Is there a #fediverse variant that has implemented threads well?

I think this might be an underestimated feature. There's a cadence that the threaded microblog post created that is kind of a new mode of communication - even a new kind of format for thinking.

It's this format that allows us to share the hook of a thought, then unpack it. It facilitates collaboration on early ideas - including testing the soundness of those ideas.

#Mastodon #SocialTech #IndieWeb

📢 Webmention Support in Enhance Blog Template

Our next step towards making it easier for folks to participate in the open and indie web is adding support for incoming and outgoing webmentions to the Enhance blog template.

by @macdonst

#enhance #blog #indieweb #webmentions ( saw your post ( from the #IndieWeb stream. Beautiful photos on your site! #btconf was great wasn’t it?

My personal URL is and my #fediverse @ is My Atom feed file is auto-discoverable by feed readers from my home page.

Feeding (so to speak) two discovery birds with one stonefruitÂą.

Your personal website can be your fediverse address², each providing seamless discovery for the other.

As web developers we should be building & developing our personal sites to exemplify the latest & greatest of such practices, including using Mastodon/ActivityPub as yet another distribution mechanism (ala POSSE) for your existing personal websites rather than a separate profile/stream.

Discussed this with and just after the last talk ( @btconf) yesterday, fitting conference closing thoughts complementing the heartfelt opening talk by (Âł.


feed file


#IndieWeb #btconf #fediverse

We finished #btconf last night talking about the discoverability of personal websites with @sophie and @nickautomatic.

It turns out it's hard to be read, even if you have captivating and original content.

Reply to this post with your personal url and I'll link you on my website, Bonus points if you have an RSS feed link.

Let's start a @btconf webring!


Back at Beyond Tellerand ( @btconf) and delighted to see the opening talk by Sophie Koonin (

“This Website Is under Construction – a Love Letter to the Personal Website”


See Sophie’s related post on “Building a website like it's 1999... in 2022” (

Hoping that some day someone in the #cryptography community takes notice of my Apis Cipher. I know it's not "cryptographically secure", but I do believe it's novel and not without its merits. That said, my #crypto math skills aren't the strongest, so maybe I'm wrong. I would love to see, though, a thorough break down of where it's strong and where it's not.
#IndieWeb #encoding #encryption

Apparently #Joomla can be #IndieWeb|ified too: 🤔

I mean Joomla (and especially it’s UI) gives me the creeps but good to know I guess.

#indieweb #joomla

does anyone know a french-language alternative to the wonderful ?

#en #blogging #indieweb

Back at Beyond Tellerand ( @btconf) and delighted to see the opening talk by Sophie Koonin (

“This Website Is under Construction – a Love Letter to the Personal Website”


Erin Kissane

Eris is back! Add this beautiful blog’s RSS feed to your reader now.

#erinkissane #blog #blogging #personal #publishing #indieweb

IndiePass development resumes, public problems with Webmention, and NPR flies the nest. It’s your < 10min update on the #IndieWeb community!

This Week in the IndieWeb audio edition for April 8th - 14th, 2023.

This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition • April 8th - 14th, 2023

#podcast #IndieWeb #this-week-indieweb-podcast

Quantifying content moderation effectiveness.

Moderation Interval: The time between when a post that needs to moderated is posted and when it is moderated in seconds.

Moderation Score: The average moderation intervals over a period of time.


ExamplesSingle Post

Something is posted that needs to be removed.
Post is removed after 60 minutes.
Moderation interval is 3600.

Daily (Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly) Score

5 posts need to be removed in one day.
Posts are removed after 5, 15, 30, 60, and 120 minutes respectively.
Daily moderation score is 2760.

0 Moderation Score

It is technically possible to have 0 (perfect) moderation score because posts are sometimes pre-emptively removed by automatic filters.


Content is sometimes wrongly removed
Doesn’t account for how much content is viewed before removal

For example, a post that is removed in 10 minutes but seen 100 times has a lower moderation interval (600) than a post that is removed after 5 minutes but is seen 1000 times (300).



#indieweb #moderation #social-media #technology

IndiePass development resumes, public problems with Webmention, and NPR flies the nest. It’s your < 10min update on the #IndieWeb community!

This Week in the IndieWeb audio edition for April 8th - 14th, 2023.

Blog writing for humans

My last blog post was the first one I posted without my relatively successful Twitter account (which I deactivated last year). It's about activism, and I don't feel too comfortable posting on Facebook, where I mostly share with people from my old gaming community, my family and my colleagues. I'm very tired of Mastodon, where I just set up an automatic post linking to the article, and of Instagram. I don't have a newsletter. I...

#en #blogging #indieweb #socialMedia

I absolutely love that the #Astronomy Picture of the Day, run in partnership by #NASA and MTU, and supported by the #NSF, has been running for over 25 years and looks nearly identical, today, as it did when I first discovered it and added it to my #RSS feed reader so long ago:

#astrophotography #photography #IndieWeb

Hey. Already in town for #btconf? Interested in a spontaneous #IndieWeb Meetup? Tantek invites you to be part of his gathering today. NH Hotel from 16:30 on … all information here:

I just posted a blog/letter about having to step away from an important person in my life.

#heartbreak #blog #indieweb #letter #sad #decisions

I just posted my sourdough making process online:

After teaching 3 people now and trying to write it up each time I thought it was worth writing it down once and for all. Now I need to decide whether that's enough or whether to go full #indieweb and make it pretty and add timers and videos and animations and generally over-invest in it