can anyone tell me what the hashtag people use for web 1.0/oldwideweb stuff? the word is totally escaping me

edit: it was #indieweb, thanks @ubi

A screenshot of tomo's new website plan homepage. It is presented as a wordperfect document loaded on a 1980s amber CGA terminal.

The post reads:

Date: Thursday June 22nd, 2023
From: @vga256
Subject: what have i done

> so this is the day it all began. i barfed out a mastodon post lamenting
the loss of USENET.

| i can't believe i'm saying this - i just realized that i want #usenet groups back. to clarify - I'd like to see a usenet back, minus the "big 8" cabal, minus 200TB / day binaries, and all of the ugly crap we've seen since the 80s.
i'd like to see something like a new usenet offering activitypub integration, minimal data transfer (text-only), and easy group management.

> a few hours later, the lamentation crystallized a bit more, and became
the proposal for a design:

Adam Mosseri on why ActivityPub

finding out that #yesterweb blew up due to a 'digital guerilla' manipulating things behind the scenes, trying to make YW into a 'post-marxist' movement based in the #indieweb while keeping all of that on the down-low to attract regular nostalgic webdevs into the community was... Not on my 2023 bingo card frankly!

I’ve been saying for a while that the fediverse will likely evolve to having maybe 10 medium-sized platforms, not 1000+ small servers. It won’t be a failure if Threads is one of those. It’s still much better than a single platform with a billion users.

@dimi none, or rather my which allows me to be in all of them from my blog #indieweb

First thoughts about Threads

The way I blog has drastically changed since I discovered the IndieWeb. For one, I'm less precious with my blog posts. I allow mistakes, errors, and no longer think chronologically. Every post is an evolving document.

#IndieWeb #Blogging #Website #Writing

Sabbatical accomplishment! I finally cut version 4.0.0 of this gem for integrating Jekyll with the service, which enables webmentions for static sites. #indieweb #jekyll:

@jake4480 Awesome! I’ve been maintaining this list of *boutique* infosec-related blogs ( for a couple of years now. (This is my alt acct, I’m also @shellsharks )

#indieweb #infosec #cybersecurity

Meta unspools Threads


I’ve been reading my own movie reviews which is why I have to share this Night of the Lepus review with y’all.

#movies #rabbits #indieweb is awesome. Play around with that one! 🐦 is a GREAT searchable directory of over 1900 blogs! is fairly useless, but it looks nice and delivers what it promises. 🥪

#CoolWebsites #directory #directories #TinyWebsites #sandwich #sandwiches #RotatingSandwiches #interactive #game #games #websites #weird #useless #IndieWeb #WeirdWeb #WeirdWebsites

You can now vote in the inaugural Tiny Awards for a website that "best embodies the idea of a small, playful and heartfelt web".

#indieweb #TinyAwards

@timmy My motivation is help create a safe, less toxic, more open, social web.

One that makes centralization of power harder, and users empowered. I see that as a decades-long project that began with the #indieweb movement and spread into the #Fediverse and adjacent movements.

Meta is "in the fold" of acitivtypub whether the entire fedi blocks them or not. My strategy here is on how to best defend the open social web and hold them accountable.

@ton @FranciscovanJole maar tot die tijd dus caching of CDNs of dus link services. Ik vind het een beetje in strijd met het #indieweb idee dat hosting complexer wordt door #mastodon.

"Efter fem års karantän har jag hittat ett nytt sätt att förhålla mig till sociala medier som jag faktiskt tror på. Löst inspirerat av indieweb-rörelsen. Jag ska skriva och lägga ut material som vanligt på min hemsida. Efter det kommer jag även dela vidare på olika plattformar för att lättare nå ut till och hålla kontakten med både gamla och nya bekanta..."

#socialamedier #indieweb #syndikering