This page about Tech Independence by Derek Sivers is great. It’s very “indieweb-ish” and has lots of great tips to limit your big tech dependance. He goes a bit more into detail on this episode of the Tim Ferris Podcast.

My blog isn't showing up on the fediverse anymore and I can't understand why 🤦🏽 I disabled Yoast since I think that might have caused issue, as well ad uninstalled/re-installed the activitypub plugin

#activitypub #indieweb #troubleshooting

My Open Hardware Summit 2023 badge

#open hardware summit #open source #ohs2023 #hardware #badge

Moving Mastodon posts, valuing venues, and the dangers of dependencies. It’s your < 10min update on the #IndieWeb community!

This Week in the IndieWeb audio edition for April 22nd - 28th, 2023.

This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition • April 22nd - 28th, 2023

#podcast #IndieWeb #this-week-indieweb-podcast

Moving Mastodon posts, valuing venues, and the dangers of dependencies. It’s your < 10min update on the #IndieWeb community!

This Week in the IndieWeb audio edition for April 22nd - 28th, 2023.

Is there an equivalent of for pixelfed instances? That'd be amazing! #pixelfed #fediverse #selfhost #indieweb


As a member of the instance who hasn’t got a clue how to #code or #hack beyond a few html tweaks, I am constantly in awe of the “builder” vibe here (on #indieweb, on #Mastodon, on the #Fediverse). Everyone be like, “Hey, I built this over here!” And “Hey, I can connect that to this over there!” And “Yo, look what I did on top of all of that!” And none of it is for the purpose of raking in bucks or controlling an empire.

Planning to refresh /work on my website, looking for some inspiration:

Is there any personal site you have in mind where employment/freelance/OSS info and/or projects are nicely combined and presented on a single page?

#askfedi #indieweb #personalwebsites


New blog post! On not using analytics cookies any more

#blogging #indieweb

Getting started with Bluesky XRPC

Emerging thoughts:

What #Bluesky developers need to focus on: (and may be, I hope) actual Federation and adding clarity on how moderation, blocking, labeling really work. Dramatic upgrades needed and may be in the works.

What #Fediverse developers need to be doing: dramatically upping UX and onboarding. Good things in the works.

What #Indieweb and Fedi developers need to be doing: building software bridges between those two protocols & relays to handle AP-ATprotocol two way traffic at scale.


A recently updated application (which used to be called indigenous) is now called indiepass and is developed by Mark Sutherland @marksuth.
The application is suitable for #indieweb #mastodon #pleroma and #pixelfed. 😊

🌍 PlayStore

#app #apps #androidapp #androidapps #client #clients #mastodonapp #mastodonapps #indiepass #pleromapp

My latest blog post is up on I'm happy with the Enhance plugin I wrote to syndicate an RSS feed to multiple targets. Mastodon, Twitter and for now with more planned.

It works seamlessly with our Enhance Blog template, but you can also deploy it as a stand-alone app. Feel free to reach out to me with questions and feature requests.

#enhance #indieweb #posse

@darth Yeah, there's eg. already tools to bridge the #IndieWeb and the #Fediverse:

If I have webmention sending and receiving working, does bridgy fed ( backfeed to my site if someone replies in the Fediverse? Because it seems like that isn't the case as far as I can tell. #indieweb

How do you syndicate to Twitter or Mastodon from the Android mobile app ? #microblog #indieweb

I have a small connection to Jerry Springer (RIP): way back in 1996 I ran a web site for a friend called "". Another member -- named Jerry -- registered his first name as a domain name and parked it at slac, and then I suddenly started getting angry emails complaining slac was not the Jerry Springer web site.

I posted all of those emails, and slac is still running. So here you go.

#jerryspringer #indieweb

I'm kinda thinking about webrings and whether they might have a role in a community of artists.

They very much fell out of fashion after the rise of search engines, but it feels like an indieweb/fediverse kind of capability

Does anyone have some examples of sites that do webrings well and/or any webring management software that could be used?

#fediverse #indieweb #web #ring

How do you syndicate to Twitter or Mastodon from the Android mobile app ? #microblog #indieweb