Tried to post from IndiePress app today
It uploaded the text but not the photo (went back and added retroactively).

Unsure if this is my lack of service at the time or just the app -- I was in the boonies for a hike.

Adjusted Post Kinds plugin settings to include icons and kind in title. Need to add a submenu to navigation editor. 🌼
#indieweb #fediverse #fedi23

Those are relevant questions and an interesting debate for #Design and #UX folks. Let's contribute to making #Indieweb and #Fediverse accessible and easy for most.

Everyone’s building bridges to Bluesky. It’s your < 10min update on the #IndieWeb community!

This Week in the IndieWeb audio edition for April 29th - May 5th, 2023.

This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition • April 29th - May 5th, 2023

#podcast #IndieWeb #this-week-indieweb-podcast

Everyone’s building bridges to Bluesky. It’s your < 10min update on the #IndieWeb community!

This Week in the IndieWeb audio edition for April 29th - May 5th, 2023.

I added a graph of the last 10 weigh-ins in Tanzawa health.

#IndieWeb #OwnYourData #Health

I continue to pine for a native app that brings together all of my social/feeds into one place. Like, but native on macOS and iOS, and with support for the Fediverse, BlueSky, and

After weeks of struggle and failed attempts to bend my static website generator and its templating engine, I’ve given up and I’m now embracing React for my personal website.

I know that the #IndieWeb community favors simplicity and zero-cruft web, but simplicity to me means using the tool I already know.

And I love data viz, so I’m sorry if my corner of the web is going to take a few extra milliseconds to load, but it’s still less than what it would take for a good quality image anyway.

I've been experimenting with (@dev) to make a microblog to also share my thoughts and interact with others! I really like it works with the #indieweb

Here is my site

Please give me a follow.

The fediverse and the AT Protocol It's the joys of the #indieweb: you get all the immense fun of building your own little interoperable home on the web, with all the bugs that come along with it!

My blog now shows likes from the fediverse. It's the number of favourites on my toots sharing my blog posts.

The only remaining thing to complete #IndieWeb backfeeding is to show fediverse replies on my blog, I don't think I'll do this as it seems like a privacy issue.

Thanks to the maintainers of and for making such great services freely available

One core difference between the fediverse and the AT Protocol seems to be that AT decouples many key building blocks – identity, moderation, ranking algorithms, even your own data to some degree – from your server. The fediverse, on the other hand, ties them all to your server and sees that as a desirable feature.

The fediverse says, choose a server that you identify with as an individual, with admins who moderate according to your values, and a local timeline that you like reading.

The AT Protocol, on the other hand says sure, choose all of those, but independently from your server, and keep those choices if/when you migrate to a new server.

Interestingly, I don’t think much of this is really driven by ActivityPub itself except identity. Third party AP moderation tools could easily be built, and probably have been. Same with clients that rank your feed with custom algorithms. This seems like more of a cultural difference, a difference of values and philosophy about how social networking should work.

I love how most of my fedi collaborations end up with a Matrix space, instead of a Slack or Discord.

Open protocols FTW ✨

#IndieWeb #OpenSource #OpenWeb #Matrix

Does anyone know of a tool or method to export an old Livejournal blog?

Some of my oldest journal entries are still hosted there and I’d really like to get them out before I can’t.

Currently the site only allows you to export one month of posts at a time and that doesn’t include comments.

I see a package on GitHub but I’m not a developer so that’s no good to me. Appreciate any tips.

#indieweb #blog #blogger #blogging #livejournal #activitypub #journal #indiedev #indieauthor #micropub

@andrewhoyer I'm getting involved with a new project at my day job, learning to play the #piano in my mid-forties, working on a new #scifi novel, and making my static website my compatible with #indieweb tech.

I still haven't implemented outgoing #webmentions yet. Shouldn't be that hard, though.

In April I wrote my third unique cipher, the PentaBit Cipher. This is my first keyed cipher, and my first cipher capable of encoding alphanumeric plaintexts! You read about it, and try it out, over on my site.

#IndieWeb #cryptography #encoding #encryption

I write a blog post to help you implement Webmention on your website. I do not use JavaScript framework or anything like that in that blog post.

Most of the code snippets are HTML. JavaScript code snippet exists to tell you how to get the JSON data of the mentions that you already got.

#webmention #indieweb