The notable list: April 2023

Looking at #IndieAuth. It uses URL as the client identifier, but what if a fake native app steals the URL of another app? How can the user know whether the URL is genuinely linked to the app in their hand? Does someone have an answer? #indieweb #security

I spent an hour or so exploring the possibility of creating a trad comments system using webmentions (i.e. fill in a form with your name and comment and submit it to a webmention endpoint, rather than getting the commenter to publish something on a separate website). Alas, no, but it would be very cool if webmentions could parse form input names to enable this 🤷‍♂️.

C’est vendredi.

🏷 #indieweb #webmentions

#Admin #Indieweb

BTW, I know we have seen a swell of new users overall at the #Mastodon network...but I can note that a swell of new users daily have happened at this server too.

This sever is barely big enough that what we see here usually mirrors the bigger numbers.

(we are about .14% of all Mastodon network size)

And one or two clear spam accounts we prune out, but not many. Seems like this last week has seen a natural upward swell of new folks.



Hello local #indieweb instance! I am sick and instead of celebrating my birthday I am looking into #webmentions lol. I have the following question:

There are all sorts of "types" for mentions. Like/fav, reply... What if a website, a post, etc. appears on a listicle? Such as, or similar sites, that list interesting articles, or tools, etc. - Is that what "bookmark" is intended for?

What software are #community orgs using to manage a #library of shareable resources, both consumable and lendable (so giveaway and return)? This is for a "parts library" of sorts. Interested in what might have worked for you.

#sharing #solarpunk #mycopunk #indieweb

@J12t @evan @davidslifka @JPEGuin @judell @gabek @xtel @mike @pfefferle @manton @haubles @anildash

Raises my own hand ✋ - but then also add you can build on three developer communities already vibrant here: #Indieweb #WordPress developers and various flavors of #decentralized web developers....

I would never have an opinion my employer, society or the illuminati did not want me to have.

#technology #education #teaching #edtech #blog #indieweb #hugo #vr #K12 #teched

What I like about Infinite Backlog is the speed and ease of use. You can find my profile at and add me.

Great indie website. This is my first time using "boosts appreciated,"; but for a good reason. Support stuff like this.

P.S. I am just a user, not affiliated with the website or devs.

#Backlog #IndieWeb #GreatWebsite #Gaming #PlaystationOnline #VideoGames #BoostsAppreciated

How do you DIY a more human Internet for yourself, according to Cal Newport:
- Use #RSS
- Listen to podcasts, email newsletters
- Talk directly to people you meet on the Internet
- Express yourself via #socialmedia instances/websites you own

We have the tools to do this today.


@john I like that approach. In a way, it is similar to #IndieWeb, it pulls in the content from your other online presence and displays it in your own website.

The third-party services then become our “posting” channel, then it shows up in our own domain. It's like a CMS or blogging platform connected to the #Fediverse, but the other way around.

Did I understand it correctly?


@erincandescent @elplatt @cwebber @tsyesika those are good points. But it still seems like there should be some sort of periodic polling to backfill missed pushes, rather than relying entirely on retry with backoff which has a tendency to lead to thundering herd problems whenever there’s an outage.

Also I kind of prefer separate composable/optional protocols for doing different interactions, like webmention for replies (like in #indieweb).

Hello everyone! I'm a web developer (#Node and #PHP) in Madison, Wisconsin.

In my free time, I enjoy exploring the idea of #PKM, #SecondBrain, and using #Wiki to improve my #Productivity and #NoteTaking. I'm passionate about the ideals of the #IndieWeb and #SemanticWeb. I'm also interested in #Metaphysics, #Manifestation, and #Synchronicity.

I want to meet new people for conversations. I'd love to connect if any of my interests resonate with you! Thanks for reading my #Introduction.

Any #ActivityPub experts here? Is it possible to edit or delete an item that's in the author #feed that can be followed on the #Fediverse?

It's a cool feature but the lack of control is frustrating - especially since it goes to what looks like a #Mastodon (in this case) account where there's no way to edit the profile or respond to comments (at least that I know of).

#WordPress #IndieWeb #Blogging #POSSE #Website

@leigh @leigh from my experience: #ttrpg is a mixed bag with a good number having jumped to Mastodon and large percentage of others staying over there. In general if they have a game/podcast/convention to promote then they stayed on Twitter due to better reach.

#webdev is also mixed. It seems like the #indieweb aligned folks who like their vanilla html/js/css are all here. The framework folks stayed on Twitter or are doing both.

FediForum is this week! On Thursday I’ll be demoing how fits into the fediverse, and I’ll join in other sessions when I can. You can see the schedule here.

This is probably nothing new to #Mastodon folks, but still an interesting #podcast. Cal Newport talks about the importance of building your online presence on a website you own, #POSSE (though he doesn't quite call it that) and why the promise of #Twitter virality isn't worth it.

#Blogging #Blog #IndieWeb

Next I'd like to join a #webring. Maybe I'll even set one up myself!

Maybe I'll add some sort of guest book.

I could even create a #website award! Who else remembers giving out and receiving website awards?

#IndieWeb #SmallWeb #Homepage #PersonalSites #PersonalWebsites #WorldWideWeb #OldWeb

I've been working on my "Classic Homepage Project" for a while, and I think it's time to share it.

Visit my website at or magically at https://🦄

It's handwritten html/css and hosted on my #Synology NAS.

I also want to encourage others to make their own homepages and other personal websites. It's fun!

#IndieWeb #SmallWeb #Homepage #PersonalSites #PersonalWebsites

When it comes to creating content online, we should always #POSSE - Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere

But I also PESOS - Publish Elsewhere, Syndicate (to your) Own Site.

Basically, I turn some #SocialMedia posts into blog posts. I find that PESOS suits me better as I like to come up with posts on the fly, and it's easier to write longer articles from them.

#Blogging #Blogs #IndieWeb #Writing