I'm not as optimist as others about the #openWeb and #indieWeb making a return comparable to the days of glory of the blogosphere, but I do have feeling that it will be a bridge, and those finding their space there will have an edge in whatever the new paradigm is going to be, even if it currently seems like a cause lost in the mist of unfriendly User Agents and single-user apps.


I was just asked if IndieBlocks can support a tumblelog-like site (A: Yes!) and … I’d completely forgotten there is in fact a simple setting for this. https://github.com/janboddez/indieblocks/issues/86

#indieblocks #indieweb #plugins #wordpress


Here's how you can add #Mastodon comments to the posts on your website: https://notes.abhinavsarkar.net/2023/mastodon-comments
#blog #indieweb #programming

Added support for displaying #Mastodon comments on my notes #blog by writing some quick #Javascript. #indieweb

People on the internet are creating dedicated websites to guide people to delete their accounts.

I am surprised to see this kind of website.
#IndieWeb #Today

Hi. Just moved over from "social". I live a little south of Glasgow, Scotland, and these are some of my interests:

There's a lot I like about the #fediverse, but my favorite part might just be seeing all these random domains people set up for themselves or their communities.

#IndieWeb #OpenWeb

A personal update

@dankim There's a good selection on https://indieweb.org/website-analytics -- I've not got anything integrated into my site yet, but I've (at least currently) got my eye on #Offen for once I get around to doing so. 'Internal work webapp' is definitely a different scope than #IndieWeb would usually be targeting, but that page looks like a good survey in general.

I missed that the videos from FediForum have been posted. Here’s the video of my demo of how Micro.blog works with the fediverse: youtu.be/2nKy-LKsS…

I thought I would prefer #posse more but #pesos is simpler to implement.

Publish on your Own Server and Syndicate Elsewhere vs Publish Elsewhere and Syndicate to your Own Server.

I can use mastodon as a frontend and have my site store my posts. That seems simpler than having to update mastodon when I publish something.

I also don’t want everything I publish to be posted here so I think it actually makes more sense to simply get mastodon posts from my blog.


I guess the first thing I'd probably want to have working is the #Guestbook since it will handle #Webmentions from other #IndieWeb sites and #Mastodon users via #BridgyFed I did get that working previously, but it felt a bit hacky the way I managed it.

Oof, bit of a hassle to tear down then rebuild my website, but it's back up sans any content. I'm really trying to learn this whole #IndieWeb thing, but I must lament that documentation is thin on the groundd & it makes figuring things out a bit frustrating at times. Maybe the slow & steady approach might be best... one element at a time.

Today, I delete my Facebook account. I had used it for a year and did not get anything good.

Now, I am happy that I have fewer social media accounts that I need to maintain.

How are IndieWeb people posting to Instagram these days?

I know, I know, fuck Zuck, Meta, Facebook, etc. but unfortunately I do have friends and family on there that I want to be able to share things with so I want to find a way to do it POSSE style.


For what its worth, I am pretty sure I also got things working with my Micropub endpoint, which makes life a heck of a lot easier for future projects with the AT protocol. Looking forward to being a better citizen of the new social web.

I am still navigating the complexities of embedding content vs. linking to it, etc., but I’m sure I’ll figure it out.

Tiny notes as I work on migrating my IndieWeb webring 🕸️💍 to a new tech stack.

Downloading the database from the glitch.com project’s .data folder was easier than I thought.

I’m also working with a slightly different schema to drop the unmaintainable emoji slugs, so learning the sqlite3 syntax for selectively dumping columns was very helpful!

Still a few rough edges to knock off, mostly around making sure I can successfully fetch folks’ pages and find the webring links on them, but it’s close!

#webring #sqlite #glitch #IndieWeb

Saying Hello

Hello world, and welcome to Greg’s Place! Since this is my first post, I’ll keep it short and just say that I’m eexperimenting with the #IndieWeb and #ActivityPub in particular in relation to how it would work with #Wordpress Crossing my fingers and hoping this goes off without a hitch… if you see this status update, please feel free to comment and say #Hello


Experimenting with Bridgy Fed

Oof, so the experiment with the ActivityPub and Friends plugins for WordPress didn’t exactly go to plan… I’m not entirely sure why things failed, but at least I have another option to experiment with known as #BridgyFed If everything goes to plan, those of you reading this via #Mastodon should be able to respond back from your preferred client using @gregsplace.net Go ahead and give it a try, as I’d like to know if Bridgy Fed actually works compared to the poor experience I got with the ActivityPub/Friends plugins.


Hi Greg, nice to see you around. I hope you have a lot of fun with your experiments 🙂

