For my blog's About page, I created a list of A Few of My Favorite Things. I had fun thinking about which personal and professional things I've enjoyed the most, from software to puzzlehunts to backpacking. #indieweb

Been thinking a lot about Nostr this week. Finally realized that it resonates in a “worse is better” way. This is a good thing and will help me grok how it fits alongside ActivityPub and Bluesky.

Are there any #indieweb ready Hugo themes? I looked a few years ago, but given the nature of the roll-your-own community there was not much.

#indiewebcamp #Hugo

Question for #indieweb folks: I remember a discussion about a syndication model that describes one of the ways I handle social media and my own site. It's sort of a selective/curated #pesos.

I don't import *all* my posts, just the ones I feel worth preserving, and those often as first drafts. I'll expand, rework, or otherwise finalize the posts on my website.

I could swear I saw someone come up with a term for this model, but I can't remember what it was!

how do you like it? better than ?

thanks @dennis

#indieweb #wapuu

A scatter plot showing most domains used for fediverse servers I'm connected to were registered around 2022-2023.

A handful of domains were registered between 1998-2008.

@elly I'm not sure what caused the glitch, but it works now - both on Linux and Android.

btw. nice website, I wish we'll see more people in this #indieweb space in the future.

@jack Very #IndieWeb adjacent content in this article. I also like the many links to other resources in it. Thanks for sharing, Jack!

I just moved over from another server (, so it seems it is #Introduction time.

I am a software engineer since 2006, currently at work I use #Scala, the Typelevel stack and functional programming, but in the past I also did Perl, PHP, JS and some Java, TypeScript, React recently.

Nowadays I really enjoy using #Rustlang in my pet projects.

Within tech I am also interested in #Indieweb, #SelfHosting, #NixOS.

How much do you think it costs to have a website?

I am not only asking about the amount of money but also about the personal information, time, and effort required to have a personal website.

#IndieWeb #today

Rebooting 🕸️💍 an IndieWeb webring

#🕸️💍 #webring #indieweb #update

Meeting new people(’s websites) and who edits the editors? It’s your < 10min update on the #IndieWeb community!

This Week in the IndieWeb audio edition for May 13th - 19th, 2023.

Meeting new people(’s websites) and who edits the editors? It’s your < 10min update on the #IndieWeb community!

This Week in the IndieWeb audio edition for May 13th - 19th, 2023.

This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition • May 13th - 19th, 2023

#podcast #IndieWeb #this-week-indieweb-podcast

A million times this

Again feeling the desire to build a new open source social website platform that natively supports feeds, ActivityPub, ATProto, with an integrated reader and mobile client.

Oh yeah, I don’t have any time for that and there isn’t a market for it 🤓 ( @wikipedia) now supports #IndieWeb rel-me!¹
Thanks to ( for the #MediaWiki RealMe extension²

Added it to my #Wikipedia User: page

View source and you can see the #relMe on a link tag:
 <link href="" rel="me">

Instructions to add yours here:

This is day 41 of #100DaysOfIndieWeb. #100Days

← Day 40:
→ 🔮

* 2023-02-01 GitHub supports multiple rel=me links:

#IndieWeb #MediaWiki #Wikipedia #relMe #100DaysOfIndieWeb #100Days ( @wikipedia) now supports #IndieWeb rel-me!¹
Thanks to ( for the #MediaWiki RealMe extension²

Added it to my #Wikipedia User: page

View source and you can see the #relMe on a link tag:
 <link href="" rel="me">

Instructions to add yours here:

This is day 41 of #100DaysOfIndieWeb. #100Days

← Day 40:
→ 🔮

* 2023-02-01 GitHub supports multiple rel=me links:


Happy Birthday Fediverse!