Small nets, /now, and don’t blame the user. It’s your < 10min update on the #IndieWeb community!

This Week in the IndieWeb audio edition for May 6th - 12th, 2023.

I’m on quite a blogging roll since I started using Jekyll how it was intended – i.e. for publishing articles sans comments, webmentions etc. I seem to have settled on the 3-500 word post, which is an inbetween sort of length. Consequently, I’m posting more posts than notes 🤔

I’ve got an idea for a book as well.

🏷 #Indieweb #MicroBlogging #Writing

Eu intencionava dar uma estudada em #webmentions, mas vi um post recente de um cara com site pessoal falando que praticamente só recebia spam e que estava desativando webmentions no site dele².

Vocês têm alguma experiência com isso? Gostam? Desgostam?



#webmention #web #IndieWeb #W3C #blog #blogging

Honestly I think Mastodon should remove the DM feature from the UI given the nature of the AP protocol. Even if you encrypt the message contents it is still always going to be public information that you sent something and who you sent it to, given how ActivityPub works so given the reasonable expectation of privacy that comes with a feature like DMs, which AP just can't do, remove the feature from the interface so people know to use something else for private communication.

I am confused why I got questions like "What are your weaknesses?". How about your company tell their weaknesses first? This way both of us realize that nobody is perfect.

I wrote a blog post about my opinions on the hiring process that I experienced.
#Hiring #IndieWeb

There’s a new beta out for 3.0. This adds the last big missing feature: posting to external blogs like WordPress. It should work with blogs that support the MetaWeblog or Micropub APIs.

UK / London #IndieWeb folks, and others interested in having their own personal website, who'd be interested in reviving an in-person 2hr meetup this summer?

No, uncomfortable with in-person meetings
No, other reasons...

PS. I would LOVE to have a session introducing federated social media and exploring what this means for the practices of community building and marketing in open source.

Is that something you could speak to?

Please put a proposal in for #FOSSY's Community: Open Source in Practice track!

Happy to be a sounding board if you have questions or ideas.

Learn more about the event and our track here:

#OpenSource #IndieWeb #Fediverse

I’m excited to announce: Summer of blogging! For new folks signing up on, hosting is only $1/month for the summer. Full blog, photos, themes, ActivityPub, Bluesky cross-posting, and more. It’s a great time to start a blog at your own domain.

I've made some layout changes to my website:

I've moved the site intro and social links over to the left side of the main page to make more space for posts. I've shortened the footer and moved info about the site to a dedicated page. I've made it easier to get to the RSS/ATOM feeds, tags list and archives.

I've also added a newsletter link which takes you to Buttondown where you can subscribe to get my posts by email:

And lastly, each post now has a "Thanks for reading!" box at the end of the page which I'll be expanding with some more info and links soon.

My next plan in terms of site layout is to upgrade to Bootstrap v5.3 once it's out as it gives improved support for switching between dark & light modes (

You can also expect a post celebrating my 10 years of contribution to OpenEmbedded & Yocto Project to go live soon. But first, I need to do some real work...

#IndieWeb #Blog #Blogging

I think I’m in need of some #IndieWeb help. 🥴

So, in classic IndieWeb fashion, I want my website to be my hub on the internet.

But I’ve been looking into all the different standards (#Webmentions, #Micropub, #ActivityPub, etc.) but I'm not sure which one or which combination of them is best for my needs.

So I thought I might reach out on here with what I'm trying to do and see what people thought were some go ways to go about it.

🧵 1/?

Oh hey, my plugins weren't the cause of errors on my #IndieWeb #Known blog when updating the PHP version.

I don't really have a clue at the moment.


There's not enough time in the day to be a slave to capitalism and do things you enjoy.

I'll have to pick @ben or maybe @KevinMarks brains when the great economy gives me time.

New site is up, mostly just style changes along with migration back to jekyll.
I also added a Mastodon feed on the home page (uses client side JS).
The website is very much not mobile friendly at the moment.

#theWorkshop #personalWebsite #indieWeb

Text-only blog is the fastest blog to be rendered in the browsers.

#WebPerformance #IndieWeb

Updated my blog’s homepage. A small "cosmic" running in the background using SVG animateMotion. Still experimenting.

Recently added a "Penpal" page.

Cleaned up a bit of the CSS. Some adjustments to the layout. It feels neater.

#blogging #IndieWeb #PersonalWebsite #blog

I am running for election in this month’s #W3C ( @w3c) Advisory Board (AB) election¹ and blogged my personal statement: ( @fantasai) is also running for the #W3CAB, and admirably blogged her imminent affiliation change *before* the election started: — Congrats Elika! Your new affiliation is lucky to have you.

In addition to the two of us, ( @cwilso) also posts on his own blog and is running for the AB.

Those are the three candidates I know have their own personal #website, and was able to verify by searching for candidates on the web, #socialMedia, etc.

Three out of the nine candidates² running for election to the World Wide Web Consortium’s Advisory Board.

As I wrote in my statement:

> “I believe governance of W3C, and advising thereof, is most effectively done by those … who directly use & create on the web using W3C standards. This direct connection to the actual work of the web and W3C is essential to prioritizing the purpose & scope of governance thereof.”

I firmly believe that direct hands-on experience with using the web, beyond reading the web or using someone else’s apps, actually writing to the web, posting on the web, creating for the web, provides better insight into the technologies & standards necessary to evolve the web, how to improve them and represent the communities working on them.

I ask for your support for the Advisory Board, and support for those who create on the web.

If any other candidates have their own #IndieWeb site (or set one up!), and especially if they blog their personal statements, I will gladly link to them as well.

Thanks for your consideration.

#W3C #W3CAB #website #socialMedia #IndieWeb

Running For Re-election in the W3C Advisory Board (AB) Election