And then a bit later the above comment was pulled into the site. I need to figure out which of the #IndieWeb plug-ins I enabled that did it.

Great discussion on not relying on one silo like twitter by @aleen and @tempest making very #IndieWeb points
Originality: 39: Do Not Put All Your Eggs in Twitter's Basket

Episode webpage:

Media file:

Reading, watching, playing, using: February 2023

So right now, #IndieWeb and #ActivityPub won't actually do more for you than #MicroBlog membership and the #ShareOnMastodon plugin BUT they have the potential to do more if the developers focus more on making it so that we at least get the same thing from them for our site identities that our meat connected identities get from Share on Mastodon. And #SyndicationLinks needs to post a link to where we can get the dang token. /end rant

“The #IndieWeb is a community of independent & personal websites connected by simple standards, based on the principles of:
owning your domain & using it as your primary identity, publishing on your own site (optionally syndicating elsewhere), and owning your data.”

Learn more at

I’ve gone full Web 1.0 and added a #GuestBook to my new yet intentionally old school #adhd #blog - drop by and say something!

I’ve been reading up on #Webmentions and the #IndieWeb today and feel that I’ve got to be the change I want to see so supporting IndieWeb protocols & principles is important.

One of the use-cases mentioned was to allow people to comment on a site in general - which made me think of Ye Olde Guest Book.

So what #IndieWeb is good for is to join a community of other webmasters and make a wiki page that will probably never be read because #GoogleSoldOut but it's nice to feel welcome somewhere. I don't underestimate the value of community validation. It is a reasonable vetting process to make sure someone has a domain and can install a plugin for this.
It's also a good thing to introduce people to microformats, h-cards, and other things that will make them easier to find since Google sold out.

@Arp Woah - the reply to the post appeared as a comment on the site 🤯

#Webmention #ActivityPub #WordPress #Comments #IndieWeb

So in this thread, the developers in #ActivityPub and #IndieWeb are going to get a little of the side smoke that really belongs in #WordPress 's lungs, but y'all should catch some because if you're going to make tools for us you need to be paying attention to us. Some of you might be, but maybe some of this is Google's fault since nowadays if you search, people like me are invisible. You're only going to see ____ digital solutions, not ____ cat pics, hand sewn plush, and social commentary.

Frustration kicking in... facing the prospect of a yet another new project nobody will appreciate until it's gone... taking a step back... Okay, I need to articulate some things about IndieWeb and ActivityPub on Wordpress. I am finding some features useful and some not very. In the end, I would recommend to other webmasters to not go through the bother, and just make a Microblog account, feed in your feeds, and install Share on Mastodon. Now the why.
#IndieWeb #ActivityPub #WordPress

Micropub token to enable bridgy mastodon publish

anyone out there using indieauth protocol for their apps/sites?

#fediverse #indieweb

There are a few options for sending and receiving Webmentions on static sites:

I don’t have experience with those, but the indieweb chat has a helpful community if you have questions:

@elsua Just found this on #blogging and the #indieweb

[The Platform Era Is Ending - by @justin](

“While looking at how to integrate my WordPress site with Mastodon, I learned about the IndieWeb concept of POSSE(Publish on your Own Site, Syndicate Everywhere). Controlling your writing is essential.”

I wrote about the end of platforms, my experience on #Mastodon, and learning about the #IndieWeb.

I'm amazed at how many people “signed my guestbook” back then (that’s “replied to my post” in today’s terms, children). Everyone discovered new things by branching from one site to the next.

Search engines existed but weren’t all that great - they could get you started but there was much more out there to find. That’s where things like GuestBooks and Web Rings came in handy.

I see some of that with the #Fediverse and the #IndieWeb. It makes my digital heart sing a happy song.

So I did a silly thing. I resurrected my Dynamite Magazine fan site from 1998. :owi:

I tried to keep the nostalgic early web days vibe, but added some modern twists.

#IndieWeb microfomats were added, along with #Webmentions. Will add a web mention reply form, I think, too.

Check out the guestbook’s featured comments! Some really interesting stuff in there from original contributors, incudling R.L. Stein and his wife.

For blog posts, the typical convention when federating is to show the title of the post and link to the original. Bridgy Fed does that automatically for me. It reads the microformats in my posts to differentiate article and note posts and builds the Mastodon post.

Edit: I added a second screenshot on the wiki of what articles look like:

We'll be working on verifying our Mastodon presence using our own domain in the next couple of days. We love that we can use open web standards like plain old semantic HTML as a verification method and that it's not pay-to-play. #indieweb

What CMS do people love using with @eleventy? :11ty:

Extra points for pre-included or easily addable IndieWeb stuffs (Webmentions, Microformats, etc.)

(I'm asking for my partner who is not a dev, so they're not going to be writing raw markdown files into a git repo, they'll need some creature comforts)

#CMS #Eleventy #11ty #IndieWeb