@megmac I've seen it done by people who run an activitypub server just for themselves at a domain that acts (only) as their personal website. If you, #indieweb-style, use example.com as your personal identifier, it's not obvious what else to use as the "user" part of the acct URL.
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "@J12t",
"url": "https://social.coop/@J12t",
"photo": null
"url": "https://social.coop/@J12t/109905867150200711",
"content": {
"html": "<p><span class=\"h-card\"><a class=\"u-url\" href=\"https://social.treehouse.systems/@megmac\">@<span>megmac</span></a></span> I've seen it done by people who run an activitypub server just for themselves at a domain that acts (only) as their personal website. If you, <a href=\"https://social.coop/tags/indieweb\">#<span>indieweb</span></a>-style, use example.com as your personal identifier, it's not obvious what else to use as the \"user\" part of the acct URL.</p>",
"text": "@megmac I've seen it done by people who run an activitypub server just for themselves at a domain that acts (only) as their personal website. If you, #indieweb-style, use example.com as your personal identifier, it's not obvious what else to use as the \"user\" part of the acct URL."
"published": "2023-02-22T01:47:23+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "35322570",
"_source": "7235",
"_is_read": false
"type": "entry",
"published": "2023-02-21T14:34:03Z",
"url": "https://adactio.com/notes/19926",
"syndication": [
"content": {
"text": "Looking forward to hearing from both @cassiecodes@front-end.social and @philhawksworth@indieweb.social at Monday\u2019s geeky gathering here in Brighton:\n\nhttps://www.storyblok.com/ev/stories-on-the-road-uk-23#brighton-%C2%B7-february-27th",
"html": "<p>Looking forward to hearing from both @cassiecodes@front-end.social and @philhawksworth@indieweb.social at Monday\u2019s geeky gathering here in Brighton:</p>\n\n<p><a href=\"https://www.storyblok.com/ev/stories-on-the-road-uk-23#brighton-%C2%B7-february-27th\">https://www.storyblok.com/ev/stories-on-the-road-uk-23#brighton-%C2%B7-february-27th</a></p>"
"author": {
"type": "card",
"name": "Jeremy Keith",
"url": "https://adactio.com/",
"photo": "https://adactio.com/images/photo-150.jpg"
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "35311231",
"_source": "2",
"_is_read": false
@fediversereport@brembs I like the immediate engagement on Mastodon, but the recency bias is strong & the current lack of full text search a limitation. I'm searching for the best way to post text-&-image threads, or text-&-referenced-ideas (QT), with visibility to search engines, assurance of long-term presence, & Twitter-like ease-of-use. Could we encourage scholarly institutions to consider useful additions to the #fediverse? #feedback#FediTips#IndieWeb
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "@ClaireFromClare",
"url": "https://h-net.social/@ClaireFromClare",
"photo": null
"url": "https://h-net.social/@ClaireFromClare/109903718273656893",
"content": {
"html": "<p><span class=\"h-card\"><a class=\"u-url\" href=\"https://mastodon.social/@fediversereport\">@<span>fediversereport</span></a></span> <span class=\"h-card\"><a class=\"u-url\" href=\"https://mastodon.social/@brembs\">@<span>brembs</span></a></span> I like the immediate engagement on Mastodon, but the recency bias is strong & the current lack of full text search a limitation. I'm searching for the best way to post text-&-image threads, or text-&-referenced-ideas (QT), with visibility to search engines, assurance of long-term presence, & Twitter-like ease-of-use. Could we encourage scholarly institutions to consider useful additions to the <a href=\"https://h-net.social/tags/fediverse\">#<span>fediverse</span></a>?<br /><a href=\"https://h-net.social/tags/feedback\">#<span>feedback</span></a> <a href=\"https://h-net.social/tags/FediTips\">#<span>FediTips</span></a> <a href=\"https://h-net.social/tags/IndieWeb\">#<span>IndieWeb</span></a></p>",
"text": "@fediversereport @brembs I like the immediate engagement on Mastodon, but the recency bias is strong & the current lack of full text search a limitation. I'm searching for the best way to post text-&-image threads, or text-&-referenced-ideas (QT), with visibility to search engines, assurance of long-term presence, & Twitter-like ease-of-use. Could we encourage scholarly institutions to consider useful additions to the #fediverse?\n#feedback #FediTips #IndieWeb"
"published": "2023-02-21T16:40:54+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "35311112",
"_source": "7235",
"_is_read": false
@torresburriel The integration potential of #indieweb sounds exciting! Meanwhile I'd like to post simple searchable versions of threads on my own website & have been hunting for simple html templates that I can understand & manage myself. Hoping to find templates with good modern design? for text interspersed with standard 16x9 images (or sets of 2/3/4 images). Should be simple but I've been hunting... #FediTips help welcome please!
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "@ClaireFromClare",
"url": "https://h-net.social/@ClaireFromClare",
"photo": null
"url": "https://h-net.social/@ClaireFromClare/109903100396871972",
"content": {
"html": "<p><span class=\"h-card\"><a class=\"u-url\" href=\"https://mastodon.cloud/@torresburriel\">@<span>torresburriel</span></a></span> The integration potential of <a href=\"https://h-net.social/tags/indieweb\">#<span>indieweb</span></a> sounds exciting! Meanwhile I'd like to post simple searchable versions of threads on my own website & have been hunting for simple html templates that I can understand & manage myself. Hoping to find templates with good modern design? for text interspersed with standard 16x9 images (or sets of 2/3/4 images). Should be simple but I've been hunting... <a href=\"https://h-net.social/tags/FediTips\">#<span>FediTips</span></a> help welcome please!</p>",
"text": "@torresburriel The integration potential of #indieweb sounds exciting! Meanwhile I'd like to post simple searchable versions of threads on my own website & have been hunting for simple html templates that I can understand & manage myself. Hoping to find templates with good modern design? for text interspersed with standard 16x9 images (or sets of 2/3/4 images). Should be simple but I've been hunting... #FediTips help welcome please!"
