Just thinking … If you only used IndieBlocks’ “notes” for plain-text statuses, and only used its “like” custom post type for bookmarks (and renamed its slug to `bookmarks`) and replaced the Like block in its template for a Bookmark block … then you’d have added both a Twitter clone and a Delicious clone to your WordPress blog.

Anyway, that’ll be all.

#indieblocks #indieweb #wordpress


Fifteen, or one-third | A Working Library

Mandy’s been blogging for fifteen years:

The new stuff sits next to the old but doesn’t supplant it, doesn’t shove it out of the way. Each new post lays atop the next like sediment, and all the old layers remain exposed for you to meander through, with their mediocre sentences and lapsed claims, all the sloppy thinking ever on display. It’s a great exercise in humility, keeping a blog for this many years. But in exchange for the keen awareness of how far I still have to go as a writer, I have the space to keep going. I have the home to keep coming back to. And I will. I will return, again and again.

#blogging #writing #sharing #personal #publishing #indieweb #reading #anniversary

@hollie and to be fair to all the people working on #IndieWeb stuff (tools, tutorials, talks etc), having it more accessible is pretty much one of the most discussed pain points... ever. I for one see this discussed a lot.

@hollie people are generally not interested in work, just benefits. If you can't convince someone to invest a few clicks and keystrokes to create an account on micro.blog, maybe that's someone who wants to be left and that should be OK too.

The #IndieWeb can be accessible but there's no reason to make it ubiquitous.

@hollie a good step before things gets more organized is https://micro.blog

Allows anyone to create content and have a presence on Mastodon, Bluesky, Nostr while owning their data, so that no matter what the future brings, you can always move the data into a new solution, while still using it as a client to the social web.

I have tried many different tools to jump on the #indieweb ship and this is clearly the easiest and fun to use.

Web 2.0 may finally be democratized

I love all the #IndieWeb and #SmallWeb talk but I still don't see a lot of discussion of how to get The Average User (doesn't code, doesn't want to learn) into it. I stand on a fence line where I know just enough to tinker on my own site, but I can't seem to haul "regular" people over the fence - they're too intimidated and they aren't interested in the work. A lot of people already over the fence don't seem to notice that whole excluded group anymore. So...we just leave them? Is that the plan?

Is there a really simple guide to static site generators?

Search engines are failing me and I have no idea where to start with them.


@kaipelzel @GreyAreaUK @67MistakeNot online presences come and go. With #IndieWeb principles it's at least in your own hand what of your stuff survives and how long.

I've even stuff important to me still on my blog that is no longer available on Google+, Facebook, Twitter or even Diaspora. It survived all so far.

The #POSSE principle is IMHO key: Post on Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere. Makes pulling the plug a lot easier.

I'd not want to be associated with Twitter any more, for example.

I think @kfitz would love @sophie Koonin who's excited that "#Webrings are making a comeback". Like @kfitz, she wants "to bring the magic of the old days into the present day" with movements like the #IndieWeb. Here's @sophie at #btconf repeating with feeling that "building a website is a radical act" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZUqa-lTbnU&t=1877s

Next up on my #ReclaimOpen playlist is @kfitz who wants "us to go back and see if we can recover some of the best of what 2003 represented and infuse it with everything we've learned in the two decades since." Things like the #IndieWeb, the #fediverse, creativity without VCs, #Webrings & #RSS

Honestly, despite the ruckus happening at #Twitter #Reddit and other #SocialMedia, 2023 is the happiest I've been online.
That's because I discovered the idea of the #IndieWeb and also the #fediverse. I just feel more in control now and less manipulated by algorithms.
As a content creator, I feel less helpless & able to reach readers. :)

The ability to control your information flow is priceless!


First time I've seen the hashtag #IndieWeb. I like it!

What happened to #Twitter and now #Reddit is an urgent reminder that we need to embrace #Indieweb principles if we want to preserve Internet communities and free flow of information.


@shoq @Green_Footballs it does a bit more thanks to #webmentions, it retrieves comments under the original source post and display them on the blog (currently only works with Mastodon as far as I'm aware) this is part of the #indieweb concepts

@masukomi @webrecorder No need to conflate the "solve problem for everyone" with "save the content i care about" - the priority i shared in my original post.

If I've learned anything, it's that the larger coordination problems (cf web standards 😂) can take decades...

(I like that aspect of the #indieweb principles - "solve own problem first" as a design characteristic.)

Christian @the_cheis escribe en THE_CHEI$ sobre Linux, software libre y contracultura. En este post analiza la situación actual de las grandes plataformas sociales y como éstas han engullido al usuario, a la vez que plantea la web pequeña como posible solución al problema.

#Fediverso #indieweb #webpequeña


Oh, looks like Quill has been updated to indicate other social networks' character limits, because of one particular social network's downfall. Neat.

I don't remember the last time I opened that particular social network though...

#Quill #IndieWeb

I know that platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit aren't actually "the commons" but in my opinion there is a reason we see more engagement across a broader cross-section of stakeholders on these platforms -- they are easier to navigate.

I don't really have a succinct ending to this train of thought except if we expect things like the #IndieWeb to take off we need to make them more accessible to a wider cross section of people.

I'm not looking for anything specific at the moment, just doing a bit of a sniff test on alignment and general adoption re: principles.

#auspol #OnlinePrivacy #feminism #IndieWeb