Decentralized Social Media Rises as Twitter Melts Down

ActivityPub is the kept as small as possible. The translation RSS -> ActivityPub can be done by independent service, I've written one for bovine here. I haven't gotten around to updating the package names there yet, but I think all that needs to be changed is bovine_core -> bovine.

I can hardly believe it, after two years I finally managed to work through all my tweets and sort them out properly. All tweets that remained, I have taken over to my website following PESOS.

There were really so many posts whose context I no longer understood myself. How should it expect it from others?


Go Time

#hugo #webdev #time #parsing #microformats

Found out about the #HomebrewWebsiteClub on the #IndieWeb site. It’s

“a growing world-wide network of meetups for everyone who wants to take back their web experience from #socialMedia silos, and own their online identities & content, or just want support with #blogging!”

I’ve been anti-digital sharecropping for awhile and with my new #blog, this is right up my alley.

I’d love to try to do a #meetup locally in person but this might be a cool thing to do as a monthly #webchat here on #Mastodon/the #Fediverse.

Comment or boost if you’re interested in joining a regular webchat here.

Kind of odd to me that #ActivityPub doesn't support following #RSS feeds in the spec. #IndieWeb 🤷‍♂️

Do you use indieauth?

Check out my blog post on implementing indieauth and enabling h-entry on my website using Datenstrom Yellow Flat File CMS.

#indie #indieauth #indieweb #community #w3c #opensource #datenstrom #cms #implementation #hentry


IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf planning, A People’s History of Twitter, and an AI’s history of James. It’s your < 5min update on the #IndieWeb community!

This Week in the IndieWeb audio edition for March 11th - 17th, 2023.

This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition • March 11th - 17th, 2023

#podcast #IndieWeb #this-week-indieweb-podcast

Here is my plan for testing the IndieWeb plugins. Day 31 of #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal The Purpose Testing and Offering Suggestions on the IndieWeb Plugins. One of the plugin authors said that he wished he had a volunteer to help test the plugins. I volunteered. I had to think about how to do this and… (

IndieWeb Plugin Testing and Suggestions Project – Planning

Here is my plan for testing the IndieWeb plugins.

Day 31 of #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal

The Purpose

Testing and Offering Suggestions on the IndieWeb Plugins. One of the plugin authors said that he wished he had a volunteer to help test the plugins. I volunteered. I had to think about how to do this and the steps are below.

The Scope

The scope includes all plugins on the IndieWeb plugin plugins page that don’t require a classic theme.


A block theme and not a classic theme will be used.
Some plugins won’t be tested because of the use of a block theme.

The Plan

List the Plugins. (Name, descriptions, link, link, and GitHub link)
Pull the descriptions from the IndieWeb plugin interface.
Pull the descriptions from the plugin page on
Pull the description from
List the features based on the description.
View the plugins settings page to try to identify the feature through the settings.
Test the plugin by performing an action related to the features list and record the results.
Record the test results.
Record my suggestions.
Put it in a blog post.
Post negative results on the plugin’s GitHub page, if I see an error.
Let David S. know in the IndieWeb WordPress Slack channel.

#100daysofindieweb #indieweb #projectjournal

IndieWeb Plugin Testing and Suggestions Project – IndieAuth Plugin

My testing and suggestions for the IndieAuth plugin are located here.

Day 30 of #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal

IDPlugin Name or Reference PageCategoryShort Description/FeatureTest StepsResultsComments\Suggestions1IndieAuthAuthors David Shanske,  Matthias Pfefferle,  Aaron Parecki2IndieAuthDescriptions (IndieWeb) – Adds an IndieAuth endpoint to WordPress. Alternatively, if you do not want to enable this, you can use a third-party endpoint to login to the WordPress backend via IndieAuth.3IndieAuthDescription (IndieWeb Extensions Page)2. Install and activate the Micropub and IndieAuth plugins. The Micropub plugin will allow you to publish to your website using Micropub clients and the IndieAuth plugin adds an IndieAuth endpoint to allow authentication through your site, which Micropub requires. | IndieAuth is a way to allow users to use their own domain to sign into other websites and services.4IndieAuthDescriptions ( plugin turns WordPress into an IndieAuth endpoint. This can be used to act as an authentication mechanism for WordPress and its REST API, as well as an identity mechanism for other sites. It uses the URL from the profile page to identify the blog user or your author url. We recommend your site be served over https to use this.

You can also install this plugin to enable web sign-in for your site using your domain.5IndieAuthDescription (GitHub)“IndieAuth is a way to allow users to use their own domain to sign into other websites and services. 

The plugin turns WordPress into an IndieAuth endpoint. This can be used to act as an authentication mechanism for WordPress and its REST API, as well as an identity mechanism for other sites. It uses the URL from the profile page to identify the blog user or your author url. We recommend your site be served over https to use this.

You can also install this plugin to enable web sign-in for your site using your domain.”6IndieAuthDescriptionAllows you to log into other sites using IndieAuth, 100% self-hosted.7IndieAuthSuggestionSuggest making all descriptions consistent.8IndieAuthSettingsProvides the endpoints. Allows you to set the user that represnts the site, allow users to sign-in to your site using their site (I did not opt for this), and allows you to set the deault token expiration which I set to 0 to disable expiration.IndieWeb > IndieAuthPassed: I see the settings.I personally understand the concept of using my blog to log into sites. But will all users understand that? Would it be good to add a few links to sites that do allow this to be used? Also, it might be good to help us understand what an endpoint is. This plugin could become very technical based on the FAQ, if a person wanted to go further. Does anyone else have suggestions for that level of use?9IndieAuthFeatureUse your site to log into other services with IndieAuth.Testing Using Quill. Navigated to > Entered my URL > Approved Access > Land on Quill Content Entry.Passed: I am on a content entry screen after logging in using my URL.10IndieAuthFeatureAllow login to your site using IndieAuthN/A I don’t use this.

#100daysofindieweb #indieweb #projectjournal

great to see the network coupling with the mastodon network, I will be learning more about that this weekend! does anybody on already have a lot of people following them from mastodon? that is neat. does also have good support for RSS? #rss #indieweb #activitypub

great to see the network coupling with the mastodon network, I will be learning more about that this weekend! does anybody on already have a lot of people following them from mastodon? that is neat. does also have good support for RSS? #rss #indieweb #activitypub

We’re enabling ActivityPub for everyone now, not just recent users. This is needed so that you can fully migrate followers away from if you want to in the future. It will cause email notifications for some folks who haven’t used in years, but I think it’s the best way forward.

Is anyone aware of software that would provide commenting/likes/shares on a blog that is driven by #ActivityPub?

I've had a hunt but have come up short.

I'm thinking a Disqus like service that can be dropped into an existing static site and provide similar functionality driven by the interactions with a linked ActivityPub note.

This would be similar to #WebMentions via #IndieWeb but potentially more accessible to users who would simply be responding to a toot/post.

#SmallWeb #SelfHost

@ajsadauskas @pfefferle has it installed :) with a bunch of #IndieWeb plugins too

Added new rewritten, still WIP, micropub-server. Previous one was written in PHP but new one is written in Crystal. ( #indieweb #micropub #crystallang