"published": "2023-02-21T14:03:46+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "35307848",
"_source": "7235",
"_is_read": false
#Mozilla's choice to remove their built-in web feed support without providing an official extension to carry on the legacy is another strike to the #openWeb and #indieWeb on their side.
I often wonder what has been going on inside #Mozilla. #Firefox reached its largest market share (around 30%) some 10 years ago. Since then, it has been inexorably losing market share. There is little doubt that this has been largely due to the growth of mobile and Google's unfair marketing advantage, BUT:
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "@oblomov",
"url": "https://sociale.network/@oblomov",
"photo": null
"url": "https://sociale.network/@oblomov/109902186736347442",
"content": {
"html": "<p><a href=\"https://sociale.network/tags/Mozilla\">#<span>Mozilla</span></a>'s choice to remove their built-in web feed support without providing an official extension to carry on the legacy is another strike to the <a href=\"https://sociale.network/tags/openWeb\">#<span>openWeb</span></a> and <a href=\"https://sociale.network/tags/indieWeb\">#<span>indieWeb</span></a> on their side. </p><p>I often wonder what has been going on inside <a href=\"https://sociale.network/tags/Mozilla\">#<span>Mozilla</span></a>. <a href=\"https://sociale.network/tags/Firefox\">#<span>Firefox</span></a> reached its largest market share (around 30%) some 10 years ago. Since then, it has been inexorably losing market share. There is little doubt that this has been largely due to the growth of mobile and Google's unfair marketing advantage, BUT:</p>",
"text": "#Mozilla's choice to remove their built-in web feed support without providing an official extension to carry on the legacy is another strike to the #openWeb and #indieWeb on their side. I often wonder what has been going on inside #Mozilla. #Firefox reached its largest market share (around 30%) some 10 years ago. Since then, it has been inexorably losing market share. There is little doubt that this has been largely due to the growth of mobile and Google's unfair marketing advantage, BUT:"
"published": "2023-02-21T10:11:25+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "35303219",
"_source": "7235",
"_is_read": false
Each of these has numerous interoperable implementations which are in active use by anywhere from thousands to millions of users.
Two additional specifications also had several implementations as of the time of their publication as a W3C Recommendations (which you can find from the Implementation Report linked near the top of each spec). However today they’re both fairly invisible "plumbing" (as most specs should be) or they haven’t picked up widespread use like the others:
#LinkedDataNotifications (LDN) #WebSub
To be fair, LDN was only one building block in what eventually became SoLiD², the basis of Tim Berners–Lee’s startup Inrupt.
However, in the post Elon-acquisition of Twitter and subsequent Twexodus, as Anil Dash noted³, “nobody ran to the ’web3’ platforms”, and nobody ran to SoLiD either.
The other spec, WebSub, was roughly interoperably implemented as PubSubHubbub before it was brought to the Social Web Working Group. Yet despite that implementation experience, a more rigorous specification that fixed a lot of bugs, and a test suite⁴, WebSub’s adoption hasn’t really noticeably grown since. Existing implementations & services are still functioning though. My own blog supports WebSub notifications for example, for anyone that wants to receive/read my posts in real time.
One of the biggest challenges the Social Web Working Group faced was with so many approaches being brought to the group, which approach should we choose?
As one of the co-chairs of the group, with the other co-chairs, and our staff contacts over time, we realized that if we as chairs & facilitators tried to pick any one approach, we would almost certainly alienate and lose more than half of the working group who had already built or were actively interested in developing other approaches.
We (as chairs) decided to do something which very few standards groups do, and for that matter, have ever done successfully.
From 15+ different approaches, or projects, or efforts that were brought⁵ to the working group, we narrowed them down to about 2.5 which I can summarize as:
1. #IndieWeb building blocks, many of which were already implemented, deployed, and showing rough interoperability across numerous independent websites
2. ActivityStreams based approaches, which also demonstrated implementability, interoperability, and real user value as part of the OStatus suite, implemented in StatusNet, Identica, etc.
2.5 "something with Linked Data (LD)" — expressed as a 0.5 because there wasn’t anything user-visible “social web” with LD working at the start of the Working Group, however there was a very passionate set of participants insisting that everything be done with RDF/LD, despite the fact that it was less of a proven social web approach than the other two.
As chairs we figured out that if we were able to help facilitate the development of these 2.5 approaches in parallel, nearly everyone who was active in the Working Group would have something they would feel like they could direct their positive energy into, instead of spending time fighting or tearing down someone else’s approach.
It was a very difficult social-technical balance to maintain, and we hit more than a few bumps along the way. However we also had many moments of alignment, where two (or all) of the various approaches found common problems, and either identical or at least compatible solutions.
I saw many examples where the discoveries of one approach helped inform and improve another approach. Developing more than one approach in the same working group was not only possible, it actually worked.
I also saw examples of different problems being solved by different approaches, and I found that aspect particularly fascinating and hopeful. Multiple approaches were able to choose & priortize different subsets of social web use-cases and problems to solve from the larger space of decentralized social web challenges. By doing so, different approaches often explored and mapped out different areas of the larger social web space.
I’m still a bit amazed we were able to complete all of those Recommendations in less than four years, and everyone who participated in the working group should be proud of that accomplishment, beyond any one specification they may have worked on.
With hindsight, we can see the positive practical benefits from allowing & facilitating multiple approaches to move forward. Today there is both a very healthy & growing set of folks who want simple personal sites to do with as they please (#IndieWeb), and we also have a growing network of Mastodon instances and other software & services that interoperate with them, like Bridgy Fed⁶.
