Threads Adopting ActivityPub Makes Sense, but Won't Be Easy

Some more great #IndependentMusic on the #indieweb

@m2m is another #FediMusic artist well worth some ear time. Enjoy! :pg:

A question for the #ActivityPub #WebMentions #IndieWeb experts: We used to have WebMentions displayed as comments on @osi blog. Now the mentions only show up as icons, without the content of the mention and no direct link to the #Mastodon mention itself
Why this changed? How to get the full comment in #WordPress again?

Folks, my teenager is interested in starting his own weblog so he can write about video games. He does not necessarily want to start out with learning HTML and CSS, so a hosted service might be best. What’s a good place for a beginner?

#indieweb #blog

Hello #indieweb, #writing and #webdev. Do you know stretchtext (aka telescopic text, aka expando)? Ever seen it in action? Has any thoughts on it?

Example: @tectonic's page:

Doing some field research before consolidating an opinion and a blog post on it. Maybe.

Because however much I do really like the fediverse – conceptually and practically, it turns out – just providing me with a box to type shit in and then have that shit starred and “boosted” (or not) is not a good thing. I knew this first time round. I miss good writing. I reload the page a lot. I need the feedreader and the website back.
#IndieWeb #POSSE

@manton @adactio

#Indieweb for the win. ✊

The syndicate

#social #networks #syndication #crossposting #indieweb #medium #twitter #mastodon #flickr #bluesky #posse #rss #feeds #writing #publishing #sharing

Testing to see if I can sign my guestbook with Bridgy Fed, webmentions and mastodon.

#indieweb #ownyourdata #webmentions

These past few weeks my brain has been firing up so many ideas that I might as well revive my blog. So hyped up to start my blog again, this time I'm gonna really focus on content.
#blogging #neocities #indieweb

I'm setting up an #indieweb website to "own my voice" via federation and self-hosting. I'm not sure how it all works but i'm following along some tutorials at and following in the footsteps of our fearless "leader" @david . you can check it out at More content to follow!

What do you all think about low-data / low-energy ways to implement replies to messages in a relational database, that are resilient long-term? You can see the app in question here: (and code here:

The app currently gets all messages from the database, returns them as HTML, and caches them in localStorage. On subsequent page loads, it gets messages from localStorage first and then only checks the database for newer messages.

Thinking about how to implement replies on top of this this (also, welcoming input on the overall architecture as well).

Hacker News/Reddit nested replies is what's coming to mind, for informational architecture at least? I don't know how heavy it is to implement finding all the replies at each nested level and then rendering them in HTML. Probably much simpler technically with Twitter/Mastodon style (no nesting display), but kind of feels like nesting is the right direction for informational longevity (which is part of the idea)? Then again, not necessarily assuming that nesting a la HN/Reddit nesting always leads to better discussions.

What do you all think?

@scanlime @hydroponictrash @trashrobot @becomethewaifu @pikselkraft @alive @wwahammy @rzr @milo_bytes @yhancik @nolwennm @joachim @aral

#database #tech #backend #webdev #html #htmx #ux #design #architecture #postgres #relational #permacomputing #socialmedia #socialnetwork #indieweb #sql #fullstack #networking #computers #it

As the fediverse grows, new people will hear about and send us feedback about how we can improve. Always good! I listen to everything. On the other hand, the fact that the fediverse is so big means we can do things differently and still be successful. Not all platforms should be the same.

IndieWeb Carnival revisited

the 32-bit cafe is hosting its first-ever community code jam, and YOU are invited! :) from the week of july 16-22, we're #coding webpages about "that special thing close to my heart" — any of our fleeting interests! read more here and get your ideas ready:

#webdev #codejam #indieweb

I created a guestbook on my website. Send me a #webmention or sign in using #indieauth to fill out the guestbook. Check it out! Let me know if you have any suggestions?

#indieweb #decentralized #ownyourdata

@ademagic Same here. It’s an interesting concept but really hard to execute. It would be nice to have a chart for the #indieweb rabbit hole. OTOH we don’t want people pointing fingers to a website and saying “that’s not as indie as I am”, hence the difficulty of making this work without levels or hierarchies.

I daydream something akin to a skill tree common in RPGs, where people are free to diverge on their “builds”.

Came across the idea of the IndieMark metric not long ago. Sounds so good at first, but the deeper you go into the levels I wonder if it's still worth the effort?

I realise it's an early stage concept but in any case, a great list of things you can do for your #personalsite

I’ve written before about how your fediverse identity, data, and administration are all tied to your instance, for both technical and cultural reasons. There’s an awkward corollary: functionality in the fediverse is also currently tied to your instance.

Signed up on Great! You can microblog…but you can’t really do groups, long-form writing, live streaming, or much else. You can do those on Lemmy, WriteFreely, or OwnCast, but you’ll need an entirely separate account and identity for each one.

To be fair, this is the norm for consumer apps in general. Centralized social services all aim at their own specific niches. Consider Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn. Facebook tried to grow to be everything to everyone, but it’s an exception. (It also takes a much bigger centralized team, with more coordination and resources.)

Still, considering the bold modern vision of decentralized social, it seems positively quaint for your instance to limit what you can do. This is one reason I’m excited about new protocol ideas that more aggressively decouple identity from servers, eg Bluesky/ATProto and Nostr. The present moment seems ripe for experimentation, at least for a while. Let a thousand flowers bloom!