Pretty sure this article made me get off my butt to build my current blog, and then researching led me to #Indieweb principles that I applied to the site.

I’m looking for the comic where on panel one a guy sets up his little house blog and invites people to visit and on the next panel he gets enticed to move by Facebook to this massive condo and gets his guests to visit there instead. Later, he gets locked out because Facebook took away his things and his visitors unless he pays to get a fraction of them back.

This gets posted often around here and I can’t find it. It’s a perfect illustration of what may happen with the Meta fediverse project.

#Facebook #Comic #IndieWeb #Meta

IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf planning, federated formatting, and BlueSky’s beta is brewing. It’s your < 10min update on the #IndieWeb community!

This Week in the IndieWeb audio edition for March 4th - 10th, 2023.

This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition • March 4th - 10th, 2023

#podcast #IndieWeb #this-week-indieweb-podcast

On POSSE and IndieWeb via Joel Auterson. #IndieWeb

I should probably make some sequence diagrams. My setup is a bit of a Rube Goldberg machine, but it's surprisingly robust and really convenient to use. For example, sharing photos happens right in the iOS photos app because shortcuts integrates into sharesheets. #indieweb

I'm really enjoying my POSSE setup. I publish to my micropub endpoint using my own iOS shortcuts for photos or study sessions (as events). For plain notes and bookmarks I typically use Omnibear.

The micropub endpoint pushes to a repository on GitHub, and an Actions workflow picks them up and syndicates photos, notes, and bookmarks to Mastodon. The workflow is fast enough that stuff frequently reaches Mastodon before Netlify has finished building my site. #indieweb

@joel Thanks so much for explaining! Non-techie here, keen to start archiving my own material on an existing static site first, & make it #indieweb compatible when I can.
I'd like to find or establish a template for short bursts of text followed by standard-size image boxes, similar to microblog threads, in the simplest & most elegant html / css... of which my knowledge is still very basic, so any pointers would be much appreciated!
Now bookmarking your more advanced tips for the later steps 🙏

I just spent time today building a static #html page in #seamonkey Composer for my #neocities site and it felt like the late 90s in a good way. And yeah... I used a single table to hold stuff in boo to the elitists out there! 😁 #retroweb #indieweb

"If the recent Twitter debacle has taught us anything it is that platforms aren’t stable. Tying your online identity to a corporate-owned website is fine for a while but in the very long run anything posted there is, ultimately, ephemeral....The only thing we can really rely on on the web is the web itself.

It is ubiquitous enough to be mostly decentralized, has backward-compatible standards that are mostly agreed-upon, and is mostly resilient to attack..."


Tiny websites have always fascinated me, along with internet web portals (which haven't been a thing for many years-- at least in the way we used to know them). I'm talking a simple HTML page with just a graphic or two, and a bunch of links. Something that might resemble the early days of Yahoo, etc.

The idea for this site I made has been buzzing around in my head for a while now. It is NOT responsive, there is NO JavaScript, and there's just a TINY bit of CSS. The whole site (one HTML page) is only about 9kb!

A simple site like this one might look primitive compared to some of the huge, complicated websites we see as standard on the internet today, but this site is guaranteed to work on any browser or device.

I used links for sites/documents that I frequent or use a lot, and mixed in my own personal projects for fun. It's a super simple page-- mostly for my own usage. But I really love the design of it!

I don't have a URL set up for it other than just on my free server at freehostia, but here it is! I call it 'Mr Beamer's Old Timey Web Portal'. 😂

#html #simplesites #webportal #webportals #htmlmostly #css #bareboneshtml #weirdweb #personalsites #personalwebsites #indieweb

And here's a fun one on TILvids. I love Guestbooks! #IndieWeb @veronicaexplains

This is a bit nerdier blog post about my recent migration to CapRover. If you're looking for a self-hosted alternative to Heroku, either for your own project, or to try some of the self-hosted apps it supports, you should give it a try.

#IndieWeb #selfhosted #website #webdev #WebDevelopment #heroku #DigitalOcean

Posted this week’s Core Intuition, all about social networks and blogging. Bluesky, the AT Protocol,, WordPress, ActivityPub, and Nostr.

Wrote about #indieweb and what I've done to get my website on board!

new blog post!

my thoughts about different languages and frameworks, and the importance of easily being able to translate thoughts into results

#blog #webdev #indieweb

It's really awesome seeing all the innovation and experimenting around Mastodon, fediverse, and ActivityPub.

Some of my own work includes:

- browse the most recent posts by tags
- a Mastodon extension that adds instance switcher and profile cards (currently beta-testing, feedback welcome!)

#mastodon #fediverse #OpenWeb #IndieWeb #BrowserExtension #feedback #HelpWanted #OpenSource

OAuth Support in Bluesky and AT Protocol

Bluesky, a new social media platform and AT Protocol, is unsurprisingly running up against the same challenges and limitations that Flickr, Twitter and many other social media platforms faced in the 2000s: passwords!
#oauth #indieauth #bluesky #atproto #indieweb

inspired by @simon, i've started a til repository. anytime i find a funky bug that i take a while to solve, i'll post the full error message and the solution i found.

hopefully, if anyone runs into the same error, they'll be able to find my solution!

my first til is now up on my github ( as well as over at:

#nextcloud #selfhosted #indieweb

Tik Tok is next to tell you what kind of links you can put on your online profile.

"TikTok has begun blocking links to app stores in creators’ bios, [....] The block [...] also extends to third-party link-in-bio solutions like Linktree."

And this is why you need to own your web presence, even if it's a basic, single page hosted on or via @Sarahp

#IndieWeb #OpenWeb #news #TikTok