Millions of users are posting & interacting with each other daily, without depending on any large central corporate site or service, whether on their own personal domain & site they fully control, or with an account on a trusted community server, using different software & services.
Choosing to go from 15+ down to 2.5, but not down to 1 approach turned out to be the right answer, to both allow a wide variety⁷ of decentralized social web efforts to grow, interoperate via bridges, and frankly, socially to provide something positive for everyone to contribute to, instead of wasting weeks, possibly months in heated debates about which one approach was the one true way.
There’s lots more to be written about the history of the Social Web Working Group, which perhaps I will do some day.
For now, if you’re curious for more, I strongly recommend diving into the group’s wiki https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg and its subpages for more historical details. All the minutes of our meetings are there. All the research we conducted is there.
If you’re interested in contributing to the specifications we developed, find the place where that work is being done, the people actively implementing those specs, and even better, actively using their own implementations⁸.
If you’re not sure, pop by the indieweb-dev chat and ask anyway!
The IndieWeb community has grown only larger and more diverse in approaches & implementations in the past five years, and we regularly have discussions about most of the specifications that were developed in the Social Web Working Group.
"type": "entry",
"published": "2023-02-20 19:16-0800",
"url": "http://tantek.com/2023/051/t1/five-years-ago-w3c-social-web",
"category": [
"content": {
"text": "Five years ago last Monday, the @W3C Social Web Working Group officially closed\u00b9.\n\nOperating for less than four years, it standardized several foundations of the #fediverse & #IndieWeb:\n\n#Webmention\n#Micropub\n#ActivityStreams2\n#ActivityPub\n\nEach of these has numerous interoperable implementations which are in active use by anywhere from thousands to millions of users.\n\nTwo additional specifications also had several implementations as of the time of their publication as a W3C Recommendations (which you can find from the Implementation Report linked near the top of each spec). However today they\u2019re both fairly invisible \"plumbing\" (as most specs should be) or they haven\u2019t picked up widespread use like the others:\n\n#LinkedDataNotifications (LDN)\n#WebSub\n\nTo be fair, LDN was only one building block in what eventually became SoLiD\u00b2, the basis of Tim Berners\u2013Lee\u2019s startup Inrupt.\n\nHowever, in the post Elon-acquisition of Twitter and subsequent Twexodus, as Anil Dash noted\u00b3, \u201cnobody ran to the \u2019web3\u2019 platforms\u201d, and nobody ran to SoLiD either.\n\nThe other spec, WebSub, was roughly interoperably implemented as PubSubHubbub before it was brought to the Social Web Working Group. Yet despite that implementation experience, a more rigorous specification that fixed a lot of bugs, and a test suite\u2074, WebSub\u2019s adoption hasn\u2019t really noticeably grown since. Existing implementations & services are still functioning though. My own blog supports WebSub notifications for example, for anyone that wants to receive/read my posts in real time.\n\n\nOne of the biggest challenges the Social Web Working Group faced was with so many approaches being brought to the group, which approach should we choose?\n\nAs one of the co-chairs of the group, with the other co-chairs, and our staff contacts over time, we realized that if we as chairs & facilitators tried to pick any one approach, we would almost certainly alienate and lose more than half of the working group who had already built or were actively interested in developing other approaches.\n\nWe (as chairs) decided to do something which very few standards groups do, and for that matter, have ever done successfully.\n\nFrom 15+ different approaches, or projects, or efforts that were brought\u2075 to the working group, we narrowed them down to about 2.5 which I can summarize as:\n\n1. #IndieWeb building blocks, many of which were already implemented, deployed, and showing rough interoperability across numerous independent websites\n\n2. ActivityStreams based approaches, which also demonstrated implementability, interoperability, and real user value as part of the OStatus suite, implemented in StatusNet, Identica, etc.\n\n2.5 \"something with Linked Data (LD)\" \u2014 expressed as a 0.5 because there wasn\u2019t anything user-visible \u201csocial web\u201d with LD working at the start of the Working Group, however there was a very passionate set of participants insisting that everything be done with RDF/LD, despite the fact that it was less of a proven social web approach than the other two.\n\n\nAs chairs we figured out that if we were able to help facilitate the development of these 2.5 approaches in parallel, nearly everyone who was active in the Working Group would have something they would feel like they could direct their positive energy into, instead of spending time fighting or tearing down someone else\u2019s approach.\n\nIt was a very difficult social-technical balance to maintain, and we hit more than a few bumps along the way. However we also had many moments of alignment, where two (or all) of the various approaches found common problems, and either identical or at least compatible solutions.\n\nI saw many examples where the discoveries of one approach helped inform and improve another approach. Developing more than one approach in the same working group was not only possible, it actually worked.\n\nI also saw examples of different problems being solved by different approaches, and I found that aspect particularly fascinating and hopeful. Multiple approaches were able to choose & priortize different subsets of social web use-cases and problems to solve from the larger space of decentralized social web challenges. By doing so, different approaches often explored and mapped out different areas of the larger social web space.\n\nI\u2019m still a bit amazed we were able to complete all of those Recommendations in less than four years, and everyone who participated in the working group should be proud of that accomplishment, beyond any one specification they may have worked on.\n\nWith hindsight, we can see the positive practical benefits from allowing & facilitating multiple approaches to move forward. Today there is both a very healthy & growing set of folks who want simple personal sites to do with as they please (#IndieWeb), and we also have a growing network of Mastodon instances and other software & services that interoperate with them, like Bridgy Fed\u2076. \n\nMillions of users are posting & interacting with each other daily, without depending on any large central corporate site or service, whether on their own personal domain & site they fully control, or with an account on a trusted community server, using different software & services.