Just a reminder that constantly trying to "debate" each other online just ruins everything. https://sadgrl.online/cyberspace/internet-manifesto #yesterweb #socialmedia #oldweb #indieweb #sadgirl

Seen mixed messages on #WebMentions as part of the #IndieWeb movement.

If you have an opinion, what are your thoughts?

I'm rebuilding my website and was going to implement it, but heard some vague comments on how it's poor and not a good idea. I would love to know more why, as well as seeing arguments in favour.


What is your motivation to keep running a personal website?

#IndieWeb #11ty #today

Porter's Five Forces and the social web

It’s time for another IndieWeb blog carnival! Also, Threads, I guess. It’s your < 10min update on the #IndieWeb community!

This Week in the IndieWeb audio edition for July 1st - 7th, 2023. https://martymcgui.re/2023/07/09/this-week-in-the-indieweb-audio-edition--july-1st---7th-2023/

This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition • July 1st - 7th, 2023

#podcast #IndieWeb #this-week-indieweb-podcast

I'm on a roll. I've added another article to my website. Recovering silver from scrap microfilm.

I did a thread on twitter last year as I was doing the experiments - here's it's all written up.


#chemistry #science #indieweb

Q for advanced Mastodonians:

I’ve been reading about #ActivityPub and the #Fediverse because I’m curious how other platforms can interact with #Mastodon.

There are lots of other networks that interoperate: #Lemmy’s kinda like Reddit, #Pixelfed is like IG, #Writefreely for blogging, etc.

Apparently we are able to follow and interact with people from those other services through Mastodon.

How would I actually DO this? Like how would I find those people and see them in my M feed? #indieweb

It’s time for another IndieWeb blog carnival! Also, Threads, I guess. It’s your < 10min update on the #IndieWeb community!

This Week in the IndieWeb audio edition for July 1st - 7th, 2023.

Working on some more flexibility this morning to give people options for blocking Threads and other instances. Mixing lots of account types in one system is increasingly complicated: Micro.blog usernames, Mastodon handles, IndieWeb domains, newsletter email addresses… Spaghetti code.

Updated my website with some progress on my radio projects. Mostly trying to get the active antenna circuit to work again. #electronics #radio #indieweb


Using platforms like #Twitter & #Substack as your content home is a bad idea. Publish your content the POSSE/PESOS way instead.

#IndieWeb #Blogging #WritingCommunity #SocialMedia


@deadsuperhero for those that want public identities centered around their domains (#indieweb) this is a feature that they probably spent time ensuring enough rel:me tags for. For those wanting alt accounts or privacy, yeah not enough common sense like not reusing names, emails, etc going around.

@tchambers I noticed that donations are via #Patreon https://www.patreon.com/indiewebsocial but #IndieWeb https://indieweb.org uses #OpenCollective https://opencollective.com/indieweb .

Is that for philosophical reasons, simple disambiguation or some other reason?

@MerriNet Thank you for linking to Modern Font Stacks! My #website uses two fonts, but serves them itself rather than use Google Fonts. I’ll have to see how the alternatives look. #IndieWeb

@starbreaker @fluffy What do you not like about webmentions out of curiosity? I’m beginning to dive more into #indieweb and was considering an implementation.

@fluffy I agree with you, but I think #indieweb has some unnecessary baggage. For example, I think #webmentions were a mistake. Fortunately, they're optional.

Testing #Webmention &amp; #bridgy support. If you see this post, could you comment or like it?

#IndieWeb #POSSE


With Threads hitting 80 million users already, a lot of folks are dismissing Bluesky. But maybe it’s more important than ever for Bluesky to succeed. Or pivot slightly and implement enough of ActivityPub to co-exist? Micro.blog already cross-posts to Bluesky and I haven’t ruled out full federation.