Wiki spring cleaning, a false Fediverse, and how do you hashtag? It’s your < 10min update on the IndieWeb community!

This Week in the IndieWeb audio edition for February 25th - March 3rd, 2023.

OK. Time to attempt my first ever personal newsletter email.

I did up a draft at the end of January, but it was just a curated roll up of social posts. And I _do_ want to do that, but ... it was uninspiring. I can do something more interesting, like including some vignettes.

Goal #1 is to create something that can replace Facebook/Insta for family and friends who aren't ready for fedi. Goal #2 is to have something of a public diary.

For anyone interested:


My last four toots were syndicated from my website. Starting to get to grips with this #indieweb thing, though I will admit doing it with a static site generator might be more trouble than it’s worth.

Wiki spring cleaning, a false Fediverse, and how do you hashtag? It’s your < 10min update on the IndieWeb community!

This Week in the IndieWeb audio edition for February 25th - March 3rd, 2023.

This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition • February 25th - March 3rd, 2023

#podcast #IndieWeb #this-week-indieweb-podcast

I will say that #writefreely is a neat #fediverse based writing tool. It's not quite a CMS but a clean writing environment that not only uses #activitypub BUT is #indieweb enabled.

I'm thinking I should build #writersworld on it.

@linux_mclinuxface @msw @kelseyhightower Yeah, plurality should totally be celebrated! One of the things I love about the #indieweb, that it’s an explicit core principle of theirs:

More OSS should be created by such communities, where the community becomes the core, not any particular implementation, and that the community spurs and inspires one another rather than competes

I’ve been trying the Bluesky beta (still private, but they have a waitlist). I’m open to supporting it because isn’t based on any single protocol. It’s a blogging platform and social network that connects with the web. ActivityPub, Micropub, WebSub, RSS, XML-RPC, whatever.

Thanks @Aywren for the kind words about and how it connects to the fediverse and other services. Love this line: “ has the ability to connect everything together in a crazy good way.”

@sindresorhus Remember that Mastodon is just one implementation within the Fediverse. Eg is not using a Mastodon instance, yet taking part in the Fediverse.

I think the general discovery mechanism used in the Mastodon compatible Fediverse is the WebFinger /.well-known/ lookup, but then you would need to figure out the profile URL.

Responding with a rel-author Link: header would be a very web-style way of doing that.

If it was an #indieweb page you could look for microformats data

The Fediverse is Already Dead

@danielauener @davidslifka @spreadmastodon

And happily so... my firm does a huge amount of Wordpress work, and has developed several plugins, and I think the "Venn diagram" of openweb, #Indieweb and #Mastodon developers should have gigantic overlap.

Am very encouraged by the work at Automattic at Mastodon inclusion into Jetpack, and think greater integration between WordPress and Fediverse standards is the most natural thing in the world.

Added a #hashtag cloud to my Microblog page because why not! #indieweb

I've been on here for years and never actually did an #introduction post. Better late than never?
I'm a #neurodivergent #British #Trans Woman with #Dyspraxia, #Dyslexia and #Dyscalculia. I'm a recovering #tech / #computing hobbyist (trying to give it up, don't encourage me).

I'm into #art, #sewing/ #textiles (very much a newbie though), #crafts, #music, #writing / #fiction and #slowmovement.
I was atheist but I'm trying to get into #paganism (#celticpaganism / #celticreconstructionism specifically) and am planning to learn #welsh.

I'm a fan of #doctorwho and I've just started getting into #startrek.

I created "Starshine's Pages" on #neocities (link in bio) and I'm very interested in #webhistory and the #indieweb.
I've had follow requests on (and will likely indefinitely) since the Twitter exodus but feel free to request a follow, I'll accept if you seem like an ok person. Don't be offended if I don't though.

#reintroduction #dyspraxic #transwoman #mtf #transfem #uk #introductions

@fncll @cogdog used my Known install for 4 years .. really loved it .. wish I had properly archived it, but nuked it and started playing with the #indieweb wordpress stack in 2018*/

Just read the newest #BlueSky blogpost:
"Domain names as usernames & account portability" is very #IndieWeb and pretty cool for people who have a domain.

@tim @eleventy I was able to use netlify and the caching plugin, for mastodon connections. @sia has a great write up on implementing #webmentions and #indieweb items.

@mxbck had a great explanation as well too

~ #webrings watch ~

Day #13: Vocaloid Webring

Adilene is a big #Vocaloid fan. From the software to the performers to the songs. If you share any of the enthusiasm: Sign up! Show it some love!

#indieweb #website #yesterweb #web #webdev #smallweb #japan #anime #music

Detweeting (and More)

Not that I’ve been particularly active on Twitter for quite a while now, but the way things have gotten, especially under its new owner, I decided it was finally time to go. I haven’t deleted my main account (yet), but I’ve deleted most of my tweet history, and the accounts I used for side projects, and I don’t plan on returning.

Mastodon has filled Twitter’s niche for me over the last few years (obviously different people have different use cases, so it may not fit yours), and you can still find me there at

As for the archive, I’m slowly going through and looking for threads (and occasional single posts) that I think are worth keeping, importing them where they seem to fit best on this website, whether on the blog or another section.

It may be time to do the same with Facebook and Instagram* too. I haven’t been active on either of them in ages, and I’d rather own my data IndieWeb style than wait for Meta to go the way of LiveJournal.

*I’ve already trimmed a lot of my Instagram history.

#facebook #indieweb #instagram #mastodon #social-networking #twitter

Tonight's project - archiving my sad little collection of posts on the bird site over the years. I was never a big social media person, so this extract shouldn’t take long.

Let’s see how far I can get tonight!

Taking back what’s mine with #POSSE and the #IndieWeb