\n\nChoosing to go from 15+ down to 2.5, but not down to 1 approach turned out to be the right answer, to both allow a wide variety\u2077 of decentralized social web efforts to grow, interoperate via bridges, and frankly, socially to provide something positive for everyone to contribute to, instead of wasting weeks, possibly months in heated debates about which one approach was the one true way.\n\nThere\u2019s lots more to be written about the history of the Social Web Working Group, which perhaps I will do some day.\n\nFor now, if you\u2019re curious for more, I strongly recommend diving into the group\u2019s wiki https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg and its subpages for more historical details. All the minutes of our meetings are there. All the research we conducted is there.\n\nIf you\u2019re interested in contributing to the specifications we developed, find the place where that work is being done, the people actively implementing those specs, and even better, actively using their own implementations\u2078.\n\nYou can find the various IndieWeb building blocks living specifications here:\n* https://spec.indieweb.org/\nAnd discussions thereof in the development chat channel:\n* https://chat.indieweb.org/dev\n\nIf you\u2019re not sure, pop by the indieweb-dev chat and ask anyway!\n\nThe IndieWeb community has grown only larger and more diverse in approaches & implementations in the past five years, and we regularly have discussions about most of the specifications that were developed in the Social Web Working Group.\n\n\nThis is day 33 of #100DaysOfIndieWeb #100Days\n\n\u2190 Day 32: https://tantek.com/2023/047/t1/nineteen-years-microformats\n\u2192 \ud83d\udd2e\n\n\nPost Glossary:\n\nActivityPub\n\u00a0https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/ \nActivityStreams2\n\u00a0https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-core/\n\u00a0https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/\nLinked Data Notifications\n\u00a0https://www.w3.org/TR/ldn/\nMicropub\n\u00a0https://micropub.spec.indieweb.org/\nWebmention\n\u00a0https://webmention.net/draft/\nWebSub\n\u00a0https://www.w3.org/TR/websub/\n\n\nReferences:\n\u00b9 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg\n\u00b2 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2015-03-18-minutes#solid\n\u00b3 https://mastodon.cloud/@anildash/109299991009836007\n\u2074 https://websub.rocks/\n\u2075 https://indieweb.org/Social_Web_Working_Group#History\n\u2076 https://tantek.com/2023/008/t7/bridgy-indieweb-posse-backfeed\n\u2077 https://indieweb.org/plurality\n\u2078 https://indieweb.org/use_what_you_make",
"html": "Five years ago last Monday, the <a class=\"h-cassis-username\" href=\"https://twitter.com/W3C\">@W3C</a> Social Web Working Group officially closed<a href=\"http://tantek.com/#t5PU1_note-1\">\u00b9</a>.<br /><br />Operating for less than four years, it standardized several foundations of the #<span class=\"p-category\">fediverse</span> & #<span class=\"p-category\">IndieWeb:</span><br /><br />#<span class=\"p-category\">Webmention</span><br />#<span class=\"p-category\">Micropub</span><br />#<span class=\"p-category\">ActivityStreams2</span><br />#<span class=\"p-category\">ActivityPub</span><br /><br />Each of these has numerous interoperable implementations which are in active use by anywhere from thousands to millions of users.<br /><br />Two additional specifications also had several implementations as of the time of their publication as a W3C Recommendations (which you can find from the Implementation Report linked near the top of each spec). However today they\u2019re both fairly invisible \"plumbing\" (as most specs should be) or they haven\u2019t picked up widespread use like the others:<br /><br />#<span class=\"p-category\">LinkedDataNotifications</span> (LDN)<br />#<span class=\"p-category\">WebSub</span><br /><br />To be fair, LDN was only one building block in what eventually became SoLiD<a href=\"http://tantek.com/#t5PU1_note-2\">\u00b2</a>, the basis of Tim Berners\u2013Lee\u2019s startup Inrupt.<br /><br />However, in the post Elon-acquisition of Twitter and subsequent Twexodus, as Anil Dash noted<a href=\"http://tantek.com/#t5PU1_note-3\">\u00b3</a>, \u201cnobody ran to the \u2019web3\u2019 platforms\u201d, and nobody ran to SoLiD either.<br /><br />The other spec, WebSub, was roughly interoperably implemented as PubSubHubbub before it was brought to the Social Web Working Group. Yet despite that implementation experience, a more rigorous specification that fixed a lot of bugs, and a test suite<a href=\"http://tantek.com/#t5PU1_note-4\">\u2074</a>, WebSub\u2019s adoption hasn\u2019t really noticeably grown since. Existing implementations & services are still functioning though. My own blog supports WebSub notifications for example, for anyone that wants to receive/read my posts in real time.<br /><br /><br />One of the biggest challenges the Social Web Working Group faced was with so many approaches being brought to the group, which approach should we choose?<br /><br />As one of the co-chairs of the group, with the other co-chairs, and our staff contacts over time, we realized that if we as chairs & facilitators tried to pick any one approach, we would almost certainly alienate and lose more than half of the working group who had already built or were actively interested in developing other approaches.<br /><br />We (as chairs) decided to do something which very few standards groups do, and for that matter, have ever done successfully.<br /><br />From 15+ different approaches, or projects, or efforts that were brought<a href=\"http://tantek.com/#t5PU1_note-5\">\u2075</a> to the working group, we narrowed them down to about 2.5 which I can summarize as:<br /><br />1. #<span class=\"p-category\">IndieWeb</span> building blocks, many of which were already implemented, deployed, and showing rough interoperability across numerous independent websites<br /><br />2. ActivityStreams based approaches, which also demonstrated implementability, interoperability, and real user value as part of the OStatus suite, implemented in StatusNet, Identica, etc.<br /><br />2.5 \"something with Linked Data (LD)\" \u2014 expressed as a 0.5 because there wasn\u2019t anything user-visible \u201csocial web\u201d with LD working at the start of the Working Group, however there was a very passionate set of participants insisting that everything be done with RDF/LD, despite the fact that it was less of a proven social web approach than the other two.<br /><br /><br />As chairs we figured out that if we were able to help facilitate the development of these 2.5 approaches in parallel, nearly everyone who was active in the Working Group would have something they would feel like they could direct their positive energy into, instead of spending time fighting or tearing down someone else\u2019s approach.