSE mentality is finally taking over for me. 😅

Looking at this one once I get moved over to Netlify, but would love to get a thread going with other options, too.

If you have iOS or macOS (Monterey or later) and you use Shortcuts, this is a brilliant way to exploit the tools with Micropub:

Written by

#IndieWeb #MicroPub


“Sometimes I feel like thanking Elon for driving me towards the #Fediverse #Mastodon and #IndieWeb plus reviving my love for personal #blogging . ”

“My online creative life has improved immeasurably as a result ”

CSS Container Queries (now available on major browers as Firefox just followed suit) look promising to craft our websites even more subtly, brand new container query length units attached #webdev #css #indieweb #attentiontodetails

amazing to see all of the new micro blogging networks: Scuttlebutt, Nostr, Mastodon and Feedland - I think RSS will be huge in the new landscape because there are 15 million+ sites already equipped - huge ecosystem. I wonder how the Tweetbot mastodon client is doing, anyone using it ? #microblogging #RSS #blockchain #activitypub #feedland #ostatus #pubsubhubbub #identica #laconica #twitarmy #friendfeed #track #xmpp #jabber #indieweb #dweb #web3

@liztai #Mastodon is only the gateway drug to the #IndieWeb lmao

what activity pub. you mean blogs?? 😄

Sometimes I feel like thanking Elon for driving me towards the #Fediverse #Mastodon and #IndieWeb plus reviving my love for personal #blogging .

Without his nonsense at #Twitter I would not have discovered a way to escape walled platforms 😆

My online creative life has improved immeasurably as a result

Give credit where credit is due