Metadata standards for publishers

Spent some of my afternoon attempting to better implement #MicroFormats2 and #MicroData into my blog.

I think I've done a reasonable job (according to the various parsers I can check) but all in all it's just made my head hurt for no tangible benefit I can glean.

It shouldn't be this tricky right?

#IndieWeb #SelfHost #WebDev

Hey - it’s #ADHDObsessionWednesday!

I want to hear from my #adhd peeps: what’s your current obsession or passion?

I’m still obsessed with #Mastodon, the #Fediverse, and the possibility of a better internet. So I added a bunch of #IndieWeb features to my new site.

(I was gonna do this on Monday but… I got distracted & forgot 😆)

How to use your own domain as your BlueSky handle

I recently got access to the BlueSky beta, and decided to poke around to see what it's all about. I will save the details of what it is and how I feel about it for a different post. However, one of the first things you do when you sign up is choose a username that exists under the domain. I have zero interest in another name rush where everyone tries to claim the shortest username possible, so I went with rather than trying to get a or apk.
#indieweb #bluesky #atproto

Fully managed website hosting resources.

**whispers** hey #Twitter peeps, guess what? If you get your own website/blog, you won't have to depend on renting social media space anymore. Sure, you can't shoot off piffy one line social media posts, but you will get subscribers and readers. Here's some services to try,

Assume all of the below ban porn. I didn't check.


The next two are free with some added paid bonuses.

A free blog/website,

you can also,

make your own free website at

Try, the main arm behind WriteFreely,

If you wanna try a fully managed version of CRAFT you can find fully managed versions on this page,

#IndieWeb #Blogging #Blogs #Blog

@yosh This is one of the things I like about the #IndieWeb, that it clearly separates authoring, hosting, aggregation, subscribing, reading, mentioning into different composable parts.

Good thing that it’s possible to bridge Mastodon and the IndieWeb.

Now eg clients are not built for open standards but rather a Mastodon specific one, whereas the IndieWeb has #MicroPub and #MicroSub + the ability to advertise where your such servers are similar to how you add email server discoverability to DNS

I'm glad to see that BlueSky supports custom domains! I have zero interest in sitting on a username in the bluesky namespace. Setting it up was roughly the same as pointing your own domain to a hosting provider, and a lot easier than Mastodon/ActivityPub!
#activitypub #atproto #bluesky #indieweb
I'm very glad to see that BlueSky supports custom domains! I have zero interest in sitting on a username in the bluesky namespace. Setting it up was roughly the same process as pointing your own domain to a web hosting provider, and frankly a lot easier than doing it for Mastodon/ActivityPub!

Anyone in the #WordPress and/or #indieweb community aware of a plugin that would let me import my Instapaper articles (bonus points if it could grab the highlights/notes) and add them to a “links” page on my blog? I’ve found a couple but they haven’t been updated in a while.

I have created a second RSS feed on my site, specifically for micro content, like the post you're reading right now.
If RSS is your thing, and you'd rather follow me using that, you can do so directly through my site now using the micro content feed:
#rss #blogging #openWeb #indieWeb

Today is day 3 of learning how to #code my Neocities #blog 😆😬

#html #css #IndieWeb #blogging

I doubled-down on RSS – Eric Bailey

In which Eric says:

Jeremy Keith, you magnificent son of a bitch.

I’ll take it.

Appropriately enough, I read this post in my feed reader.

#rss #feeds #blogs #subscribing #indieweb #personal #publishing

I’m around halfway through reading @manton book on indie publishing and microblogging. So far I’m really enjoying it and well worth a read if you’re into #Blogging, #IndieWeb and all that jazz.

Blogged: Some notes on moving from Jekyll to either Kirby or WordPress ✍️ Go more indieweb and enjoy a proper CMS. It’s time to move on, but to Kirby or WordPress?

🏷 #Indieweb #Kirby #WordPress

here are over 60 #p2p, #fediverse, and #indieweb-related repos to pique your curiosity and excite your innovation

Not sure if I enjoy receiving webmentions so much because it's rare or because I still feel like it's a more genuine way to get in touch and communicate cross-site. I suppose I value it more because it actually takes effort.

Still wish it'd be easier to implement for more people though.


This is a great fairly recent post by David Shanske on how to Indiewebify your WordPress site. I've found it very useful as I try to implement these protocols across a few websites of mine.

#IndieWeb #WordPress