<br /><br />It was a very difficult social-technical balance to maintain, and we hit more than a few bumps along the way. However we also had many moments of alignment, where two (or all) of the various approaches found common problems, and either identical or at least compatible solutions.<br /><br />I saw many examples where the discoveries of one approach helped inform and improve another approach. Developing more than one approach in the same working group was not only possible, it actually worked.<br /><br />I also saw examples of different problems being solved by different approaches, and I found that aspect particularly fascinating and hopeful. Multiple approaches were able to choose & priortize different subsets of social web use-cases and problems to solve from the larger space of decentralized social web challenges. By doing so, different approaches often explored and mapped out different areas of the larger social web space.<br /><br />I\u2019m still a bit amazed we were able to complete all of those Recommendations in less than four years, and everyone who participated in the working group should be proud of that accomplishment, beyond any one specification they may have worked on.<br /><br />With hindsight, we can see the positive practical benefits from allowing & facilitating multiple approaches to move forward. Today there is both a very healthy & growing set of folks who want simple personal sites to do with as they please (#IndieWeb), and we also have a growing network of Mastodon instances and other software & services that interoperate with them, like Bridgy Fed<a href=\"http://tantek.com/#t5PU1_note-6\">\u2076</a>. <br /><br />Millions of users are posting & interacting with each other daily, without depending on any large central corporate site or service, whether on their own personal domain & site they fully control, or with an account on a trusted community server, using different software & services.<br /><br />Choosing to go from 15+ down to 2.5, but not down to 1 approach turned out to be the right answer, to both allow a wide variety<a href=\"http://tantek.com/#t5PU1_note-7\">\u2077</a> of decentralized social web efforts to grow, interoperate via bridges, and frankly, socially to provide something positive for everyone to contribute to, instead of wasting weeks, possibly months in heated debates about which one approach was the one true way.<br /><br />There\u2019s lots more to be written about the history of the Social Web Working Group, which perhaps I will do some day.<br /><br />For now, if you\u2019re curious for more, I strongly recommend diving into the group\u2019s wiki <a href=\"https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg\">https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg</a> and its subpages for more historical details. All the minutes of our meetings are there. All the research we conducted is there.<br /><br />If you\u2019re interested in contributing to the specifications we developed, find the place where that work is being done, the people actively implementing those specs, and even better, actively using their own implementations<a href=\"http://tantek.com/#t5PU1_note-8\">\u2078</a>.<br /><br />You can find the various IndieWeb building blocks living specifications here:<br />* <a href=\"https://spec.indieweb.org/\">https://spec.indieweb.org/</a><br />And discussions thereof in the development chat channel:<br />* <a href=\"https://chat.indieweb.org/dev\">https://chat.indieweb.org/dev</a><br /><br />If you\u2019re not sure, pop by the indieweb-dev chat and ask anyway!<br /><br />The IndieWeb community has grown only larger and more diverse in approaches & implementations in the past five years, and we regularly have discussions about most of the specifications that were developed in the Social Web Working Group.<br /><br /><br />This is day 33 of #<span class=\"p-category\">100DaysOfIndieWeb</span> #<span class=\"p-category\">100Days</span><br /><br />\u2190 Day 32: <a href=\"https://tantek.com/2023/047/t1/nineteen-years-microformats\">https://tantek.com/2023/047/t1/nineteen-years-microformats</a><br />\u2192 \ud83d\udd2e<br /><br /><br />Post Glossary:<br /><br />ActivityPub<br />\u00a0<a href=\"https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/\">https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/</a> <br />ActivityStreams2<br />\u00a0<a href=\"https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-core/\">https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-core/</a><br />\u00a0<a href=\"https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/\">https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/</a><br />Linked Data Notifications<br />\u00a0<a href=\"https://www.w3.org/TR/ldn/\">https://www.w3.org/TR/ldn/</a><br />Micropub<br />\u00a0<a href=\"https://micropub.spec.indieweb.org/\">https://micropub.spec.indieweb.org/</a><br />Webmention<br />\u00a0<a href=\"https://webmention.net/draft/\">https://webmention.net/draft/</a><br />WebSub<br />\u00a0<a href=\"https://www.w3.org/TR/websub/\">https://www.w3.org/TR/websub/</a><br /><br /><br />References:<br /><a href=\"http://tantek.com/#t5PU1_ref-1\">\u00b9</a> <a href=\"https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg\">https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg</a><br /><a href=\"http://tantek.com/#t5PU1_ref-2\">\u00b2</a> <a href=\"https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2015-03-18-minutes#solid\">https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2015-03-18-minutes#solid</a><br /><a href=\"http://tantek.com/#t5PU1_ref-3\">\u00b3</a> <a href=\"https://mastodon.cloud/@anildash/109299991009836007\">https://mastodon.cloud/@anildash/109299991009836007</a><br /><a href=\"http://tantek.com/#t5PU1_ref-4\">\u2074</a> <a href=\"https://websub.rocks/\">https://websub.rocks/</a><br /><a href=\"http://tantek.com/#t5PU1_ref-5\">\u2075</a> <a href=\"https://indieweb.org/Social_Web_Working_Group#History\">https://indieweb.org/Social_Web_Working_Group#History</a><br /><a href=\"http://tantek.com/#t5PU1_ref-6\">\u2076</a> <a href=\"https://tantek.com/2023/008/t7/bridgy-indieweb-posse-backfeed\">https://tantek.com/2023/008/t7/bridgy-indieweb-posse-backfeed</a><br /><a href=\"http://tantek.com/#t5PU1_ref-7\">\u2077</a> <a href=\"https://indieweb.org/plurality\">https://indieweb.org/plurality</a><br /><a href=\"http://tantek.com/#t5PU1_ref-8\">\u2078</a> <a href=\"https://indieweb.org/use_what_you_make\">https://indieweb.org/use_what_you_make</a>"
"author": {
"type": "card",
"name": "Tantek \u00c7elik",
"url": "http://tantek.com/",
"photo": "https://aperture-media.p3k.io/tantek.com/acfddd7d8b2c8cf8aa163651432cc1ec7eb8ec2f881942dca963d305eeaaa6b8.jpg"
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "35303022",
"_source": "1",
"_is_read": false
Link: Re; Reading social streams in feed reader 🔗 It’s absolutely fair enough not following social media in your RSS reader. I also like being referred to as Mr Leon Paternoster.
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "@leonp",
"url": "https://fosstodon.org/@leonp",
"photo": null
"url": "https://fosstodon.org/@leonp/109901839496770563",
"content": {
"html": "<p>Link: Re; Reading social streams in feed reader \ud83d\udd17 It\u2019s absolutely fair enough not following social media in your RSS reader. I also like being referred to as Mr Leon Paternoster.<br /><br /> \ud83c\udff7 <a href=\"https://fosstodon.org/tags/Indieweb\">#<span>Indieweb</span></a> <a href=\"https://fosstodon.org/tags/RSS\">#<span>RSS</span></a><br /><a href=\"https://thenewleafjournal.com/leafbud/re-reading-social-streams-in-feed-reader/\"><span>https://</span><span>thenewleafjournal.com/leafbud/</span><span>re-reading-social-streams-in-feed-reader/</span></a></p>",
"text": "Link: Re; Reading social streams in feed reader \ud83d\udd17 It\u2019s absolutely fair enough not following social media in your RSS reader. I also like being referred to as Mr Leon Paternoster.\n\n \ud83c\udff7 #Indieweb #RSS\nhttps://thenewleafjournal.com/leafbud/re-reading-social-streams-in-feed-reader/"
"published": "2023-02-21T08:43:06+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "35301932",
"_source": "7235",
"_is_read": false
@Samir@atomicpoet@davew@TechCrunch@fediversenews Opera/Presto used to tell you that without looking at the source. Vivaldi inherited that feature. I think other browsers have extensions to do it too. Hopefully with the comeback of the #indieWeb and #openWeb these features will have a comeback.
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "@oblomov",
"url": "https://sociale.network/@oblomov",
"photo": null
"url": "https://sociale.network/@oblomov/109901293762656464",
"content": {
"html": "<p><span class=\"h-card\"><a class=\"u-url\" href=\"https://m.tweepsmap.com/@Samir\">@<span>Samir</span></a></span> <span class=\"h-card\"><a class=\"u-url\" href=\"https://mastodon.social/@atomicpoet\">@<span>atomicpoet</span></a></span> <span class=\"h-card\"><a class=\"u-url\" href=\"https://mastodon.social/@davew\">@<span>davew</span></a></span> <span class=\"h-card\"><a class=\"u-url\" href=\"https://mstdn.social/@TechCrunch\">@<span>TechCrunch</span></a></span> <span class=\"h-card\"><a class=\"u-url\" href=\"https://venera.social/profile/fediversenews\">@<span>fediversenews</span></a></span> Opera/Presto used to tell you that without looking at the source. Vivaldi inherited that feature. I think other browsers have extensions to do it too. Hopefully with the comeback of the <a href=\"https://sociale.network/tags/indieWeb\">#<span>indieWeb</span></a> and <a href=\"https://sociale.network/tags/openWeb\">#<span>openWeb</span></a> these features will have a comeback.</p>",
"text": "@Samir @atomicpoet @davew @TechCrunch @fediversenews Opera/Presto used to tell you that without looking at the source. Vivaldi inherited that feature. I think other browsers have extensions to do it too. Hopefully with the comeback of the #indieWeb and #openWeb these features will have a comeback."
"published": "2023-02-21T06:24:19+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "35300164",
"_source": "7235",
"_is_read": false
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "@qubyte",
"url": "https://mastodon.social/@qubyte",
"photo": null
"url": "https://mastodon.social/@qubyte/109899687509012356",
"content": {
"html": "<p>Static sites are great in lots of ways, but <a href=\"https://mastodon.social/tags/webmentions\">#<span>webmentions</span></a> are kind of a pain in the ass. I wrote a Netlify build plugin which uses my atom feed to determine mentions to dispatch. <a href=\"https://mastodon.social/tags/IndieWeb\">#<span>IndieWeb</span></a> <a href=\"https://qubyte.codes/blog/dispatching-webmentions-with-a-netlify-build-plugin\"><span>https://</span><span>qubyte.codes/blog/dispatching-</span><span>webmentions-with-a-netlify-build-plugin</span></a></p>",
"text": "Static sites are great in lots of ways, but #webmentions are kind of a pain in the ass. I wrote a Netlify build plugin which uses my atom feed to determine mentions to dispatch. #IndieWeb https://qubyte.codes/blog/dispatching-webmentions-with-a-netlify-build-plugin"
"published": "2023-02-20T23:35:49+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "35294836",
"_source": "7235",
"_is_read": false
Finally released version 3.3.7 of the jekyll-webmention_io plugin, which updates some key dependencies, and staged a couple of major new features for the planned version 3.4.0! Progress!
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "@brettk",
"url": "https://indieweb.social/@brettk",
"photo": null
"url": "https://indieweb.social/@brettk/109899464660641701",
"content": {
"html": "<p>Finally released version 3.3.7 of the jekyll-webmention_io plugin, which updates some key dependencies, and staged a couple of major new features for the planned version 3.4.0! Progress!</p><p><a href=\"https://indieweb.social/tags/indieweb\">#<span>indieweb</span></a></p><p>(<a href=\"https://b-ark.ca/0ek8_w\"><span>https://</span><span>b-ark.ca/0ek8_w</span><span></span></a>)</p>",
"text": "Finally released version 3.3.7 of the jekyll-webmention_io plugin, which updates some key dependencies, and staged a couple of major new features for the planned version 3.4.0! Progress!#indieweb(https://b-ark.ca/0ek8_w)"
"published": "2023-02-20T22:39:09+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "35294064",
"_source": "7235",
"_is_read": false
It’s amazing to realise that the more we put names to things the more we can help others to understand it. In fact, the more I read today about #indieweb, the more I have two feelings. One side I feel I’ve been wasting my time for more than 10 years in #digital. On the other side, I want to learn and practice more and more about indieweb. https://tantek.com/2023/029/t1/indieweb-beyond-blogging
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "@torresburriel",
"url": "https://mastodon.cloud/@torresburriel",
"photo": null
"url": "https://mastodon.cloud/@torresburriel/109899047941689858",
"content": {
"html": "<p>It\u2019s amazing to realise that the more we put names to things the more we can help others to understand it. In fact, the more I read today about <a href=\"https://mastodon.cloud/tags/indieweb\">#<span>indieweb</span></a>, the more I have two feelings. One side I feel I\u2019ve been wasting my time for more than 10 years in <a href=\"https://mastodon.cloud/tags/digital\">#<span>digital</span></a>. On the other side, I want to learn and practice more and more about indieweb. <a href=\"https://tantek.com/2023/029/t1/indieweb-beyond-blogging\"><span>https://</span><span>tantek.com/2023/029/t1/indiewe</span><span>b-beyond-blogging</span></a></p>",
"text": "It\u2019s amazing to realise that the more we put names to things the more we can help others to understand it. In fact, the more I read today about #indieweb, the more I have two feelings. One side I feel I\u2019ve been wasting my time for more than 10 years in #digital. On the other side, I want to learn and practice more and more about indieweb. https://tantek.com/2023/029/t1/indieweb-beyond-blogging"
"published": "2023-02-20T20:53:10+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "35293035",
"_source": "7235",
"_is_read": false
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "@matthewhowell",
"url": "https://indieweb.social/@matthewhowell",
"photo": null
"url": "https://indieweb.social/@matthewhowell/109898348979728546",
"content": {
"html": "<p>New personal website \u2728 launches today.</p><p>I spent waaaaaaaay too much time on this, as I am absolutely, forever wont to do.</p><p><a href=\"https://indieweb.social/tags/website\">#<span>website</span></a> <a href=\"https://indieweb.social/tags/personalwebsite\">#<span>personalwebsite</span></a> <a href=\"https://indieweb.social/tags/indieweb\">#<span>indieweb</span></a></p><p><a href=\"https://www.matthewhowell.net/\"><span>https://www.</span><span>matthewhowell.net/</span><span></span></a></p>",
"text": "New personal website \u2728 launches today.I spent waaaaaaaay too much time on this, as I am absolutely, forever wont to do.#website #personalwebsite #indiewebhttps://www.matthewhowell.net/"
"published": "2023-02-20T17:55:25+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "35289199",
"_source": "7235",
"_is_read": false
“There are those who see the web merely as a tool to sell things or to gain influence or otherwise profit, and then there are the “web people” who enjoy the web as a medium of creation, who simply enjoy putting things out there for other people to appreciate.”
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "#indieweb",
"url": "https://mastodon.social/tags/indieweb",
"photo": null
"url": "https://alis.me/x/web-people/",
"content": {
"html": "<p>\u201cThere are those who see the web merely as a tool to sell things or to gain influence or otherwise profit, and then there are the \u201cweb people\u201d who enjoy the web as a medium of creation, who simply enjoy putting things out there for other people to appreciate.\u201d</p><p>Roy Tang on <a class=\"u-in-reply-to\" href=\"https://roytang.net/2022/11/word-web-persons/\">web people</a>.</p><p><a class=\"u-tag u-category\" href=\"https://alis.me/-/culture/\">#culture</a> <a class=\"u-tag u-category\" href=\"https://alis.me/-/indieweb/\">#indieweb</a> <a class=\"u-tag u-category\" href=\"https://alis.me/-/tech/\">#tech</a></p>",
"text": "\u201cThere are those who see the web merely as a tool to sell things or to gain influence or otherwise profit, and then there are the \u201cweb people\u201d who enjoy the web as a medium of creation, who simply enjoy putting things out there for other people to appreciate.\u201dRoy Tang on web people.#culture #indieweb #tech"
"published": "2023-02-20T17:53:52+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "35289200",
"_source": "7235",
"_is_read": false
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "@alienlebarge",
"url": "https://social.lol/@alienlebarge",
"photo": null
"url": "https://social.lol/@alienlebarge/109897149512052689",
"content": {
"html": "<p>What do you think is the most appropriate <a href=\"https://social.lol/tags/IndieWeb\">#<span>IndieWeb</span></a> post type for a <a href=\"https://social.lol/tags/DigitalGarden\">#<span>DigitalGarden</span></a>?</p><p>Personally, I\u2019m leaning towards study. But I would like to hear your opinion. <a href=\"https://indieweb.org/study\"><span>https://</span><span>indieweb.org/study</span><span></span></a></p><p><a href=\"https://alienlebarge.ch/notes/20230220124922\"><span>https://</span><span>alienlebarge.ch/notes/20230220</span><span>124922</span></a></p>",
"text": "What do you think is the most appropriate #IndieWeb post type for a #DigitalGarden?Personally, I\u2019m leaning towards study. But I would like to hear your opinion. https://indieweb.org/studyhttps://alienlebarge.ch/notes/20230220124922"
"published": "2023-02-20T12:50:22+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "35283702",
"_source": "7235",
"_is_read": false
Re: My last boost. There’s a ton of great thinking about the #indieweb and self publishing in here. I’ve always been sporadic in publishing my own stuff but some of my happiest times in my former professional life involved helping other people create good processes for publishing their stuff. I wouldn’t mind doing that again.
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "@theotherbrook",
"url": "https://sunny.garden/@theotherbrook",
"photo": null
"url": "https://sunny.garden/@theotherbrook/109894204183159517",
"content": {
"html": "<p>Re: My last boost. There\u2019s a ton of great thinking about the <a href=\"https://sunny.garden/tags/indieweb\">#<span>indieweb</span></a> and self publishing in here. I\u2019ve always been sporadic in publishing my own stuff but some of my happiest times in my former professional life involved helping other people create good processes for publishing their stuff. I wouldn\u2019t mind doing that again.</p>",
"text": "Re: My last boost. There\u2019s a ton of great thinking about the #indieweb and self publishing in here. I\u2019ve always been sporadic in publishing my own stuff but some of my happiest times in my former professional life involved helping other people create good processes for publishing their stuff. I wouldn\u2019t mind doing that again."
"published": "2023-02-20T00:21:20+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "35272784",
"_source": "7235",
"_is_read": false
Both of these are bad choices, so I chose neither - or, depending on how you look at it, *both*. #POSSE stands for "Post Own Site, Share Everywhere," and it's an idea that comes out of the #Indieweb movement. Under POSSE, you post your work to a site you control, but syndicate to all the platforms and silos, with a link back to the original:
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": "@pluralistic",
"url": "https://mamot.fr/@pluralistic",
"photo": null
"url": "https://mamot.fr/@pluralistic/109894122818752121",
"content": {
"html": "<p>Long thread/6</p><p>Both of these are bad choices, so I chose neither - or, depending on how you look at it, *both*. <a href=\"https://mamot.fr/tags/POSSE\">#<span>POSSE</span></a> stands for \"Post Own Site, Share Everywhere,\" and it's an idea that comes out of the <a href=\"https://mamot.fr/tags/Indieweb\">#<span>Indieweb</span></a> movement. Under POSSE, you post your work to a site you control, but syndicate to all the platforms and silos, with a link back to the original:</p><p><a href=\"https://indieweb.org/POSSE\"><span>https://</span><span>indieweb.org/POSSE</span><span></span></a></p><p>6/</p>",
"text": "Long thread/6Both of these are bad choices, so I chose neither - or, depending on how you look at it, *both*. #POSSE stands for \"Post Own Site, Share Everywhere,\" and it's an idea that comes out of the #Indieweb movement. Under POSSE, you post your work to a site you control, but syndicate to all the platforms and silos, with a link back to the original:https://indieweb.org/POSSE6/"
"published": "2023-02-20T00:00:39+00:00",
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "35272785",
"_source": "7235",
"_is_read": false
"type": "entry",
"published": "2023-02-19T16:45:51-0500",
"url": "https://martymcgui.re/2023/02/19/this-week-in-the-indieweb-audio-edition--february-11th---17th-2023/",
"category": [
"audio": [
"name": "This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition \u2022 February 11th - 17th, 2023",
"content": {
"text": "Show/Hide Transcript\n \n Rel you? Rel me. It\u2019s the audio edition for This Week in the IndieWeb for February 11th - 17th, 2023.\nYou can find all of my audio editions and subscribe with your favorite podcast app here: martymcgui.re/podcasts/indieweb/.\nMusic from Aaron Parecki\u2019s 100DaysOfMusic project: Day 85 - Suit, Day 48 - Glitch, Day 49 - Floating, Day 9, and Day 11\nThanks to everyone in the IndieWeb chat for their feedback and suggestions. Please drop me a note if there are any changes you\u2019d like to see for this audio edition!",
"html": "Show/Hide Transcript\n \n <p>Rel you? Rel me. It\u2019s the audio edition for <a href=\"https://indieweb.org/this-week/2023-02-17.html\">This Week in the IndieWeb for February 11th - 17th, 2023</a>.</p>\n<p>You can find all of my audio editions and subscribe with your favorite podcast app here: <a href=\"https://martymcgui.re/podcasts/indieweb/\">martymcgui.re/podcasts/indieweb/</a>.</p>\n<p>Music from <a href=\"https://aaronparecki.com/\">Aaron Parecki</a>\u2019s <a href=\"https://100.aaronparecki.com/\">100DaysOfMusic project</a>: <a href=\"https://aaronparecki.com/2017/03/15/14/day85\">Day 85 - Suit</a>, <a href=\"https://aaronparecki.com/2017/02/06/7/day48\">Day 48 - Glitch</a>, <a href=\"https://aaronparecki.com/2017/02/07/4/day49\">Day 49 - Floating</a>, <a href=\"https://aaronparecki.com/2016/12/29/21/day-9\">Day 9</a>, and <a href=\"https://aaronparecki.com/2016/12/31/15/\">Day 11</a></p>\n<p>Thanks to everyone in the <a href=\"https://chat.indieweb.org/\">IndieWeb chat</a> for their feedback and suggestions. Please drop me a note if there are any changes you\u2019d like to see for this audio edition!</p>"
"author": {
"type": "card",
"name": "Marty McGuire",
"url": "https://martymcgui.re/",
"photo": "https://martymcgui.re/images/logo.jpg"
"post-type": "audio",
"_id": "35271997",
"_source": "175",
"_is_read": false